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Olroth, Origin of the Fall

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Olroth, Origin of the Fall
Olroth, Origin of the Fall
Olroth, Origin of the Fall
Level(s) 79-82
Location(s) Expedition Logbook
Damage Physical, Cold
Resistance(s) Physical, Cold

Olroth, Origin of the Fall is the endgame boss of Expedition encountered randomly (~20%[1]) in area level 79+ Expedition Logbooks. He can also be found in area level 77-78 Logbook areas on higher Difficulties due to the area level increase.


Phase 1:

Skill Skill description
Sword Slam Throws his sword into the air then slams it down on a target location, leaving pulsing shockwaves behind.
Sword Throw Throws out his sword that returns shortly after, then casts a cold damage AoE around him upon catching it.
Light Pillar Creates a set of light pillars that rotate around him, slowly closing in towards him.
Charged Attack Charges up his attack then dashes towards the player, sweeping his sword in front of him.

Phase 2: Same attacks but with modified area.

Skill Skill description
Tracking Cold Beam A beam that slowly follows that player.
Cold Projectiles Cold projectiles that shoot at your current position and explode in a small area.
Center Arena Beam A beam which goes through the middle of the arena, leaving Chilled Ground once it dissipates.

At Difficulty 1 or higher, the boss arena contains three Runic Gateways around the perimeter that constantly spawn Unearthed Skeletal Warrior adds throughout the fight.


  • Difficulty 0: (Area Level 79-80), 5 respawn chances
  • Difficulty 1: +1 to Area Level of Expedition Logbooks (Area Level 79-81), 4 respawn chances, arena contains three Runic Gateways that spawn adds.
  • Difficulty 2: +1 to Area Level of Expedition Logbooks (Area Level 79-81), 3 respawn chances
  • Difficulty 3: +2 to Area Level of Expedition Logbooks (Area Level 79-82), 2 respawn chances
  • Difficulty 4: +2 to Area Level of Expedition Logbooks (Area Level 79-82), 1 respawn chance


Estimated drop table
Item Difficulty 0 Difficulty 1 Difficulty 2 Difficulty 3 Difficulty 4[2][3]
Olrovasara 36%
Keeper of the Arc 34%
Svalinn 15%
Heroic Tragedy 11%
Olroth's Resolve 4%

Version history

Version Changes
  • Added up to five respawn attempts for the Olroth, Origin of the Fall boss fight, based on the fight difficulty.
  • Respawns can only be triggered by the person who put in the Expedition Logbook, Breachstone or An Audience with the King, and everyone in your party will be respawned at the same time.
  • Introduced to the game.
