Soul Tether Long BeltRequires Level 20(15-20)% increased Charm Effect Duration Charm Slots: 1+(40-60) to maximum Energy Shield +(20-30) to Intelligence You lose 5% of Energy Shield per second Excess Life Recovery from Leech is applied to Energy ShieldVaal bloodpriests were among the earliest intellectuals on record. It was they who found that a newly freed soul would desperately cling to any other source of life.
Currently, LifeOverflow from any source such as Life Remnants from the Blood Mage ascendancy notable Sanguimancy prevents the leech from Soul Tether from applying to Energy Shield. A leech instance applied before any overflow is present will continue to restore energy shield on reaching maximum life, even if overflow is applied after the leech began.
Long BeltRequires Level 20Charm Slots: 1 (15-20)% increased Charm Effect DurationSoul Tether Long BeltRequires Level 20(15-20)% increased Charm Effect Duration Charm Slots: 1+(40-60) to maximum Energy Shield +(20-30) to Intelligence You lose 5% of Energy Shield per second Excess Life Recovery from Leech is applied to Energy ShieldVaal bloodpriests were among the earliest intellectuals on record. It was they who found that a newly freed soul would desperately cling to any other source of life.