Titanrot Cataphract

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Titanrot Cataphract
Maraketh Cuirass
Armour: 141Requires Level 20, 42 Str+(400-500)% increased Armour
+(15-30)% increased Strength
10% reduced Dexterity
10% reduced Intelligence
You have no Life Regeneration
Not the sound of thunder on the wind, but the Rhoaback Riders - Death charging from the sands.
Item class: Body Armour

Titanrot Cataphract is a unique Maraketh CuirassMaraketh CuirassArmour: 141Requires Level 20, 42 Str.



Legacy variants

Titanrot Cataphract has a legacy variant.

Version discontinued Stats Compare each legacy variant to the current variant.
  • Stat line – Same as current variant
  • Stat line – Different from current variant

  • +(200-300)% increased Armour
  • +(10-20)% increased Strength
  • 10% reduced Dexterity
  • 10% reduced Intelligence
  • You have no Life Regeneration

Version history

Version Changes
  • The Titanrot Cataphract Unique Body Armour now provides 400-500% increased Armour (previously 200-300%), and 15-30% increased Strength (previously 10-20%).
  • Introduced to the game.