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Fire Damage
Fire damage is one of the five Damage Types. It is reduced by Fire Resistance. Fire hits have a chance to Ignite based on how much Fire damage is dealt.

Fire damage is one of the five damage types, and one of the three types of elemental damage. It can be mitigated by fire resistance.

Fire damage over time is usually inflicted by ignite, and fire hits have a chance to ignite based on the amount of fire damage dealt.


Fire damage modifiers usually deal the highest average damage compared to cold or lightning damage. It is also only one of the three elemental damage types to have an inherent damaging ailment. However, it also lacks any inherent crowd control effects.

Several fire skills are also Detonator skills, which can ignite Oil and cause flammable gas to explode, dealing fire damage.


A list of gems with the gem tag: Category:Fire (gem tag)

Skill gems

GemTierGem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Summon Infernal HoundSummon Infernal HoundPersistent, Fire
Level: (1-20)
Summons a Reviving Infernal Hound which Ignites enemies near it. The Hound takes a portion of damage from Hits for you.Minions Ignite Enemies within a radius of 1.5 metres as though dealt Base Fire Damage equal to 20% of Minion's Maximum Life

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Minions have (0–20)% more Maximum Life
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Flame WallFlame WallSpell, AoE, Fire, Duration
Tier: 1
Level: (1-40)
Cost: (12-1513) Mana
Create a wall of Fire in front of the character, which Ignites everything within its area. Any Projectiles fired through the wall by you and Allies deal added Fire damage and inflict the Ignite on hit.Wall duration is (4.5–6.4) seconds
Projectiles which pass through the wall deal (2–64) to (3–91) Added Fire Damage
Ignites as though dealing (13–364) to (20–545) Fire damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0–20)% more Magnitude of Ignite inflicted
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Skeletal SniperSkeletal SniperMinion, Persistent, Physical, Fire, Chaos
Tier: 1
Level: (1-2)
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Attack Speed: 120% of base
Attack Damage: 70% of base
Summons long-ranged, Reviving Skeletal Snipers that can fire a gas arrow on command.

Rains an arrow down from above, creating a cloud of flammable poisonous gas where it lands. Any Burning effects or Detonator skills will explode the gas cloud, creating a fiery explosion.
Minions from this Skill have +(0-20)% to all Elemental Resistances
Impact Radius is 1.4 metres
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Explosive GrenadeExplosive GrenadeAttack, AoE, Projectile, Grenade, Fire, Duration, Detonator
Tier: 1
Level: (1-40)
Cost: (10-870) Mana
Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec
Can Store 3 Use(s)
Attack Speed: 75% of base
Attack Damage: (135-1117)% of base
Fires a bouncing Grenade that unleashes a devastating fiery blast when its fuse expires.Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Explosion radius is (1.8–2.4) metres
Fuse duration is 2.5 seconds

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(1-20)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Ember FusilladeEmber FusilladeSpell, AoE, Projectile, Fire, Duration
Tier: 3
Level: 1
Conjures a blazing Ember that hovers above you. After a short duration, the Ember launches at an enemy, dealing Fire damage in an area on impact and prioritising the last enemy targeted. Recasting this spell resets the duration for all active Embers. Multiple Embers fired in the same Fusillade will attempt to target different enemies.Deals (7-186) to (10-279) Fire Damage
Embers deals 5% more damage for each previous Ember fired in sequence
Hover duration is 1.3 seconds
Can accumulate up to (6-10) Embers
Modifiers to number of Projectiles instead apply to number of Embers accumulated
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Incendiary ShotIncendiary ShotAttack, AoE, Ammunition, Projectile, Fire
Tier: 3
Level: 1
Loads your Crossbow with flaming bolts that fragment in flight, damaging and Igniting enemies on hit and in a small cone behind their final target.Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Knocks back enemies
100% more chance to Ignite enemies
Bolts shatter on impact, dealing Damage in a 1.9 metre cone
Fires 10 fragments per shot
Multiple fragments can Hit the same target
Multiple fragments hitting a target simultaneously will combine their damage into a single hit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.
Infernal CryInfernal CryWarcry, AoE, Trigger, Fire, Duration
Tier: 3
Level: (1-40)
Cost: (27-2258) Mana
Cooldown Time: 8.00 sec
Use Time: 0.80 sec
Performs a warcry, Empowering subsequent Attacks. Consumes all Endurance Charges to Empower additional attacks. Enemies in the warcry's area are destabilised and will Combust on death.(0–38)% increased Warcry Speed
Empowers the next Melee Attack you perform, plus an additional Attack per Endurance Charge consumed
Empowered Attacks Gain 25% of Damage as Fire Damage per 5 Power of enemies in range, up to 100%
Warcry radius is 4 metres
Destabilises Enemies for 8 seconds

