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Flicker Strike

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Revision as of 03:39, 19 January 2025 by ThemJohns (talk | contribs)
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Flicker StrikeMelee, Strike, AoE, Movement
Tier: 13
Level: 1
Cost: 50 Mana
Attack Speed: 50% of base
Attack Damage: 177% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 177%
Requires Level 13Teleport to a enemy and strike them. Consumes Power Charges to perform additional teleporting strikes on nearby enemies.Teleports and Strikes 3 additional times per Power Charge, with 285% more Attack Speed
You cannot gain Power Charges while using this Skill
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Drop restricted
It can be obtained by engraving an Uncut Skill Gem.
Item class: Skill Gem
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Gems/SkillGemFlickerStrike

Flicker Strike is a quarterstaff strike skill that teleports the user towards an enemy to strike them. The skill will consume your power charges to unleash additional teleporting strikes.

Skill functions and interactions

Profane Ritual provides a delayed source of Power Generation which works well with Flicker Strike when triggered.

Modifiers to area damage do appear to affect Flicker Strike, despite being a strike skill with no obvious area damage component. Area of effect has no apparent effect on the hit itself, but it does modify the targeting range of the teleport.[1]

Gem level progression

LevelRequired LevelMana

Recommended support gems

The following support gems are recommendations by GGG as listed in-game, and do not necessarily reflect optimal combinations or the views of the wiki.

Support gems
I Combo Finisher Martial Tempo Perpetual Charge
II Close Combat Excise Heavy Swing
III Behead Discombobulate Heft

Item acquisition

Flicker Strike has restrictions on where or how it can drop.

It can be obtained by engraving an Uncut Skill Gem.

Alternate skill effects

Flicker Strike has the following alternate skill effects:


Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.

See also
