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Gender: M
Strength: 11
Dexterity: 11
Intelligence: 7
Weapon: Crossbow
You've got a weapon. I'll wield it. Just tell me where to point it. I've seen the highs and horrors of war, and I'll do whatever it takes to survive. If you've got coin, I'm your man.
The Mercenary is a strength/dexterity-oriented class that specializes in crossbow and grenade skills. He is of Trarthan heritage.
The Mercenary obtains a Makeshift Crossbow and
Fragmentation Rounds as his default starting weapon and skill in The Riverbank.
Ascendancy classes
Mercenaries can specialize into one of these three Ascendancy classes:
Entering locations
Act 1
- The Riverbank: I can't believe... that actually worked...
- Clearfell Encampment: Well, doubt these folk will have much gold...
- Clearfell: —
- Mud Burrow: Dirty job, this. Should have asked for more...
- The Grelwood: That feeling... I'm being hunted.
- The Red Vale: A good mercenary knows when to cut and run. I won't end up lying in a field like this...
- The Grim Tangle: No getting through here. Well not yet, anyway.
- Cemetery of the Eternals: —
- Mausoleum of the Praetor: This place raises the hackles on the back o' me neck. Eugh...
- Tomb of the Consort: —
- Hunting Grounds: Ah, fresh tracks. Must be nearing the village now.
- Freythorn: I better watch me step around here.
- Ogham Farmlands: —
- Ogham Village: So the Hooded one was right. They lost their minds...
- The Manor Ramparts: And here I thought I'd reached the Manor already. Bugger.
- Ogham Manor: This place is right fancy. Gold is wasted on the rich...
Act 2
- Vastiri Outskirts: Ah, the Maraketh! A very... rich culture.
- The Ardura Caravan: Never thought I'd work for the Maraketh again... too bloody hot.
- Mawdun Quarry:
- Mawdun Mine: Ah, I bet a load of weapons came out of this place.
- The Halani Gates (1): Something's up. We've stopped.
- Traitor's Passage: I hear movement in the dark... lots of movement...
- The Halani Gates (2): Someone's fightin' up ahead...
- Mastodon Badlands: Gotta make sure my bones don't end up here, too.
- The Bone Pits: It's getting rather ugly around here. Smells like necromancy.
- Keth: More bloody sand.
- The Lost City: I hope this place doesn't bloody cave in...
- Buried Shrines: Look at all this religion. Didn't help them, in the end.
- Valley of the Titans: Looks like any other valley to me.
- The Titan Grotto: Ah, this must be the forbidden part. Well, on I go.
- Deshar: Gotta find a way up I suppose.
- Path of Mourning: Never been so high. Precarious job, this one.
- The Spires of Deshar:
- The Dreadnought: You're payin'. It's whatever you say, boss.
- Dreadnought Vanguard: My payday approaches. I can feel it.
- Trial of the Sekhemas: ?
Act 3
- Sandswept Marsh: Ugh, back to walking, I 'spose.
- Ziggurat Encampment:
- Jungle Ruins: I miss the desert... at least it was dry heat.
- The Venom Crypts: Not lettin' these snakes get in me. Not a chance.
- Infested Barrens: Swore I'd never fight in the jungle again, damnit.
- The Azak Bog: I'm in their home turf now...
- Chimeral Wetlands: Pretty. But I'm not touching a damn thing around here.
- Jiquani's Machinarium: That's gonna come alive, innit? I just know it.
- Jiquani's Sanctum: Ho ho, ominous! Miss Valai'll know what this is about.
- The Matlan Waterways:
- The Drowned City:
- Apex of Filth:
- The Molten Vault:
- Temple of Kopec:
- Utzaal:
- Aggorat:
- The Black Chambers:
- The Ziggurat Refuge:
- The Temple of Chaos: ?
Boss defeated
Act 1
- The Bloated Miller: I've fought some big buggers before, but... blimey.
- Beira of the Rotten Pack: —
- The Devourer: Definitely should have asked for more!
- The Brambleghast: Ya need more than an overgrown weed to take me down!
- The Rust King: Ezomytes never give up a fight. I expected no less.
- The Rotten Druid: Fungus. It just had to be fungus!
- Draven, the Eternal Praetor: Bloody Eternals... never did know when to quit.
- Asinia, the Praetor's Consort: Wow... you don't see that every day.
- Lachlann of Endless Lament: Shite like this is why I never wanted a family.
- The Crowbell: This is bloody work. Still, I never did like birds...
- The King in the Mists: In my experience, madness is contagious. It had to be done.
- The Executioner: That one was for me!
- Candlemass, the Living Rite: Always did say religion is dangerous!
- Count Geonor: It's finally over... Now, time to ask about that reward.
Act 2
- Rathbreaker: If this doesn't earn my passage, nothing will.
- Rudja, the Dread Engineer: Heh. I should charge for this.
- Balbala, the Traitor: Yes, a coin! Haha!
- Jamanra, the Risen King: He can't just leave, can he?
- Ekbab, Ancient Steed: I despise necromancers. Make me do the job twice!
- Kabala, Constrictor Queen: Disgusting creatures...
- Azarian, the Forsaken Son: —
- Zalmarath, the Colossus: Thought I was cooked for sure.
- Tor Gul, the Defiler: Giant blasted bone monsters! I'm done with this!
- Jamanra, the Abomination: Boss lady!
Act 3
- Rootdredge: I... hate... living trees!
- Mighty Silverfist: They grow 'em big around here... good riddance.
- Ignagduk, the Bog Witch: Taking children - that's where I draw the line, witch!
- Xyclucian, the Chimeral: —
- Blackjaw, the Remnant: Your job's long over, me ol' mate. Take a rest.
- Zicoatl, Warden of the Core: Called that one, didn't I?
- Mektul, the Forgemaster: Gotcha, bastard... and now it's all mine... and Oswald's, I guess.
- The Queen of Filth: Hate to tumble and run, but I need that.
- Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun: I like the sun as much as the next guy, but you lot took it too far.
- Viper Napuatzi: Hey...? Where'd she go?
- Doryani, Royal Thaumaturge: —
Level up
- Reaching level 2: Not dead yet!
- Reaching level 3: I'm startin' to get the hang of this!
- Reaching level 5: Honin' my skills, one job at a time!
- Reaching level 10: Lock n' load.
- Reaching level 15: Another day, another coin.
- Reaching level 20: Outstandin'.
- Reaching level 30: Well, well... Look at me go
- Reaching level 40: Stunnin'.
- Reaching level 50: Brilliant.
- Reaching level 60: Just look at me now!
- Reaching level 70: Guess I'm gifted.
- Reaching level 80: I'm unstoppable!
- Reaching level 90: Marvelous.
- Reaching level 100:
- That ought to bloody well do it!
- I've reached my full potential!
- Well ,well... Who would've thought!
Full inventory
- No room.
- Me pockets are full.
- Gotta stay quick on my feet.
Respec passive point
- I've got a different idea.
- Hmmm... Let's try something else.
- Hopefully this will help.
- We've all got regrets... Heh.
- New strategy required.
- Need to make some changes.
- Dunno what I was thinking.
- Can't always get it right.
Using ability in town
- Can't do that here.
- Don't think that will go down well here.
- Not a good idea.
Gameplay video
The mercenary's wanted poster.
Version history
Version | Changes |
0.1.0 |