Critical Hit Chance: 7.00%

The enemy's Corpse violently explodes, dealing Fire damage in an area around it.

Deals (4–119) to (7–179) Fire Damage
Deals 10% More Fire Damage per 1 Power of exploding Corpse
Explosion radius is 1.6 metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Empowered Attacks Gain (0–10)% of Damage as Fire Damage per 5 Power of enemies in range, up to (0–50)%
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
IncinerateIncinerateSpell, AoE, Sustained, Fire, Duration, Channelling
Tier: 5
Level: 1
Conjures a torrent of Fire from your hand, Igniting enemies in front of you. The flames grow stronger the longer you Channel for, and at maximum strength also apply stacking Fire Exposure and creating Ignited Ground.50% less Ignite duration
Modifiers to cast speed also affect this skill's cost
Cone length is 4.6 metres
Deals 40% more damage per stage
Inflicts stacking Fire Exposure at maximum stages, reducing Fire Resistance by 6% per stack, up to a maximum of 50%
8 maximum stages
Ignites as though dealing 120 to 179 Fire damage
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Solar OrbSolar OrbSpell, AoE, Sustained, Fire, Duration, Orb
Tier: 5
Level: 1
Creates a fiery Orb that periodically releases fiery pulses. Enemies that are very close to the Orb are Ignited.Deals 46 to 69 Fire Damage
Pulses every 1.4 seconds
Explosion radius is 2.5 metres
Orb duration is 10 seconds
Limit 1 Solar Orb
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Gas GrenadeGas GrenadeAoE, Projectile, Grenade, Fire, Chaos, Duration
Tier: 5
Level: 1
Cost: 13 Mana
Cooldown Time: 3.00 sec
Attack Speed: 75% of base
Attack Damage: 40% of base
Fires a bouncing Grenade that causes a burst of Poison gas when its fuse expires, damaging enemies and leaving behind a growing Poison cloud. Burning effects or Detonator skills will cause the cloud to explode in a fiery blast.Impact radius is (1.4–2) metres
Fuse duration is 2 seconds

Poison Cloud
Does not Hit, but Poisons enemies as though Hitting them
Gains 20% more Area of Effect per second, up to a maximum of 160%

Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Molten BlastMolten BlastAttack, AoE, Projectile, Fire
Tier: 5
Level: 1
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.
Perfect StrikePerfect StrikeAttack, AoE, Melee, Strike, Fire, Duration, Channelling
Tier: 5
Level: 1
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.
Rapid ShotRapid ShotAttack, Ammunition, Projectile, Fire
Tier: 5
Level: 1
Attack Speed: 550% of base
Loads your Crossbow with a large clip of heavily modified bolts that cause Heat to build up on your crossbow, before unleashing a stream of flaming bolts that gain Fire Damage based on your Heat. Heat also grants bonus damage to Grenades you fire, but dissipates rapidly when not building up. Using this skill again reloads the clip.Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Knocks Back Enemies
Maximum 17 Heat
Rapid Shots Gain 7% of Damage as extra Fire Damage per Heat
Charges for 800% of Attack Time before firing if used when you have no Heat
Gain Heat 4 times per second while firing
Grenades Gain 6% of Damage as extra Fire Damage per Heat
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.
Gas ArrowGas ArrowAoE, Projectile, Fire, Chaos, Duration
Tier: 7
Level: 1
Cost: 9 Mana
Attack Damage: 80% of base
Fires a noxious arrow at the ground, creating a cloud of flammable poisonous gas at the end of its flight. The cloud will detonate if hit by a Detonator skill or if an Ignited enemy touches it, creating a fiery explosion.Arrow
Impact radius is 1.8 metres

