ContagionSpell, AoE, Chaos, Duration Level: 1 Cast Time: 1.00 secAffects a single enemy with a Debuff that deals Chaos damage over time. If the enemy dies while affected by Contagion, it and all other Chaos damage over time Debuffs spread to nearby enemies and refresh their durations. Reanimating or detonating a corpse affected by Contagion will cause the Minion to explosion to spread Contagion on hit.Deals 1.8 Base Chaos Damage per second Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to Debuff's Damage over Time Debuff deals 100% more damage for each time it has spread, up to 300% Spread radius is 1.7 metres Debuff duration is 5 seconds
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Debuff deals 0% more damage for each time it has spread, up to (0-100)%Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Acquisition Drop restricted It can be obtained by engraving an Uncut Skill Gem.Metadata Item class: Skill Gem Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Gems/SkillGemContagion