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Freeze is an Ailment that causes targets to be unable to move or act, and lasts 4 seconds by default.

Cold damage from Hits Contributes to Freeze Buildup on enemies until they become Frozen.

Freeze or frozen is a non-damaging cold ailment that causes targets to be unable to act by fully slowing their action speed and immobilising them.


Freeze reduces action speed to 0, preventing movement and usage of skills. The duration of freeze depends on the damage taken by the enemy after mitigation relative to the enemy's ailment threshold.

If a hit that can freeze fails to do so due to not reaching the minimum ailment threshold, it will instead add to a counter called Freeze Buildup. When freeze buildup reaches or exceeds 100%, it will apply a fixed duration freeze to the target, then reset the counter to 0%.

Each time a boss monster is frozen either directly or by accumulating freeze buildup, its ailment threshold against freeze increases. This value decreases over time to its base value.

Blocking a hit does not prevent it from applying freeze buildup.

Related gems

ItemRequired levelStats
Biting Frost1Supported Skills cannot cause Freeze buildup
Supported Skills Consume Freeze on enemies to deal 50% more Damage
Chaotic Freeze1Chaos damage Contributes to Freeze buildup for Hits against targets taking damage over time from Supported Skills
Deep Freeze1Supported Skills have 50% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
Elemental Discharge1Supported Skills Cannot inflict Freeze, Shock or Ignite
Supported Skills Consume Freeze, Shock and Ignite on hit to trigger Elemental Discharge

Consuming Ignite deals 35% to 55% of
your Intelligence as Fire Damage
Consuming Freeze deals 30% to 50% of
your Intelligence as Cold Damage
Consuming Shock deals 1% to 80% of
your Intelligence as Lightning Damage
Escape Shot1Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
+0.7 seconds to Total Attack Time
300% more Freeze Buildup
Impact radius is 2.4 metres
Fragmentation Rounds1Fragmentation Rounds
Knocks Back Enemies
Multiple fragments can Hit the same target
Multiple Fragments hitting a target simultaniously will combine their damage into a single Hit
Bolts Pierce 2 Targets
Fires 10 fragments per shot
Vs Frozen
Attack Damage: (425-1326)%
Base Explosion radius is (1.4-1.6) metres

1 Bolts loaded per clip
Freezing Mark1Limit 1 Marked target
Mark duration is 8 seconds
Hits against Marked enemy cause 28% more Freeze buildup
Frost Nexus1Supported Skills create Chilled Ground for 4 seconds when they Freeze an Enemy
Frost Wall1Deals 92 to 139 Cold Damage
50% more Freeze Buildup
Explosion radius is 2 metres
Ice Crystal duration is 8 seconds
Ice Crystals have 3086 maximum Life
Frostfire1100% more Magnitude of Ignite inflicted on Frozen targets with Supported Skills
Supported Skills cannot cause Freeze buildup
Supported Skills Consume Freeze from Enemies they Ignite
Glaciation1Supported Skills cause 50% more Freeze Buildup
Herald of Ice1Buff
Enemies you Shatter explode

Attack Damage: (70–286)%
Cannot Freeze
Explosion radius is 1.8 metres
100% of Explosion Physical Damage
Converted to Cold Damage
Ice Bite1Attacks Gain 35% of Damage as Cold Damage for 3 seconds on Freezing an enemy with Supported Skills
Ice Nova1Base
Deals (4-113) to (6-170) Cold Damage
100% more Magnitude of Chill inflicted
Knock Enemies Back on Hit
Nova radius is 3.2 metres

Cast on Frostbolt
50% more Freeze Buildup
Ice Shards1Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
Knocks Back Enemies
Can fire 12 Bolts before reloading
50% less Freeze Buildup
Permafrost Bolts1Permafrost Bolts
Converts 80% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
Knocks Back Enemies
80% more Freeze Buildup
Bolts shatter on impact, dealing Damage in a 2.7 metre cone
Multiple fragments can Hit the same target
Multiple Fragments hitting a target simultaniously will combine their damage into a single Hit
Fires 10 fragments per shot