Poison Cloud
Does not Hit, but Poisons enemies as though Hitting them
Gains 50% more Area of Effect per second, up to a maximum of 200%
Cloud radius is 1.8 metres
Cloud duration is 4 seconds

Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Impact radius is 1.8 metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Impact radius is (0–0.4) metres
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skill Gem panel.
Detonate DeadDetonate DeadSpell, AoE, Physical, Fire, Detonator
Tier: 7
Level: 1
Cast Time: 0.80 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%
Requires Level 22Causes a Corpse to violently explode, damaging surrounding enemies.Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Explosive ShotExplosive ShotAmmunition, Attack, AoE, Projectile, Fire, Detonator
Tier: 7
Level: 1
Attack Speed: 70% of base
Loads your Crossbow with flaming bolts that explode on impact. The explosion will cause any Grenades in its area of effect to also explode.Converts 30% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Knocks Back Enemies
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.
FireballFireballSpell, AoE, Projectile, Fire
Tier: 9
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (11-118) Mana
Cast Time: 1.20 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Launches a large ball of Fire which explodes on impact, creating a nova of smaller firebolts.Projectile
Deals (7–193) to (11–290) Fire Damage

Explosion radius is 1.7 metres

Fires 8 Projectiles
Deals (5–145) to (8–218) Fire Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
+(0–10)% chance to fire 2 additional Projectiles
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.
Artillery BallistaArtillery BallistaAttack, Totem, AoE, Projectile, Fire, Duration
Tier: 9
Level: 1
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.
Detonating ArrowDetonating ArrowAttack, AoE, Projectile, Fire, Channelling, Detonator
Tier: 9
Level: 1
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.
Oil GrenadeOil GrenadeAttack, AoE, Projectile, Grenade, Fire, Duration
Tier: 9
Level: 1
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.
Volcanic FissureVolcanic FissureAttack, AoE, Melee, Slam, Sustained, Fire, Duration
Tier: 9
Level: 1
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.
FirestormFirestormSpell, AoE, Sustained, Fire, Duration, Payoff
Tier: 11
Level: 1
Cost: 55 Mana
Cast Time: 1.40 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Rains flaming bolts over the targetted area. Ignites on enemies in front of you are Consumed to fuel the Firestorm, causing one bolt to be improved for each Ignite Consumed.

Improved Bolt
Critical Hit Chance: 14.00%
Deals 153 to 230 Fire Damage
Impact radius is 1.8 metres
Deals (26-) to (39–) Fire Damage
Impact radius is 1 metre
Storm radius is (5.6) metres
Storm duration is 6 seconds
One impact every 0.10 seconds
Limit 1 Firestorm

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Impact radius is (0–0.2) metres
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
FlameblastFlameblastAoE, Fire, Channelling, Nova
Tier: 13
Level: (1-40)
Cost: (6-779) Mana
Critical Strike Chance: 8.00%
Requires Level 52Channels to build destructive energy around you or a targeted Solar Orb. Releasing the energy causes a devastating explosion that is larger and more intense the longer you Channelled forDeals (2–68) to (4–101) Fire Damage
30% more Cast Speed when targeting a Solar Orb
200% more Damage per Stage
10 Maximum Stages
Explosion Radius is 0.4 Metres per Stage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0–10)% more Cast Speed
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Cluster GrenadeCluster GrenadeAttack, AoE, Projectile, Grenade, Fire, Duration
Tier: 13
Level: 1
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.
Siege CascadeSiege CascadeAmmunition, Attack, AoE, Projectile, Sustained, Fire, Payoff
Tier: 13
Level: 1
Attack Speed: 75% of base
Loads your Crossbow with enemy-seeking projectiles which are fired into the air, dropping a bolt near every enemy in the target area. These bolts lodge into the ground and explode after a short delay.Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Fires Bolts at every Enemy within a 3.5 metre radius
Bolt explosion radius is 0.5 metres
50% more damage against Immobilised enemies
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.

