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Meta Gems
Meta Gems are Skill Gems that can use, Trigger, or otherwise apply the effects of other Skill Gems. Skill Gems and Support Gems can be socketed into them interchangeably, though most Meta Gems require at least one Skill Gem to be socketed to function.

Meta skills are those that allow you to socket other active skills as support gems. Meta gems are usually always trigger skills or create an aura-like effect.


Support gems socketed in a meta gem will support the meta gem and any other compatible socketed skill gems.


Main page: Energy

Most meta gems generate and use Energy, a counter that balances the frequency of triggering the skill based on its use time. The rate that Energy is obtained may be influenced by enemy Power, a stat dependent on the enemy's rarity.


There are 12 meta skill gems:

GemTierGem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Cast on FreezeCast on FreezeBuff, Persistent, Trigger, Cold, Meta
Tier: 8
Level: 1
Cost: 60 Spirit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Cast on IgniteCast on IgniteBuff, Persistent, Trigger, Fire, Meta
Tier: 8
Level: 1
Cost: 60 Spirit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Cast on Minion DeathCast on Minion DeathBuff, Minion, Persistent, Trigger, Meta
Tier: 8
Level: (1-20)
Cost: 60 Spirit
While active, gains Energy when one of your Minions is Killed, and triggers socketed Spells upon reaching maximum Energy. Cannot socket Spells which create Minions.Supported Skills gain (0–38)% increased Energy
Gains 50 base Energy when a Minion is Killed, modified by the Minion's Power
Triggers all Socketed Spells and loses all Energy on reaching maximum Energy

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills gain (0-20)% increased Energy
Place one or more Skill Gems into this Meta Gem's sockets in the Skills Panel. The socketed Skills will be incorporated into the Meta Gem's effect.
Cast on ShockCast on ShockBuff, Persistent, Trigger, Lightning, Meta
Tier: 8
Level: 1
Cost: 60 Spirit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Barrier InvocationBarrier InvocationBuff, Persistent, Trigger, Meta
Tier: 8
Level: 1
Cost: 60 Spirit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
BlasphemyBlasphemyBuff, Persistent, AoE, Aura, Meta
Tier: 8
Level: 1
Cost: 60 Spirit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Elemental InvocationElemental InvocationBuff, Persistent, Trigger, Lightning, Cold, Fire, Meta
Tier: 8
Level: 1
Cost: 60 Spirit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Hand of ChayulaHand of ChayulaAttack, AoE, Melee, Strike, Chaos, Meta
Tier: 9
Level: 1
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.
Ancestral Warrior TotemAncestral Warrior TotemAttack, Totem, AoE, Melee, Physical, Duration, Meta
Tier: 13
Level: (1-13)
Cost: (0-54) Mana
Raises a Totem that uses socketed Mace Skills. Cannot use Channelling Skills or Skills with Cooldowns.Totem duration is 8 seconds
Limit 1 Totem
Totem base attack time is 1 second
Totem uses its own weapon, dealing (6-141) to (9-212) base Physical damage
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.
Cast on CriticalCast on CriticalBuff, Persistent, Trigger, Meta
Tier: 14
Level: 1
Cost: 100 Spirit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Cast on DodgeCast on DodgeBuff, Persistent, Trigger, Meta
Tier: 14
Level: 1
Cost: 100 Spirit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Reaper's InvocationReaper's InvocationBuff, Persistent, Trigger, Meta
Tier: 14
Level: 1
Cost: 60 Spirit
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.

Version history

Version Changes
  • (Hotfix 1) Meta Gems will no longer trigger in town areas.
  • Skills socketed in a Meta Gem's sockets can no longer gain energy.
  • Introduced to the game.