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Ailments are a family of common Debuffs associated with specific damage types. The list of Ailments is: Bleeding, Ignite, Chill, Freeze, Shock, Electrocute, and Poison.
Damage Contributing to Ailments
By default, specific Ailments are calculated based on only specific damage types, such as only the Fire damage of a Hit mattering when inflicting Ignite.

Allowing another damage type to contribute to an Ailment means that all damage of the relevant types is summed when performing calculations for that Ailment.

For Ailments that use Hit damage to determine Ailment chance or buildup, this means that the damage type becomes capable of inflicting that Ailment. For Ailments that only use Hit damage to determine Ailment Magnitude (i.e. Bleeding and Poison), you still need a way to apply those Ailments (e.g. a source of Bleeding or Poison chance).


List of ailments

Ignite, chill, freeze, shock and electrocute are elemental ailments. Bleeding and poison are non-elemental ailments.

Ailment Associated damage type Effect Elemental Damaging

Physical Bleeding can only be inflicted by physical damage dealt to Life. Bleeding enemies take physical damage over time, at 15% of the physical damage of the hit that inflicted bleeding per second. Bleeding deals an additional 100% damage per second if the enemy is moving or the bleeding has been Aggravated. The base duration is 5 seconds. No Yes

Physical and chaos Poison causes the affected target to take chaos damage over time, at 20% of the combined physical and chaos damage of the hit that applied it per second, with an explicit source of poison chance. The base duration is 2 seconds. No Yes

Fire Ignite causes the affected target to burn for 20% of the fire damage of the final hit that applied it, per second. The base duration is 4 seconds. Yes Yes

Cold Cold damage always inflicts chill. Chill slows all actions of the affected target up to 50%, based on the cold damage of the hit. The base duration is 2 seconds. Yes No

Cold Freeze prevents the affected target to move or act for a duration. The base duration is 4 seconds. Yes No

Lightning Shock causes the affected target to take 20% increased damage from all sources, based on the lightning damage of the hit. The base duration is 4 seconds. Yes No

Lightning Electrocute causes the affected target's action speed to drop to 0, effectively immobilizing a target. Yes No


Ailments are a family of common debuffs associated with specific damage types. Damaging ailments damage over time. Damaging ailments: bleeding, poison, and ignite. Non-damaging ailments: chill, freeze, shock and electrocute.

Skill gems

List of gems containing the phrase "ailment":

Active gems

GemGem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Shockburst RoundsYesYesNo

Support gems

GemGem requires strengthGem requires dexterityGem requires intelligence
Intense AgonyNoNoNo
Chaotic FreezeNoNoNo
Drain AilmentsNoNoNo
Elemental FocusNoNoNo
Elemental DischargeNoNoNo
File:Derance inventory icon.pngDeranceNoNoNo
File:Commiserate inventory icon.pngCommiserateNoNoNo

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game