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Against the DarknessAfter the fires, in the depths of the Winter of the World, all life in the Vastiri banded together.
Whether serpent, hyena, human, or golem, hated enemies clasped hand to claw, built refuge, and fought side by side against the Abyssals.
Thus, the Third Pact was born.
Alkem EiraMay your resolve never waver.
Apron of Emiran"Prepare the rack, boy. And be careful with those hooks!"
- The Master Torturer's last words
Arvil's WheelThe unending carnage of war
mercilessly grinds away
at body and mind.
Asphyxia's WrathMist of breath
Icing to lips and throat
As the warm ones choke and fall
Upon the frozen wasteland.
BlackbraidAn Ezomyte endures.
BlackheartFear is highly infectious.
BramblejackIt is safer to be feared than to be loved.
BristleboarWhen cornered and desperate, look within for the rage to break loose.
Brynhand's MarkThe mark of the smith was widely known.
Coat of RedFor those noble families obsessed
with keeping their bloodline pure,
there was a price to pay...
Controlled MetamorphosisOur world was dying, but we chose to survive.
We broke free from the chains within.
Crown of ThornsLift it lightly, don it slow.
The spikes point out and in, you know.
DeathrattleThe cry of death whispers in the wind.
Demigod's VirtueThose qualities possessed by the victor
are proven inherently right and true.
DionadairPraetor Draven knew his only chance to subjugate
the Ezomytes was to catch them unaware.
Doedre's DamningWhere her mouth should have been there was only a whirling, black void.
Dusk VigilThe candlemass tradition was born in a time of darkness and fear.
EarthboundAn ancient Azmeri staff, overgrown by roots...
Enfolding DawnThe gleam of the night and the howling teeth alike could not abate the rising of the sun.
FoxshadeTo catch an animal, think like an animal.
From NothingThey clawed their way up from the agonising depths of nonexistence,
breathing deep with joy the exquisite light of meaning.
GhostwritheFaith Springs Abundant at the edge of Death
GlowswarmAs their eyes adjusted, they became aware of a strange
blue light. COuntless glowing worms crawled above,
blissfully unaware of their flight from the sirens.
Grand SpectrumA wellspring of vitality bubbling from within.
Grand SpectrumAn indomitable force of control.
Grand SpectrumSkin like steel tempered by bright flames.
Heroic TragedyThey believed themselves courageous and selfless,
but that bravery became the doom at their door.
HoghuntThere was a very clear and delicious
reason why the Ezomytes chose to
stop their flight and settle in Phaaryl.
Horns of ByndenThe Younger Brother waded into Battle, shrugging off Blows.
Idol of UldurnWorship of house gods was tolerated
in Oriath, so long as it remained private.
IgniferisA hearth unyielding, ever warm,
A light unbroken, endlessly reborn.
InnsmouthBeyond madness lies inspiration.
Kalandra's TouchPower is a matter of perspective.
KeelhaulBelow all living things,
there exists a flow...
LegionstrideA wall of steel and muscle.
LifesprigFrom the Smallest seeds
To the tallest redwoods
Life endures in Wraeclast.
Luminous PaceBlessed are those who tend the Grove.
MegalomaniacIf you're going to act like you're better
than everyone else, make sure you are.
Meginord's GirdleKaom's strength was rivaled only by
the great Meginord of the north.
Midnight BraidAdversity is the soil in
which persistence grows.
Mist WhisperSibilant promises surrounded them in the night.
All the travelers had to give him was their devotion...
NorthpawFight with the ferocity of the First Ones.
Painter's ServantBloodshed on the crimson shores,
longing for the endless sea.
Treasures, life, I'd give it all
just to capture thee.
Pillar of the Caged GodForged to rule the waves and tide
Destined to serve the monkey's paw
Strong as a tower of iron
Deft as the needle doubt
PlaguefingerUlcers, scabs, and pocks, the third army makes its claim.
Prism of BeliefEntropy can be reversed.
RedbeakAs battle calms, blood turns to rust.
Sanguine DivinerOne way or another, it will find what it seeks.
Seed of CataclysmThe dawn of a new era is set into motion
Skin of the LoyalWe happily give our limbs.
A net woven to keep safe the bones of the Lords.
Splinter of Loratta
Taryn's ShiverShed by the winged beast of night,
A scaly frost-encrusted thorn.