Spirit gems

GemTierGem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Raging SpiritsRaging SpiritsBuff, Minion, Persistent, Fire, Duration
Tier: 4
Level: (1-20)
Cost: 30 Spirit
While active, your Fire Spells will also summon Raging Spirits, which are short-lived flaming skulls that rush at nearby enemies and rapidly Attack them. Enemies will not directly engage these Minions, and can pass through them.Minions from this skill convert 70% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Limit 10 Summoned Raging Spirits
Fire Area Spells summon a Spirit per 1.5 metres of radius
Projectiles from Fire Spells summon a Spirit on hit
Maximum 5 Spirits summoned per Spell cast

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Limit (0–1) Summoned Raging Spirit
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Herald of AshHerald of AshBuff, Persistent, AoE, Fire, Duration, Herald
Tier: 4
Level: (1-20)
Cost: 30 Spirit
While active, enemies you sufficiently Overkill with attacks will cause an explosion that Ignites nearby enemies based on the Overkill damage dealt.Buff
Ignite surrounding enemies if Overkill damage is at least 20% of enemy's maximum Life.

Explosion radius is 1 metre
Ignite duration is 3 seconds
Base Ignite damage is (16.67–23)% of Overkill damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Ignite surrounding enemies if Overkill damage is at least (0–2)% of enemy's maximum Life
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Magma BarrierMagma BarrierBuff, Attack, Persistent, AoE, Melee, Trigger, Fire, Duration
Tier: 4
Level: (1-40)
Cost: 30 Spirit
Attack Damage: (120-2172)% of base
When you raise your Shield it is infused with magma for a short time. Blocking during this time will spray magma at the attacker and grant you an Endurance Charge.Raising your shield infuses it with magma for 0.5 seconds
Cannot perform a magma-infused block for 0.75 seconds after magma dissipates
Gain Endurance Charge on Block

Magma Spray
Critical Hit Chance: 5.00%
Attack Damage: (120-490)% of base
(2-4) to (3-6) Added Fire Damage per 15 Armour on Shield
(4-234) to (7-351) Base Off Hand Fire Damage

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Raising your shield infuses it with magma for (0-0.2) seconds
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Cast on IgniteCast on IgniteBuff, Persistent, Trigger, Fire, Meta
Tier: 8
Level: 1
Cost: 60 Spirit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Elemental InvocationElemental InvocationBuff, Persistent, Trigger, Lightning, Cold, Fire, Meta
Tier: 8
Level: 1
Cost: 60 Spirit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Shard ScavengerShard ScavengerBuff, Persistent, Physical, Lightning, Cold, Fire
Tier: 8
Level: 1
Cost: 30 Spirit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Elemental ConfluxElemental ConfluxBuff, Persistent, Lightning, Cold, Fire, Duration
Tier: 14
Level: 1
Cost: 100 Spirit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.

