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Physical Damage
Physical damage is one of the five Damage Types. It is the most common and the only one reduced by Armour, rather than by a Resistance.

Most physical damage comes from Weapon Attacks, but some Spells and other skills deal physical damage as well. Physical damage over time can be inflicted with Bleeding.

Physical damage is one of the five damage types. Most martial weapons deal physical damage. Physical damage from hits is mitigated by armour and other sources of physical damage reduction.

Physical damage over time is usually inflicted by bleeding or Corrupted Blood. Armour has no effect on damage over time.


Physical is the only damage type without a resistance; instead, it has a stat called physical damage reduction, to which armour contributes. Overwhelm directly ignores physical damage reduction similar to penetration, but cannot go below zero. Armour break, however, can go below zero.

Physical damage is the default damage type for attacks, and almost all martial weapons have base physical damage. Local physical damage modifiers and quality affect the physical damage of weapons.

Physical damage is 50% more likely to stun an enemy and causes 50% more Heavy Stun buildup than other damage types.


A list of gems with the gem tag: Category:Physical (gem tag)

Skill gems

GemTierGem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Skeletal Sniper1NoNoYes
Armour Piercing Rounds1YesYesNo
Killing Palm1NoYesYes
Bone Cage3NoNoYes
Skeletal Arsonist3NoNoYes
High Velocity Rounds3YesYesNo
Staggering Palm3YesYesNo
Armour Breaker3YesNoNo
Shield Charge3YesNoNo
Shockwave Totem3YesNoNo
Raise Zombie5NoNoYes
Resonating Shield5YesNoNo
Detonate Dead7NoNoYes
Shield Wall7YesNoNo
Skeletal Reaver9NoNoYes
Bone Offering11NoNoYes
Seismic Cry11YesNoNo
Tornado Shot11YesYesNo
Skeletal Brute13NoNoYes
Ancestral Warrior Totem13YesNoNo

Spirit gems

GemTierGem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Plague Bearer4NoYesNo
Scavenged Plating4YesNoNo
Shard Scavenger8YesYesNo

Support gems

GemTierGem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Bursting Plague1NoNoNo
Stomping Ground1NoNoNo
Heavy Swing2NoNoNo
Life Thief2NoNoNo
Soul Thief2NoNoNo
Deep Cuts3NoNoNo
Physical Mastery3NoNoNo

Base items

The following base items are related to physical damage:

ItemRequired levelStats
Ancestral Warrior Totem1Totem duration is 8 seconds
Limit 1 Totem
Totem base attack time is 1 second
Totem uses its own weapon, dealing (6-141) to (9-212) base Physical damage
Broadhead Quiver1Adds 1 to 3 Physical Damage to Attacks
Iron Ring1Adds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks
Crumbling Maul38Causes Enemies to Explode on Critical Kill for 10% of their Life as Physical Damage
Advanced Crumbling Maul62Causes Enemies to Explode on Critical Kill for 10% of their Life as Physical Damage
Expert Crumbling Maul79Causes Enemies to Explode on Critical Kill for 10% of their Life as Physical Damage

Unique items

The following unique items are related to physical damage:

Asphyxia's WrathAdds 1 to 3 Physical Damage to AttacksAdds (3-4) to (5-8) Cold Damage to Attacks
(5-10)% increased Attack Speed
+(5-10)% to Cold Resistance
Enemies Chilled by your Hits increase damage taken by Chill Magnitude
Attacks Gain (5-10)% of Damage as Extra Cold Damage
BlackheartAdds 1 to 4 Physical Damage to Attacks(3–6) Life Regeneration per second
Adds (4–6) to (8–10) Chaos Damage to Attacks
25% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit
BluetongueAdds (4-6) to (7-10) Physical Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
Lose 3 Mana per Enemy Killed
100% increased Attack Damage while not on Low Mana
Bramblejack+(60-100) to maximum Life
+(60-100) to Stun Threshold
Cannot Evade Enemy Attacks
250% of Melee Physical Damage taken reflected to Attacker
Regenerate 5% of Life per second while Surrounded
Brynhand's MarkAdds (10-14) to (16-20) Physical Damage
+(30-50) to Accuracy Rating
+(10-20) to Strength
Causes Double Stun Buildup
Crown of Thorns+(100-150) to maximum Energy Shield
Lose 5 Life when you use a Skill
(3-5) to (6-10) Physical Thorns damage
Pain Attunement
HoghuntAdds (16-20) to (23-27) Physical Damage
+15% to Critical Hit Chance
10% reduced Attack Speed
+10 to Strength
Maim on Critical Hit
Northpaw+(15-25) to Evasion Rating
Adds (3-5) to (8-10) Physical Damage to Attacks
(20-30)% increased Critical Damage Bonus
Base Critical Hit Chance for Attacks with Weapons is 8%
RedbeakAdds (4-6) to (7-10) Physical Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
Gain 3 Life per Enemy Killed
100% increased Attack Damage when on Low Life
Splinter of LorattaAdds (3-5) to (8-10) Physical Damage
+(30-50) to Accuracy Rating
20% increased Range
20% chance to Poison on Hit
The Blood ThornAdds (8-12) to (16-18) Physical Damage
+(10-15) to Strength
Causes Bleeding on Hit
(4-5) to (8-10) Physical Thorns damage
Winter's BiteNo Physical Damage
Adds (8-10) to (15-18) Cold Damage
Freezes Enemies that are on Full Life
Wylund's StakeAdds (4-6) to (8-10) Physical Damage
Adds (4-6) to (8-10) Fire Damage
+(10-20) to Strength
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
Hits Break (30-50) Armour
Apply Fire Exposure when fully breaking enemy Armour
Hrimnor's HymnCauses (30–50)% increased Stun Buildup(80–120)% increased Physical Damage
+(10–15) to Strength
Gain (10–20) Life per Enemy Killed
Slam Skills you use yourself cause Aftershocks
Rampart Raptor(20–30)% increased Bolt Speed(40-60)% increased Physical Damage
(30-40)% increased Attack Speed
100% chance to not consume a bolt if you've Reloaded Recently
30% decreased Reload Speed
Jarngreipr50% increased Armour and Evasion
Adds (2-3) to (5-6) Physical Damage to Attacks
+(30-50) to maximum Life
(4-8)% increased Attack Speed
Strength can satisfy other Attribute Requirements of Melee Weapons and Melee Skills
Blistering Bond+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance+(40-60) to maximum Life
+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance
(-15--10)% to Cold Resistance
You take Fire Damage instead of Physical Damage from Bleeding
FrostbreathAdds (8–12) to (16–20) Physical Damage
Adds (8–12) to (16–20) Cold Damage
+5% to Critical Hit Chance
All Damage from Hits with this Weapon Contributes to Freeze Buildup
Culling Strike against Frozen Enemies
Ashrend+(40-60) to maximum Life
+(10-20) to Strength
+(30-40)% to Fire Resistance
Cannot be Ignited
-10 Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
Briarpatch(10–20)% increased Movement Speed
+(40–60) to maximum Life
+(60–80) to Stun Threshold
+25% to Thorns Critical Hit Chance
(10-15) to (20-25) Physical Thorns damage
Edyrn's Tusks(120-160)% increased Armour
50% chance to inflict Bleeding on Hit
50% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
(15-20) to (25-30) Physical Thorns damage
The SentryNo Physical Damage
Adds (25-32) to (40-50) Fire Damage
+(30-50) to Accuracy Rating
+20% to Fire Resistance
100% increased chance to Ignite
30% increased Light Radius
Treefingers(30-60)% increased Armour
Adds (6-10) to (12-16) Physical Damage to Attacks
5% reduced Attack Speed
(20-30)% increased Stun Buildup
Giant's Blood
TrephinaAdds (12-25) to (22-25) Physical Damage
(10–15)% increased Attack Speed
Causes (30–50)% increased Stun Buildup
Always deals Critical Hits against Heavy Stunned Enemies