All who feel its wintry light
Shiver in pain at the frozen dawn.
The AdornedAt their height, the Vaal glittered under the sun.
A decade, a century, an aeon of prosperity...
now nothing more than a passing wonder.
The Blood ThornTouch not the thorn, for only blood and pain await.
The Dark DefilerRare is the Necromancer who leads his undead armies from the front.
The Everlasting GazeWhat they saw was what they believed, and
they believed Lunaris had not abandoned them.
Widowhail"A volley of arrows were loosed
from my bow into the heart of
the man who slew my beloved.
I felt nothing but cold fury."
- Chieftain Enoroa
Wings of CaelynThe older brother rtetained calm in the midst of fury.
Winter's BiteNothing stabs colder than pure hatred.
Wylund's StakeShaped metal never forgets the forge.
Hrimnor's Hymn"The crack of bone, the spray of blood.
Is there sweeter music?"
- Hrimnor of the Ezomytes.
Rampart Raptor"His approach to the gate was met with sounding trumpets and an unfurling of banners. He never saw it coming."
- anonymous Brotherhood of Silence report
BitterbloomThe soul cannot flourish in a doubting mind.
Crown of the VictorAn endless river of bodies lie in the wake of ambition.
GravebindTry as you like to hide the
blood on your hands.
You'll still know the truth.
GreymakeIn the end, even heroes fade away.
Quill Rain"The rain of a thousand quills that whittle
present into past, life into death."
- Rigwald of the Ezomytes
Solus IpseOne warrior alone survived to face the Arbiter.
The Hollow MaskThe roots take hold within...
JarngreiprThe whispers of the old gods hum through the iron. They demand a hero.
The Knight-errantSome search forever for their path.
Threaded LightA gift, a braid, of golden hair.
The war, forgotten.
The reason, remembered.
WulfsbaneThe Counts of Ogham share a
legacy of cunning and power.
OakswornThe druids swore to protect the Grelwood with their very lives.
BlackgleamMolten feathers, veiled spark,
Hissing arrows from the dark.
Blistering Bond"The Brotherhood of Silence does not set out to torture our targets.
Excruciating pain is simply a byproduct of certain... necessary methods."
Carnage HeartForged from the blood of countless wars,
its thirst has only begun.
CracklecreepFear the fire that spreads like a plague.
Defiance of DestinyThe respect of Karui warriors is hard to earn,
but lasts a lifetime... and beyond.
Merit of ServiceLead by example, and you shall never be alone.
Revered ResinThe sacred sap flows slowly, but surely.
Surefooted SigilNatural grace is born, not earned.
BronzebeardHeavy is the head.
FrostbreathA merciful murderer swept through the streets of Sarn
Robbing breath from the weak and worthless.
GoldrimNo metal slips as easily through the fingers as gold.
Mask of the SanguimancerA terror of ancient times, his identity
remains lost... but his power does not.
The Devouring DiademThe spirit hungers for the flesh.
AshrendThe blasted oak stands forever.
BriarpatchThe druids walk the Grelwood without fear.
CorpsewadeNatural decay can be twisted to dark ends.
Edyrn's TusksIn death, the legendary boar's tusks were turned
to the slaying of Phaaryl's Eternal oppressors.
Erian's CobbleSometimes patching up your
equipment gets out of hand.
GloomformIt was in this forsaken land, where mists shroud the world in mystery,
that thieves, murderers, and outcasts, sought refuge.
Grip of WinterAfter the eruption, the skies turned grey,
ash began ot fall, and a chill set in...
The Barrow DwellerIn the mists they dwell,
forever hungry,
forever cold.
The Black DoubtSuspicion is a sinister shadow slithering in the soul.
The SentryThe night Draven attacked,
Erian was asleep at his post.
TreefingersThe largest beings on Wraeclast
are not flesh and blood.
TrephinaThe art of surgery advances one mistake at a time.
WanderlustAll the world is my home.
CandlemakerYou can be the wick or the wax. Either way, your light goes out and mine goes on.
DoomgateWelcome to Wraeclast.
Dream FragmentsDoryani stumbled into a realm of madness
And awoke its Master.
Ezomyte PeakCenturies of servitude, a day
of glory, an eternity of death.