Support gems

GemTierGem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Eternal FlameEternal FlameFire
Tier: 1
Level: 1
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing its Ignites to be inflicted less often but last longer.Supported Skills have 100% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
Supported Skills have 25% less chance to Ignite
Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Fire InfusionFire InfusionAttack, Fire
Tier: 1
Level: 1
Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Fire Damage but deal less Cold and Lightning DamageSupported Attacks Gain 25% of Damage as extra Fire Damage
Supported Attacks deal 50% less Cold and Lightning Damage
Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Tier: 1
Level: 1
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making it more likely to Ignite.Supported Skills have 100% more chance to IgnitePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Minion InstabilityMinion InstabilityMinion, Fire
Tier: 1
Level: 1
Supports skills which create Minions, causing them to violently explode when reduced to Low Life.Minions from Supported Skills explode when reduced to Low Life, dealing 15% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage to surrounding EnemiesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Armour ExplosionArmour ExplosionAttack, AoE, Trigger, Fire
Tier: 2
Level: 1
Supports Attacks, causing them to trigger a Fiery explosion when they Fully Break an enemy's Armour.Supported Skills trigger an Explosion when they Fully Break an enemy's ArmourPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Fiery DeathFiery DeathSpell, Fire
Tier: 2
Level: 1
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing enemies it Ignites to have a chance to explode on death.Enemies Ignited by Supported Skills have 60% chance to explode on death
Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to 10% of the Corpse's Maximum Life
Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Fire PenetrationFire PenetrationFire
Tier: 2
Level: 1
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making those Hits Penetrate enemy Fire resistance.Supported Skills Penetrate 30% Fire ResistancePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Infernal LegionInfernal LegionMinion, AoE, Fire
Tier: 2
Level: 1
Supports skills which create Minions, causing them and enemies near them to Burn. Damage dealt by the Burning is based off the Life of the supported Minion.Minions from Supported Skills take 20% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage per second
Minions from Supported Skills Ignite Enemies within a radius of 1.5 metres as though dealing Base Fire Damage equal to 20% of Minion's Maximum Life
Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Mana FlareMana FlareSpell, Fire, Critical
Tier: 2
Level: 1
Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Supports any Spell that Hits enemies, causing it to trigger a Mana Flare on Critical Hit. The Mana Flare consumes your Mana to deal Fire damage. Cannot support the skills of Minions.Supported Skills trigger Mana Flare on Critical Hit
Consumes 20% of current Mana to deal that much Fire damage
Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
WildfireWildfireAoE, Fire
Tier: 2
Level: 1
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, Spreading Ignites it inflicts to nearby enemies after a delay.Ignites inflicted by Supported Skills Spread to other enemies that stay within (0–1.5) metres for 2 secondsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Burning InscriptionBurning InscriptionAoE, Fire
Tier: 3
Level: 1
Supports any skill which creates Runic Inscriptions when Cast, causing those Runic Inscriptions to trigger Burning Inscription when they expire. Burning Inscriptions is a Spell which creates Ignited Ground based off of your Maximum Mana.Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Elemental DischargeElemental DischargeSpell, Lightning, Cold, Fire, Payoff
Tier: 3
Level: 1
Cooldown Time: 1.00 sec
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 10.00%
Supports any Spell that Hits enemies, causing it to consume Elemental Ailments on hit to trigger an Elemental Discharge. Cannot support the skills of Minions.Supported Skills Cannot inflict Freeze, Shock or Ignite
Supported Skills Consume Freeze, Shock and Ignite on hit to trigger Elemental Discharge

Consuming Ignite deals 35% to 55% of
your Intelligence as Fire Damage
Consuming Freeze deals 30% to 50% of
your Intelligence as Cold Damage
Consuming Shock deals 1% to 80% of
your Intelligence as Lightning Damage
Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Fire ExposureFire ExposureFire, Duration
Tier: 3
Level: 1
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to inflict Fire Exposure when it Ignites an enemy.Supported Skills inflict Fire Exposure for 8 seconds on Igniting an EnemyPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Fire MasteryFire MasteryFire
Tier: 3
Level: 1
Supports Fire skills, granting them an additional level.+1 to Level of Supported Fire SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
FrostfireFrostfireCold, Fire, Payoff
Tier: 3
Level: 1
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to Consume Freeze on Igniting a Frozen enemy to boost the effect of the Ignite.100% more Magnitude of Ignite inflicted on Frozen targets with Supported Skills
Supported Skills cannot cause Freeze buildup
Supported Skills Consume Freeze from Enemies they Ignite
Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
ImmolateImmolateFire, Payoff
Tier: 3
Level: 1
Supports Attacks, granting them extra Fire damage against Ignited enemies but making them unable to Ignite enemies themselves.Supported Skills cannot Ignite
Supported Attacks Gain 30% of Damage as extra Fire Damage against Ignited enemies
Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Searing FlameSearing FlameFire
Tier: 3
Level: 1
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing inflicted Ignites to deal more damage but its Hits to deal less damage.Supported Skills deal 25% less Damage with Hits
75% more Magnitude of Ignite inflicted with Supported Skills
Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
StormfireStormfireLightning, Fire
Tier: 3
Level: 1
Supports any skill that Hits enemies, prolonging Shocks they inflict on Ignited enemies.Shocks from Supported Skills do not expire on Ignited enemiesPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.