1 Bolts loaded per clip

Related base items

ItemBase itemItem classRequired levelStats
Thawing CharmUtility Flask12Used when you become Frozen

Unique Items

ItemBase itemItem classRequired levelStats
Mist WhisperMakeshift CrossbowCrossbow1Adds (8-10) to (13-15) Cold Damage
Gain 5 Mana per Enemy Killed
(30-50)% increased Freeze Buildup
30% increased Chill Duration on Enemies
Attacks Chain 1-2 additional times
Taryn's ShiverGelid StaffStaff1Grants Skill: Level (1-20) Freezing Shards(80-120)% increased Cold Damage
(10-20)% increased Cast Speed
100% increased Freeze Buildup
Enemies Frozen by you take 50% increased Damage
Winter's BiteGlass ShankDagger1No Physical Damage
Adds (8-10) to (15-18) Cold Damage
Freezes Enemies that are on Full Life
FrostbreathSlim MaceOne Hand Mace10Adds (8–12) to (16–20) Physical Damage
Adds (8–12) to (16–20) Cold Damage
+5% to Critical Hit Chance
All Damage from Hits with this Weapon Contributes to Freeze Buildup
Culling Strike against Frozen Enemies
Grip of WinterFirm BracersGloves11(30-50)% increased Evasion Rating
Adds (3-5) to (6-8) Cold Damage to Attacks
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
(40-50)% increased Freeze Buildup
(20-30)% increased Magnitude of Chill you inflict
Dream FragmentsSapphire RingRing12+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance20% increased maximum Mana
(30-50)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
You cannot be Chilled or Frozen
PolcirkelnSapphire RingRing12+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance(20-30)% increased Cold Damage
+(40-60) to maximum Mana
+(10-15) to Strength
Enemies Chilled by your Hits can be Shattered as though Frozen
IcetombMail VestmentsBody Armour16+(20–30) to Strength
+(20–30) to Intelligence
+(30–40)% to Cold Resistance
Freeze as though dealing Cold damage equal to 10% of your maximum Mana when Hit
Shackles of the WretchedAged CuffsGloves16(30-50)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
You cannot be Chilled for 6 seconds after being Chilled
You cannot be Frozen for 6 seconds after being Frozen
You cannot be Ignited for 6 seconds after being Ignited
You cannot be Shocked for 6 seconds after being Shocked
Curses you inflict are reflected back to you
Call of the BrotherhoodTopaz RingRing32+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance+(10-20) to Intelligence
(25-35%) increased Mana Regeneration Rate
(20-30%) increased Freeze Buildup
100% of Lightning Damage Converted to Cold Damage
Obern's BastionStacked SabatonsBoots33(150–200)% increased Armour and Evasion
(20–25) Life Regeneration per second
200% increased Stun Recovery
(30–50)% reduced Chill Duration on you
(30–50)% reduced Freeze Duration on you
(30–50)% reduced Shock duration on you
The Three DragonsSolid MaskHelmet45(40-60)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(10-20)% to all Elemental Resistances
Fire Damage from Hits Contributes to Shock Chance instead of Ignite Chance and Magnitude
Cold Damage from Hits Contributes to Ignite Chance and Magnitude instead of Chill Magnitude or Freeze Buildup
Lightning Damage from Hits Contributes to Freeze Buildup instead of Shock Chance
Beyond ReachVisceral QuiverQuiver65(20-30)% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks(10-15)% reduced Attack Speed
Chaos Damage from Hits also Contributes to Freeze Buildup
Chaos Damage from Hits also Contributes to Electrocute Buildup
Attacks Gain (10-20)% of Physical Damage as extra Chaos Damage

Version history

Version Changes
  • It is now more difficult to chain-freeze enemies, by reducing the amount of Freeze Buildup applied after a Freeze has been applied.
  • Introduced to the game.