PolcirkelnI rule the north
A legacy earned
Time and time again
Sing Meginord's song!
Birthright BuckleSome families have peculiar gifts...
BrynabasThe Brinerot sail without fear of storms.
Rondel of FragilityFanatics are the most dangerous enemy,
for they care not for their own survival.
SkysliverHeads fall to the sand, just as the star fell from the sky
AurseizeWealth is not to be borne lightly.
Black Sun CrestThe beasts we fear the most
are the ones who dwell in total darkness.
Bones of UllrThe dead man walks where
the living fear to tread.
Brain RattlerThe mind may have no limits, but the skull sure does.
Carrion CallObedience stretches beyond the grave.
Crown of the Pale KingA lightless world
a silent reign
two sightless eyes
feed on your pain.
Darkray Vectors"Sirrius flew on wings of light, faster than wind, faster
than thought. But try as he might to outrun the darkness,
it was there, at every turn, waiting for him."
- Azmerian legend
Doedre's TenureWhile Doedre lacked Maligaro's sense of style,
she surpassed her master in pure malevolence.
Enezun's ChargeHe alone was welcome in the sacred spaces of the Titans.
Font of PowerTale-women may not fight directly,
for they have a much higher purpose.
GamblesprintAll your tomorrows lie ahead of you,
unknown and snarled to the very last.
GhostmarchThe cursed ones march forever,
On their hopeless, last endeavour.
IcetombWhen Solaris closes his burning eye
At the end of time,
the world will perish in ice.
IrongraspA power unknown aids your own.
IronrideLet the rider's aim be true.
Killjoy"Stitches? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose?"
- Jeffry, Torturer's Apprentice
Leer CastFor none of us are as cruel as all of us.
LevinstoneHighgate held other secrets.
Lochtonial CaressWhy cling to your sanity? It offers you nothing.
Surrender to me, and I will grant you everything.
NecromantleFueled by the blackness in the hearts of men,
the armies of Saresh were just as relentless.
Radiant GriefNo man burns alone.
Saffell's FrameA swift mind solves problems before they occur.
Shackles of the WretchedCaptivity breeds creativity.
Sierran InheritanceBorn among the high peaks, many Mutewind
live their entire lives in snow and ice.
SplinterheartThe forests of the Vastiri held many secrets
mystical and dark. Men learned not to wander,
lest they return with a strange new purpose.
The Dancing DervishTake your partner by the hand,
Keep your steps in time.
Swing together, spin apart,
And dance with death sublime.
The Infinite PursuitWe move to be closer to her, but the distance yet grows.
The Road WarriorThat most legendary caravan bandit had
one rule: never let them see you flinch.
The Searing TouchBurn to cinders, scar and maim,
Rule a world, bathed in flame.
TrenchtimbreEzomyte loyalty was not given to distant leaders.
It was earned by comrades in arms.
Visage of AyahTale-women do not fight as dekharas.
They command a power all thier own.
Wake of DestructionTempest's power given form,
Flee before the walking storm.
The AnvilForge your Perseverance on the Anvil of Faith.
BlackflameBeyond the veil of death, there burns a fire
by whose light night is borne.
MatsyaIn our tales, and in our hearts, the rivers still flow.
Ming's HeartMing slew Tranquillity
Took Chaos for his wife
And on Her immortal finger
He placed his Heart
Original SinInnocence rose to godhood not on inspired faith,
but on the vilification and hatred of another.
Soul TetherVaal bloodpriests were among the earliest intellectuals on record.
It was they who found that a newly freed soul would
desperately cling to any other source of life.
Titanrot CataphractNot the sound of thunder on the wind, but the Rhoaback Riders - Death charging from the sands.
The Wailing WallSome stories are never told.
Briskwrap"I carry neither food nor drink. I rely on the charity
of my fellow wayfarers. Dead men are generous men."
- Taruk of the Wildmen
Cloak of FlameHe who sows an ember shall reap an inferno.
Serpent's LessonSinuous, entwined... inextricable.
InfernoclaspTempered by the forbidden flame.
AstramentisMindless rage will shake the world,
Cunning lies will bend it.
Reckless haste will break the world,
And into darkness send it.
Fixation of YixHe knew not why he was changing, only
that he wanted to hold his family close...