Base items

The following base items are related to fire damage:

ItemRequired levelStats
Ruby CharmRuby CharmLasts 4.00 Seconds
Consumes 40 of 80 Charges on use
+25% to Fire Resistance
Requires Level 5Used when you take Fire Damage from a HitUsed automatically when condition is met. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refill at Wells or by killing monsters.
5Used when you take Fire Damage from a Hit
Fire QuiverFire QuiverRequires Level 8Adds 3 to 5 Fire Damage to AttacksCan only be equipped if you are wielding a Bow.8Adds 3 to 5 Fire Damage to Attacks

Unique items

The following unique items are related to fire damage:

Painter's ServantPainter's Servant
Torn Gloves
Energy Shield: 933% of Elemental Damage Converted to Cold Damage
33% of Elemental Damage Converted to Fire Damage
33% of Elemental Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Gain (5-10)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Gain (5-10)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Gain (5-10)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
Bloodshed on the crimson shores,
longing for the endless sea.
Treasures, life, I'd give it all
just to capture thee.
33% of Elemental Damage Converted to Cold Damage
33% of Elemental Damage Converted to Fire Damage
33% of Elemental Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Gain (5-10)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Cold Damage
Gain (5-10)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Gain (5-10)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
Wylund's StakeWylund's Stake
Smithing Hammer
One Hand Mace
Physical Damage: 4-7
Elemental Damage: 4-7
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.45
Requires 11 StrAdds (4-6) to (8-10) Physical Damage
Adds (4-6) to (8-10) Fire Damage
+(10-20) to Strength
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
Hits Break (30-50) Armour
Apply Fire Exposure when fully breaking enemy Armour
Shaped metal never forgets the forge.
Adds (4-6) to (8-10) Physical Damage
Adds (4-6) to (8-10) Fire Damage
+(10-20) to Strength
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
Hits Break (30-50) Armour
Apply Fire Exposure when fully breaking enemy Armour
Fire Quiver
Requires Level 8Adds 3 to 5 Fire Damage to AttacksAdds (3-5) to (6-9) Fire Damage to Attacks
+(30–50) to maximum Mana
50% increased chance to Ignite
Projectiles Pierce all Ignited enemies
Attacks Gain (5–10)% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Molten feathers, veiled spark,
Hissing arrows from the dark.
Can only be equipped if you are wielding a Bow.
Adds 3 to 5 Fire Damage to AttacksAdds (3-5) to (6-9) Fire Damage to Attacks
+(30–50) to maximum Mana
50% increased chance to Ignite
Projectiles Pierce all Ignited enemies
Attacks Gain (5–10)% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Blistering BondBlistering Bond
Ruby Ring
Requires Level 8+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance+(40-60) to maximum Life
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
(-15--10)% to Cold Resistance
You take Fire Damage instead of Physical Damage from Bleeding
"The Brotherhood of Silence does not set out to torture our targets.
Excruciating pain is simply a byproduct of certain... necessary methods."
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance+(40-60) to maximum Life
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
(-15--10)% to Cold Resistance
You take Fire Damage instead of Physical Damage from Bleeding
Ruby Ring
Requires Level 8+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance(20–30)% increased Fire Damage
(3.1–6) Life Regeneration per second
(20–30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Ignites you inflict spread to other Enemies that stay within 1.5 metres for 2 seconds
Fear the fire that spreads like a plague.
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance(20–30)% increased Fire Damage
(3.1–6) Life Regeneration per second
(20–30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Ignites you inflict spread to other Enemies that stay within 1.5 metres for 2 seconds
The SentryThe Sentry
Gothic Quarterstaff
Elemental Damage: 25-50
