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Shock status icon.png
Shock is an ailment that causes targets to take 20% increased damage, and lasts 4 seconds by default.

Lightning damage from Hits Contributes to chance to Shock enemies. The higher the Lightning damage dealt, the higher the chance. By default a Hit has 1% chance to Shock for every 4% of the target's Ailment Threshold dealt.

Shock is a non-damaging lightning ailment that causes the target to take increased damage.


Shock grants a debuff of 20% increased Damage taken. This is additive with other damage taken modifiers.

Shock does not stack; each instance of shock has an independent duration and only the highest effect shock will apply (though there are things that change this rule, such as Stormweaver's ascendancy node Strike Twice).

The chance to apply shock depends on the damage taken by the enemy after mitigation relative to the enemy's ailment threshold. It is a base of 25% chance to apply per 100% of ailment threshold the hit deals.[1] Critical strikes do not inherently always apply ailments, but they do indirectly affect the chance to apply ailments due to critical damage bonus affecting the damage dealt.

Default shock if otherwise unspecified is 20%. This value can be increased through modifiers to effect/magnitude of shock; shock is capped at a maximum of 100%.

Related gems

ItemRequired levelStats
Ball Lightning1Deals 2 to 29 Lightning Damage
Hits enemies in range every 0.2 seconds
750% more chance to Shock
Fires Beams at targets within 1.8 metres
Conduction1Supported Skills have 100% more chance to Shock
Coursing Current1Shocking Hits from Supported Skills have a 50% chance to also Shock enemies in a 2.5 metre radius
Electrocute1Supported Skills Cannot inflict Shock
Lightning Damage from Supported Skills Contributes to Electrocution Buildup
Elemental Discharge1Supported Skills Cannot inflict Freeze, Shock or Ignite
Supported Skills Consume Freeze, Shock and Ignite on hit to trigger Elemental Discharge

Consuming Ignite deals 35% to 55% of
your Intelligence as Fire Damage
Consuming Freeze deals 30% to 50% of
your Intelligence as Cold Damage
Consuming Shock deals 1% to 80% of
your Intelligence as Lightning Damage
Herald of Thunder1Buff
Lightning Bolts strike the targets of your next (2–3) Attack Hits after Killing a Shocked] Enemy with Attack Damage

Attack Damage: (70–286)%
Supported Skills Cannot inflict Shock
Bolt impact radius is 1.6 metres
100% of Bolt Physical Damage
Converted to Lightning Damage
Innervate1Attacks gain 35% of Damage as Lightning Damage for 3 seconds on killing a Shocked enemy with Supported Skills
Lasting Shock1Supported Skills have 100% increased Shock Duration
Supported Skills have 25% less chance to Shock
Lightning Conduit1Deals 49 to 146 Lightning Damage
+1 second to Total Cast Time
100% more damage with Hits per 5% Shock Effect on Enemy
Cone Length is 10 metres
Lightning Exposure1Supported Skills inflict Lightning Exposure for 8 seconds on Shocking an Enemy
Lightning Warp1Deals 18 to 346 Lightning Damage
Explosion and Shocked Ground radius are 4 metres
Shocked Ground duration is 10 seconds
Overcharge175% increased Magnitude of Shocks inflicted with Supported Skills
Supported Skills have 50% less Shock Duration
Plasma Blast1Projectiles Pierce all Targets
Converts 70% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
+2 seconds to Total Attack Time
Knocks Back Enemies
30% more chance to Shock
Shock Siphon1Recover 4% of Energy Shield when a Supported Skill deals a Killing Blow to a Shocked Enemy
Skeletal Storm Mage1Deals 8 to 44 Lightning Damage
Bolt explosion radius is 1.8 metres
Shocked Ground radius is 1.8 metres
Shocked Ground duration is 6 seconds
Stormfire1Shocks from Supported Skills do not expire on Ignited enemies
Tempest Flurry1Normal Strikes
Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
+4 to Melee Strike Range

Third Strike
35% less Attack Speed
Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
+4 to Melee Strike Range

Fourth Strike
Attack Damage: (150–468)%
45% less Attack Speed
Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
+6 to Melee Strike Range
100% more chance to Shock
Voltaic Mark1Limit 1 Marked target
Mark duration is 8 seconds
Hits against Marked enemy have 50% more chance to Shock
Shock has 30% increased effect on Marked enemy

Related base items

ItemBase itemItem classRequired levelStats
Grounding CharmUtility Flask32Used when you become Shocked

Related unique items

ItemBase itemItem classRequired levelStats
EarthboundVoltaic StaffStaff1Grants Skill: Level (1-20) Lightning Bolt
Grants Skill: Level (1-20) Spark(80-120)% increased Lightning Damage
(10-20)% increased Cast Speed
(20-30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Trigger Spark Skill on killing a Shocked Enemy
BronzebeardHorned CrownHelmet1010% reduced Movement Speed
(50–100)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+100 to maximum Life
(35–50)% reduced Effect of Chill on you
(35–50)% reduced Effect of Ignite on you
(35–50)% reduced Effect of Shock on you
BrynabasWide BeltBelt14(20-30)% increased Flask Charges Gained
Charm Slots: 1+(40-60) to Maximum Mana
+(30–40)% Lightning Resistance
(7–12) Life Regeneration per second
Cannot be Shocked
SkysliverWinged SpearSpear15Adds 1 to (60-80) Lightning Damage
(5-10)% increased Attack Speed
+(10-20) to Dexterity
(50-100)% increased chance to Shock
LevinstoneTopaz RingRing16+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance+(40-60) to maximum Mana
(10-20)% increased chance to Shock
+1 to Level of all Lightning Skills
Shackles of the WretchedAged CuffsGloves16(30-50)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
You cannot be Chilled for 6 seconds after being Chilled
You cannot be Frozen for 6 seconds after being Frozen
You cannot be Ignited for 6 seconds after being Ignited
You cannot be Shocked for 6 seconds after being Shocked
Curses you inflict are reflected back to you
Wake of DestructionSecured LeggingsBoots1610% increased Movement Speed
(30-60)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
Adds 1 to (30-50) Lightning damage to Attacks
Drop Shocked Ground while moving, lasting 8 seconds
Obern's BastionStacked SabatonsBoots33(150–200)% increased Armour and Evasion
(20–25) Life Regeneration per second
200% increased Stun Recovery
(30–50)% reduced Chill Duration on you
(30–50)% reduced Freeze Duration on you
(30–50)% reduced Shock duration on you
Redflare ConduitAnchorite GarbBody Armour33+(50-70) to maximum Mana
+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance
20% chance to gain a Power Charge on Hit
Lose all Power Charges on reaching maximum Power Charges
Shocks you when you reach maximum Power Charges
The Three DragonsSolid MaskHelmet45(40-60)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(10-20)% to all Elemental Resistances
Fire Damage from Hits Contributes to Shock Chance instead of Ignite Chance and Magnitude
Cold Damage from Hits Contributes to Ignite Chance and Magnitude instead of Chill Magnitude or Freeze Buildup
Lightning Damage from Hits Contributes to Freeze Buildup instead of Shock Chance
Blessed BondsLinen WrapsGloves56+(60-100) to Evasion Rating
+(30-50) to maximum Energy Shield
Gain (25-35) Mana per Enemy Killed
Inflict Cold Exposure on Igniting an Enemy
Inflict Fire Exposure on Shocking an Enemy
Inflict Lightning Exposure on Critical Hit

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.