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The Monk

Gender: M
Strength: 7
Dexterity: 11
Intelligence: 11
Weapon: Quarterstaff

  • Wrapped QuarterstaffWrapped QuarterstaffQuartertaff
    Physical Damage: 7-12
    Critical Strike Chance: 10.00%
    Attacks per Second: 1.40
  • Falling ThunderFalling ThunderAttack, AoE, Slam, Projectile, Lightning
    Tier: 1
    Level: 1
    Cost: 11 Mana
    Attack Speed: 60% of base
    Attack Damage: 140% of base
    Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%
    Infuse a Quarterstaff with electrical energies, then Slam the ground to deal damage in a large area in front of you. Consumes your power charges to fire Lightning Projectiles forwards from the impact.Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
    Cone length is 4 metres

    Projectiles Pierce all Targets
    Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
    25% more Damage per power charge Consumed
    100% more Damage if a power charge was Consumed
    Fires 3 Projectiles per power charge Consumed

    Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
    (0–10)% Chance to not remove Charges on use
    Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
    Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.

My life has been naught but discipline and focus, preparing me for this. I fight for the Benevolent Dreamer. Free my hands, and those who seek chaos will fall before me!

The Monk is a dexterity/intelligence-oriented class that specializes in unarmed and quarterstaff skills.

The Monk obtains a Wrapped QuarterstaffWrapped QuarterstaffQuartertaff
Physical Damage: 7-12
Critical Strike Chance: 10.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
and Falling ThunderFalling ThunderAttack, AoE, Slam, Projectile, Lightning
Tier: 1
Level: 1
Cost: 11 Mana
Attack Speed: 60% of base
Attack Damage: 140% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%
Infuse a Quarterstaff with electrical energies, then Slam the ground to deal damage in a large area in front of you. Consumes your power charges to fire Lightning Projectiles forwards from the impact.Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
Cone length is 4 metres

Projectiles Pierce all Targets
Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
25% more Damage per power charge Consumed
100% more Damage if a power charge was Consumed
Fires 3 Projectiles per power charge Consumed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0–10)% Chance to not remove Charges on use
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
as his default starting weapon and skill in The Riverbank.

Ascendancy classes

Monks can specialize into one of these three Ascendancy classes:


Entering locations

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

Boss defeated

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3


Level up

  • Reaching level 2: My training continues.
  • Reaching level 3: Each victory is but another milestone on the endless path.
  • Reaching level 5: Savor the feeling, but keep moving forward.
  • Reaching level 10: The Dreamer guides.
  • Reaching level 15: Today is a good day!
  • Reaching level 20: Enlightening!
  • Reaching level 30: Fate is on my side this day!
  • Reaching level 40: Mastery is within my grasp!
  • Reaching level 50: A noteworthy attainment!
  • Reaching level 60: The zenith of my power so far!
  • Reaching level 70: My journey continues!
  • Reaching level 80: Elevation!
  • Reaching level 90: Dreamer! Bear witness!
  • Reaching level 100:
    • I have reached the limits of the mortal form!
    • Ultimate discipline!
    • I am the master now!


Full inventory

  • I carry few possessions. And I don't have room for that.
  • I must maintain a fine balance.
  • I've no room for that.
  • I have no room for that.

Using ability in town

  • This isn't the place. Or the time.
  • That would draw unwanted attention.
  • I must restrain myself.

Using well

  • Relief.
  • A cool drink.
  • A moment's respite.
  • Ahh.... a moment's respite.

Respec passive point

  • I must meditate.
  • Time to refocus.
  • Let's try something different.


  • Choice of an Ascendancy class: My path diverges.
  • Selecting Acolyte of Chayula Ascendancy class: The power of the Dreamer flows through me!

Gameplay video


Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.