Critical Strike Chance: 11.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Requires Level 11, 22 Dex, 11 IntNo Physical Damage
Adds (25-32) to (40-50) Fire Damage
+(30-50) to Accuracy Rating
+20% to Fire Resistance
100% increased chance to Ignite
30% increased Light Radius
The night Draven attacked,
Erian was asleep at his post.
No Physical Damage
Adds (25-32) to (40-50) Fire Damage
+(30-50) to Accuracy Rating
+20% to Fire Resistance
100% increased chance to Ignite
30% increased Light Radius
Sombre Gloves
Energy Shield: 15Requires Level 12, 20 Int(50-80)% increased Energy Shield
(20-40)% increased Fire Damage
(10-20)% reduced Cold Damage
+(20-40)% to Fire Resistance
-(10-20)% to Cold Resistance
Chance to Ignite is doubled
You can be the wick or the wax. Either way, your light goes out and mine goes on.
(50-80)% increased Energy Shield
(20-40)% increased Fire Damage
(10-20)% reduced Cold Damage
+(20-40)% to Fire Resistance
-(10-20)% to Cold Resistance
Chance to Ignite is doubled
Radiant GriefRadiant Grief
Lace Hood
Evasion: 67Requires Level 16, 30 Dex(80-100)% increased Evasion Rating
+(15-25)% to Fire Resistance
30% increased Light Radius
Enemies in your Presence are Ignited as though dealt 100 Base Fire Damage
No man burns alone.
(80-100)% increased Evasion Rating
+(15-25)% to Fire Resistance
30% increased Light Radius
Enemies in your Presence are Ignited as though dealt 100 Base Fire Damage
The Searing TouchThe Searing Touch
Pyrophyte Staff
StaffRequires Level 16, 34 IntGrants Skill: Level (5-20) Living Bomb(80-120)% increased Fire Damage
(10-20)% increased Cast Speed
100% increased chance to Ignite
100% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict
Burn to cinders, scar and maim,
Rule a world, bathed in flame.
Grants Skill: Level (5-20) Living Bomb(80-120)% increased Fire Damage
(10-20)% increased Cast Speed
100% increased chance to Ignite
100% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict
Amethyst Ring
Requires Level 20+(7-13)% to Chaos Resistance(15-30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
50% reduced Ignite Duration on Enemies
Enemies Ignited by you take Chaos Damage instead of Fire Damage from Ignite
50% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict
Beyond the veil of death, there burns a fire
by whose light night is borne.
+(7-13)% to Chaos Resistance(15-30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
50% reduced Ignite Duration on Enemies
Enemies Ignited by you take Chaos Damage instead of Fire Damage from Ignite
50% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict
Cloak of FlameCloak of Flame
Silk Robe
Energy Shield: 61Requires Level 22, 47 Int+(30-50)% of Fire Resistance
(30-50)% reduced Ignite Duration on You
40% of Physical Damage taken as Fire Damage
25 to 35 Fire Thorns damage
He who sows an ember shall reap an inferno.
+(30-50)% of Fire Resistance
(30-50)% reduced Ignite Duration on You
40% of Physical Damage taken as Fire Damage
25 to 35 Fire Thorns damage
Guiding PalmGuiding Palm
Shrine Sceptre
Spirit: 100
Requires Level 26, 18 Str, 41 IntGrants Skill: Level (8-20) Purity of FireAllies in your Presence deal (4-6) to (7-10) additional Attack Fire Damage
+(5-10) to all Attributes
25% increased Light Radius
50% of your Life Regeneration is granted to Allies in your Presence
The stories we tell serve to unite us.
Grants Skill: Level (8-20) Purity of FireAllies in your Presence deal (4-6) to (7-10) additional Attack Fire Damage
+(5-10) to all Attributes
25% increased Light Radius
50% of your Life Regeneration is granted to Allies in your Presence
Solar LanceSolar Lance
Forked Spear
Physical Damage: 17-32
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.60
Requires Level 26, 20 Str, 48 DexNo Physical Damage
Adds (10-15) to (25-30) Fire Damage
(40-60)% increased Projectile Speed
No Physical Damage
Adds (10-15) to (25-30) Fire Damage
(40-60)% increased Projectile Speed
Solar Amulet
Requires Level 30+(10-15) to Spirit(10-20)% increased Rarity of item found
(30-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Take 100 Fire Damage when you Ignite an Enemy
+(1-4) to Level of all Fire Skills
Tale-women in training drink of a painful desert fruit.
Fire, they learn, springs from agony.
