Timeline of unique items
Path of Exile 2 contains numerous unique items. Currently there are 277 released unique items, including maps and items with modifier variants.
Version 0.1.0
- February 26, 2025 - Version 0.1.1e
- December 18, 2024 - Version 0.1.0e
- December 12, 2024 - Version 0.1.0d
- December 6, 2024 - Version 0.1.0
- Ab Aeterno
- Aerisvane's Wings
- Against the Darkness
- Alkem Eira
- Alpha's Howl
- Andvarius
- Apron of Emiran
- Arvil's Wheel
- Ashrend
- Asphyxia's Wrath
- Assailum
- Astramentis
- Atsak's Sight
- Atziri's Acuity
- Atziri's Disdain
- Aurseize
- Beacon of Azis
- Beetlebite
- Belly of the Beast
- Beyond Reach
- Birth of Fury
- Birthright Buckle
- Bitterbloom
- Black Sun Crest
- Blackbraid
- Blackflame
- Blackgleam
- Blackheart
- Blessed Bonds
- Blistering Bond
- Blueflame Bracers
- Bones of Ullr
- Brain Rattler
- Bramblejack
- Briarpatch
- Briskwrap
- Bristleboar
- Bronzebeard
- Brynabas
- Brynhand's Mark
- Bushwhack
- Call of the Brotherhood
- Candlemaker
- Carnage Heart
- Carrion Call
- Chober Chaber
- Choir of the Storm
- Cloak of Flame
- Coat of Red
- Collapsing Horizon
- Controlled Metamorphosis
- Cornathaum
- Corona of the Red Sun
- Corpsewade
- Couture of Crimson
- Coward's Legacy
- Cracklecreep
- Crest of Ardura
- Crown of the Pale King
- Crown of the Victor
- Crown of Thorns
- Darkray Vectors
- Death Rush
- Death's Harp
- Deathblow
- Deathrattle
- Defiance of Destiny
- Deidbell
- Demon Stitcher
- Dionadair
- Doedre's Damning
- Doedre's Tenure
- Doomgate
- Doryani's Prototype
- Dream Fragments
- Dusk Vigil
- Dustbloom
- Earthbound
- Edyrn's Tusks
- Elevore
- Enezun's Charge
- Enfolding Dawn
- Erian's Cobble
- Eye of Chayula
- Ezomyte Peak
- Feathered Fortress
- Fireflower
- Fixation of Yix
- Font of Power
- Forbidden Gaze
- Foxshade
- From Nothing
- Frostbreath
- Gamblesprint
- Ghostmarch
- Ghostwrithe
- Glimpse of Chaos
- Gloomform
- Glowswarm
- Goldrim
- Grand Spectrum
- Grand Spectrum
- Grand Spectrum
- Gravebind
- Greed's Embrace
- Greymake
- Grip of Winter
- Guiding Palm
- Guiding Palm
- Guiding Palm
- Hand of Wisdom and Action
- Hateforge
- Headhunter
- Heartbound Loop
- Heroic Tragedy
- Hoghunt
- Horns of Bynden
- Hrimnor's Hymn
- Husk of Dreams
- Icetomb
- Idle Hands
- Idol of Uldurn
- Igniferis
- Infernoclasp
- Ingenuity
- Innsmouth
- Irongrasp
- Ironride
- Jarngreipr
- Kalandra's Touch
- Kaom's Heart
- Keelhaul
- Keeper of the Arc
- Killjoy
- Kingsguard
- Kitoko's Current
- Leer Cast
- Legionstride
- Levinstone
- Lifesprig
- Ligurium Talisman
- Lochtonial Caress
- Luminous Pace
- Lycosidae
- Mahuxotl's Machination
- Maligaro's Virtuosity
- Mask of the Sanguimancer
- Mask of the Stitched Demon
- Matsya
- Megalomaniac
- Meginord's Girdle
- Melting Maelstrom
- Merit of Service
- Midnight Braid
- Ming's Heart
- Mist Whisper
- Morior Invictus
- Myris Uxor
- Nazir's Judgement
- Necromantle
- Northpaw
- Oaksworn
- Obern's Bastion
- Olroth's Resolve
- Olrovasara
- Original Sin
- Painter's Servant
- Pariah's Embrace
- Perandus Seal
- Perfidy
- Pillar of the Caged God
- Plaguefinger
- Polcirkeln
- Powertread
- Pragmatism
- Prayers for Rain
- Prism of Belief
- Quatl's Molt
- Quecholli
- Queen of the Forest
- Quill Rain
- Radiant Grief
- Rampart Raptor
- Redflare Conduit
- Revered Resin
- Rise of the Phoenix
- Rondel of Fragility
- Ryslatha's Coil
- Sacred Flame
- Saffell's Frame
- Sandstorm Visage
- Sanguine Diviner
- Seed of Cataclysm
- Seeing Stars
- Sekhema's Resolve
- Sekhema's Resolve
- Sekhema's Resolve
- Serpent's Egg
- Serpent's Lesson
- Shackles of the Wretched
- Shavronne's Satchel
- Sierran Inheritance
- Sine Aequo
- Skin of the Loyal
- Snakebite
- Snakepit
- Solus Ipse
- Soul Tether
- Splinterheart
- Strugglescream
- Surefooted Sigil
- Svalinn
- Taryn's Shiver
- Temporalis
- Tetzlapokal's Desire
- The Adorned
- The Anvil
- The Barrow Dweller
- The Black Doubt
- The Blood Thorn
- The Brass Dome
- The Burden of Leadership
- The Burden of Shadows
- The Burrower
- The Changing Seasons
- The Covenant
- The Dancing Mirage
- The Dark Defiler
- The Desperate Alliance
- The Devouring Diadem
- The Eternal Spark
- The Everlasting Gaze
- The Hollow Mask
- The Infinite Pursuit
- The Knight-errant
- The Last Flame
- The Pandemonius
- The Peacemaker's Draught
- The Rat Cage
- The Remembered Tales
- The Road Warrior
- The Searing Touch
- The Sentry
- The Smiling Knight
- The Surrender
- The Three Dragons
- The Vertex
- The Vile Knight
- The Wailing Wall
- Thief's Torment
- Threaded Light
- Thrillsteel
- Thunderstep
- Titanrot Cataphract
- Trampletoe
- Treefingers
- Trenchtimbre
- Trephina
- Ungil's Harmony
- Veil of the Night
- Ventor's Gamble
- Visage of Ayah
- Voll's Protector
- Wake of Destruction
- Wandering Reliquary
- Wanderlust
- Whisper of the Brotherhood
- Widowhail
- Windscream
- Wings of Caelyn
- Wondertrap
- Wulfsbane
- Wylund's Stake
- Xoph's Blood
- Zerphi's Genesis