Brain RattlerAdds (18-22) to (24-28) Physical Damage
Adds 1 to (50-55) Lightning Damage
(10-15)% increased Attack Speed
All damage with this Weapon causes Electrocution buildup
Crown of the Pale King(50–100)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(40–80) to maximum Life
10% increased Rarity of Items found
(10-15) to (20-25) Physical Thorns damage
Thorns damage is triggered by all Hits
Splinterheart(120–160)% increased Physical Damage
+(50–70) to Accuracy Rating
(20–30)% increased Projectile Speed
Projectiles Split towards +2 targets
TrenchtimbreAdds (13–15) to (22–25) Physical Damage
(20–30)% increased Attack Speed
+(1–3) to Level of all Minion Skills
Increases and Reductions to Minion Attack Speed also affect you
Cloak of Flame+(30-50)% of Fire Resistance
(30-50)% reduced Ignite Duration on You
40% of Physical Damage taken as Fire Damage
25 to 35 Fire Thorns damage
Astramentis+(5-7) to all Attributes+(80-100) to all Attributes
-4 Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
Death Rush+(120-160) to Accuracy Rating+(75-125) to Accuracy Rating
+(75-125) to Evasion Rating
Leech 5% of Physical Attack Damage as Life
You gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill
Solar LanceNo Physical Damage
Adds (10-15) to (25-30) Fire Damage
(40-60)% increased Projectile Speed
Wandering Reliquary+(50-100)% increased Armour
+(40-60) to maximum Mana
+(10-20) to Strength
+(60-80) to Stun Threshold
50% of Physical Damage prevented Recouped as Life
Nazir's JudgementAdds (30-36) to (75-81) Physical Damage
+(50–100) to Accuracy Rating
(10–20)% increased Stun Duration
Causes Daze buildup equal to 100% of Damage dealt
Ryslatha's Coil(10-15)% reduced Charm Charges Used
Charm Slots: 1+(80-100) to maximum Life
(30-50)% increased Flask Life Recovery rate
(30-40)% more maximum Physical Attack Damage
(30-40)% less minimum Physical Attack Damage
Heartbound Loop(7-10)% increased Cast SpeedMinions have (10-15)% increased maximum Life
(10-15) Life Regeneration per second
(20-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
300 Physical Damage taken on Minion Death
Minions Revive (10-15)% faster
Belly of the Beast(100-150)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(100-150) to maximum Life
+(100-150) to Stun Threshold
Life Recovery from Flasks is instant
(25-30) to (35-40) Physical Thorns Damage
Bushwhack(15–25)% increased Movement Speed
(50–80)% increased Evasion Rating
+(10–20) to Dexterity
Physical Damage is Pinning
Chober Chaber+100 Intelligence Requirement
Adds (58-65) to (102-110) Physical Damage
+(80–100) to maximum Mana
+50 to Spirit
Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect you
Deidbell(60-100)% increased Armour
+(10-20) Strength
(20-30)% increased Warcry Speed
Corpses in your Presence Explode when you Warcry, dealing 10% of their Life as Physical Damage
Warcry Skills have (20-30)% increased Area of Effect
The Rat Cage(100-150)% increased Evasion Rating
+300 to maximum Life
25% reduced Attribute Requirements
100% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Physical Damage
QuecholliCauses Enemies to Explode on Critical Kill for 10% of their Life as Physical Damage(100–150)% increased Physical Damage
+(10–15) to all Attributes
Gain 30 Life per Enemy Killed
This Weapon's Critical Hit Chance is 100%
Critical Hits do not deal extra Damage
Perfidy(100–150)% increased Armour and Evasion
(10–40)% chance to Avoid Physical Damage from Hits
(10–40)% chance to Avoid Chaos Damage from Hits
Enemies in your Presence are Intimidated
Beyond Reach(20-30)% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks(10-15)% reduced Attack Speed
Chaos Damage from Hits also Contributes to Freeze Buildup
Chaos Damage from Hits also Contributes to Electrocute Buildup
Attacks Gain (10-20)% of Physical Damage as extra Chaos Damage

Passive skills

Base passive skills

The following passive skills are related to physical damage: Lua error: Error: Table passive_skills not found..

Keystone passive skills

The following keystone passive skills are related to physical damage: Lua error: Error: Table passive_skills not found..

Ascendancy passive skills

The following Ascendancy passive skills are related to physical damage: Lua error: Error: Table passive_skills not found..

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.