+(10-15) to Spirit(10-20)% increased Rarity of item found
(30-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Take 100 Fire Damage when you Ignite an Enemy
+(1-4) to Level of all Fire Skills
Birth of FuryBirth of Fury
Stone Greaves
Armour: 102Requires Level 33, 57 Str20% increased Movement Speed
+(40-60) to maximum Life
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
Drop Ignited Ground while moving, which lasts 8 seconds and Ignites as though dealing Fire Damage equal to 10% of your maximum Life
As the sun rises and the light approaches,
so too shall your enemies fear you.
20% increased Movement Speed
+(40-60) to maximum Life
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
Drop Ignited Ground while moving, which lasts 8 seconds and Ignites as though dealing Fire Damage equal to 10% of your maximum Life
Blueflame BracersBlueflame Bracers
Goldcast Cuffs
Armour: 37
Energy Shield: 14
Requires Level 33, 30 Str, 30 Int+20 to maximum Energy Shield
+(10-20) to Intelligence
+(5-15)% to Fire Resistance
+(5-15)% to Cold Resistance
100% of Fire Damage Converted to Cold Damage
The secret was lost with its maker.
+20 to maximum Energy Shield
+(10-20) to Intelligence
+(5-15)% to Fire Resistance
+(5-15)% to Cold Resistance
100% of Fire Damage Converted to Cold Damage
The Rat CageThe Rat Cage
Scout's Vest
Evasion: 184Requires Level 33, 68 Dex(100-150)% increased Evasion Rating
+300 to maximum Life
25% reduced Attribute Requirements
100% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Physical Damage
The truth lies inside every man, if you dig around.
Many a confession was found in the bowels of Axiom.
(100-150)% increased Evasion Rating
+300 to maximum Life
25% reduced Attribute Requirements
100% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Physical Damage
The Three DragonsThe Three Dragons
Solid Mask
Evasion: 87
Energy Shield: 35
Requires Level 45, 46 Dex, 46 Int(40-60)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(10-20)% to all Elemental Resistances
Fire Damage from Hits Contributes to Shock Chance instead of Ignite Chance and Magnitude
Cold Damage from Hits Contributes to Ignite Chance and Magnitude instead of Chill Magnitude or Freeze Buildup
Lightning Damage from Hits Contributes to Freeze Buildup instead of Shock Chance
"The ice seared his naked feet
As the lightning stilled his heart,
But it was the flames upon his lover's face
That roused him to vengeance."
- From 'The Three Dragons' by Victario of Sarn
(40-60)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(10-20)% to all Elemental Resistances
Fire Damage from Hits Contributes to Shock Chance instead of Ignite Chance and Magnitude
Cold Damage from Hits Contributes to Ignite Chance and Magnitude instead of Chill Magnitude or Freeze Buildup
Lightning Damage from Hits Contributes to Freeze Buildup instead of Shock Chance
Sacred FlameSacred Flame
Shrine Sceptre
Spirit: 100
Requires Level 84, 58 Str, 149 IntGrants Skill: Level 19 Purity of FireGain (40-60)% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Allies in your Presence Gain (20-30)% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Allies in your Presence Regenerate (2-3)% of their Maximum Life per second
Enemies in your Presence Resist Elemental Damage based on their Lowest Resistance
Fire destroys, but fire also purifies.
Life always springs anew.
Grants Skill: Level 19 Purity of FireGain (40-60)% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Allies in your Presence Gain (20-30)% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Allies in your Presence Regenerate (2-3)% of their Maximum Life per second
Enemies in your Presence Resist Elemental Damage based on their Lowest Resistance

Passive skills

Base passive skills

The following passive skills are related to fire damage: Lua error: Error: Table passive_skills not found..

Keystone passive skills

The following keystone passive skills are related to fire damage: Lua error: Error: Table passive_skills not found..

Ascendancy passive skills

The following Ascendancy passive skills are related to fire damage: Lua error: Error: Table passive_skills not found..

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.
