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The Arbiter of Ash

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The Arbiter of Ash
The Arbiter of Ash
The Arbiter of Ash
Level(s) 80-82
Location(s) The Burning Monolith
Damage Physical, Fire
Resistance(s) 75%

The Arbiter of Ash is the pinnacle boss of The Burning Monolith.


Phase 1

  • Beam: "You have failed... Humanity has failed... It must start again"/"Accept your finality"/"Behold... The Burning Horizon" - Channels a long beam of fire
  • Flaming Gales: "A plague-born... Hungry for Her milk... Yet ruthlessly pillaging her... Of all she could give"/"Foul belligerent gods... Ascendants of the feeble... Cursed Her supple flesh... and mind"/"Corruption plagues... and Her wounds worsen... The cleansing foretold is.. preordained" - Covers the arena in a red mist, leaving a strip in the middle. When he points with his weapon, the areas covered in red mist are covered in a flaming gale. Repeats several times in different directions, facing the way the strip follows.
  • Falling Flame Seed: "Rapture of flame"/"Sacred Fire of the Mothersoul, you are called upon" - A seed of fire fall from the sky in sequence, creating a ring. The area outside of the ring explodes with fire after a short duration.
  • Falling Flame Seed Combo: "Fields of Ash... and chasms of Flame... Shall restore Her glory" - Teleports quickly, causing several seeds of fire fall from the sky in sequence, each creating a ring. The area outside of the ring explodes with fire after a short duration.
  • Sword Combo: "Bound by destiny" - Cleaves his sword around 2 or 3 times while moving.
  • Sword Slash: Flies into the air then slams with his sword, creating a long shockwave forward.
  • Flying Slam: "Acquiesce, mortal" - Flies into the air them slams the ground in a large area.
  • Bullet Hell: "Endless ravaging pain"/"She revokes your existence" - Fires slow-moving fire orbs which fire several small projectiles in all directions periodically.

Phase 2

At <50% health, The Arbiter will briefly become immune, teleporting to the centre of arena and changing his hand sceptre into a sword. Continues to use attacks from the previous phase.

  • Sword Beam: "Accept your finality" - Points forward with his weapon, creating a wide flaming gale while shooting a long beam of fire.
  • Donut Bullet Hell: "The Fourth Edict beckons" - Creates a flaming orb which fires a ring of small projectiles periodically. The entire ring explodes in a chain reaction on contact.
  • Summon Seeds: Periodically creates a Chill Seed and Blackflame Seed at opposite sides of the arena. Once activated, their ground effects last indefinitely until cancelled out by the opposite seed.
    • Chill Seed: "Let fear of the void... Control you... So She may be reborn" - The Arbiter will embed his sword into the white seed, covering the arena in Chilled Ground with a 30% action speed slow.
    • Blackflame Seed: "Tainted morality... Coursing through time to find you" - The Arbiter will embed his sword into the purple seed, covering the arena in Ignited Ground.
  • Slow Flame Seed: "Rapture of Flame" - Creates a single large donut bomb in front of the boss. The boss may occasionally charge up a Sword Beam which fires into the ring just before it detonates.
  • Combo Slam: "You tarry... You rot... You... Another vessel of sorrow" - Flies into the air and creates a line of fire across the arena, then performs three slams from the air, with a larger area each time.


  • Difficulty 0: (Area Level 80), 5 respawn chances
  • Difficulty 1: +1 to Area Level of The Burning Monolith (Area Level 81), 4 respawn chances
  • Difficulty 2: +1 to Area Level of The Burning Monolith (Area Level 81), 3 respawn chances
  • Difficulty 3: +2 to Area Level of The Burning Monolith (Area Level 82), 2 respawn chances
  • Difficulty 4: +2 to Area Level of The Burning Monolith (Area Level 82), 1 respawn chance


Estimated drop table
Item Difficulty 0 Difficulty 1 Difficulty 2 Difficulty 3[1][2] Difficulty 4[3][4]
Morior Invictus 50% 37%
Solus Ipse 25% 15%
Sine Aequo 8% 5%
Ab Aeterno 17% 11%
Sacred Flame 12%
Prism of Belief 20%

If Witness to History is allocated (Arbiter has 20% chance to drop an additional Unique item), Arbiter has a chance to drop another random unique item from his exclusive drop table.


OST: Arbiter of Ash (Early Access)

Version history

Version Changes
  • Fixed a bug where the "you have died" screen could persist after being revived in the Arbiter of Ash Boss fight when using a controller.
  • To address the problem of only having one attempt at the Arbiter of Ash Boss fight, you will now have up to five respawn attempts at this fight. Respawns can only be triggered by the person who put in the keys, and everyone in your party will be respawned at the same time. Leaving the Map still forfeits your attempt so you'll still need to fight the boss with the build you walked into the Map with. Higher difficulties of the Boss will lower the number of respawn attempts you receive. We'll be looking to add respawn attempts to other Pinnacle content over time.
  • The Arbiter of Ash can no longer be interrupted during his falling flame seed skill. His flaming gale skill can no longer be blocked.
  • The Arbiter of Ash Boss is now invulnerable for longer during its emergence and now takes significantly reduced damage while emerging.
  • The Arbiter of Ash is now way less likely to target minions when using his sword, which could prevent some of their skills being used.
  • Fixed a bug where "The Way Forward' Atlas Passive would cause The Arbiter of Ash to drop Tier 16 Waystones instead of Tier 15.
  • Fixed a bug where the Arbiter of Ash area level wasn't being increased with difficulty.
  • Introduced to the game.