Ungil's HarmonyGentle anger, raging calm.
Death RushTo truly appreciate life you must be there when it ends
DustbloomWraeclast has suffered many great disasters,
but life always springs back anew.
Feathered FortressRide the western wind, and take flight.
Forbidden GazeKeep your heart as ice,
lest your passions stir.
Guiding PalmThe stories we tell serve to unite us.
Guiding PalmThe stories we tell serve to unite us.
Guiding PalmThe stories we tell serve to unite us.
Kitoko's CurrentReality is a puzzle. Ingenuity is power.
Pariah's EmbraceHis isolation caused him to treasure
their companionship all the more.
Sandstorm VisageA fell wind brings death.
Seeing StarsWithin lies a window.
Solar Lance
The Eternal SparkA flash of blue, a stormcloud's kiss,
her motionless dance the pulse of bliss
The Smiling KnightComing soon
Thief's TormentThe ring I stole,
My finger they took,
A shrouded mind,
Cut their curses short,
As I drained their spirit
And stole their soul.
A blessing is often a curse.
ThrillsteelTWe may fight, and we may die, but in these
moments of blood and battle, we truly live.
TrampletoeThe truly mighty are never outnumbered.
Wandering ReliquaryKnowing she could outlast any opponent,
Wrashmin fought not to win, but to delay.
WondertrapWonders abound at death's door.
Atsak's SightRemaining unseen, the Dishonoured Assassin struck
only in the depths of the harshest sandstorms.
Crest of ArduraWhen the Red Sekhema called,
the Ardura were the first to answer.
Death's HarpThe mournful music of the strings,
The creaking arch, the arrow sings.
A choking cry, a rattled breath,
The Reaper's Song, the Harp of Death.
Husk of DreamsYes... but what if?
Idle HandsThe devil finds work for idle hands.
LycosidaeA true predator does not chase; It waits.
Nazir's JudgementThe first witch hunter knew one critical tactic: never let your enemy have a clear moment.
Prayers for RainIn its final era, the roofs of Keth were rife with
anything and everything that could hold water...
should the opportunity arise.
The Dancing MirageBe not where death falls.
ThunderstepWhere legends tread,
the world hearkens.
Veil of the NightThe seeds of greatness are planted in darkness,
Watered by suffering,
Tended by desperation,
And bloom steel flowers of victory.
Beacon of AzisThe homeguard signalled for aid against a surprise attack,

but it was not their dekharas that responded.

It was Solerai herself.
FireflowerTale-women in training drink of a painful desert fruit.
Fire, they learn, springs from agony.
Ryslatha's CoilAll creatures have the potential for greatness or unequivocal failure.
Call of the BrotherhoodForged by three brothers
so that they may recognize each other
across any distance of time or travel.
Heartbound LoopWhen the axe finally fell, Seryl shared his pain,
and the last thought that flickered through his
fading mind was her broken, shattered scream.
SnakepitThey wrap around you until your blood turns as cold as theirs.
The BurrowerIt coils deeper and deeper
It slithers between thoughts
It lies beneath the valley
It lies in our minds
Whisper of the BrotherhoodForged by the last remaining brother
to return all that was once given.
Atziri's Acuity"The heart is the herald.
It will tell me when it is best to strike."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Belly of the BeastThere is no safer place
Than the Belly of the Beast
Birth of FuryAs the sun rises and the light approaches,
so too shall your enemies fear you.
Blueflame BracersThe secret was lost with its maker.
BushwhackBanished for his tragic failure,
Erian learned to hunt to survive.
Chober ChaberThe faithful may continue to serve, even after death.
CornathaumPain brings clarity.
DeathblowAnticipation is a gift.
DeidbellMay you never hear it toll.
Demon StitcherXibaqua's treachery was met with divine fury.
One by one, the gods reclaimed their flesh,
until all that remained was a droplet of pure light:
The first Vaal.
ElevoreAncient worshippers of the Greatwolf were overtaken by a ravenous hunger for all things mystical.
KingsguardThe toughest armour is the trust of your people.
Mask of the Stitched DemonFrom the flesh of the gods, Xibaqua was born.
From the carnage of Xibaqua, we were born.
It is our duty to return to the gods what was once theirs.
Obern's BastionThe storm cannot sway those of sure footing.
PowertreadThe combat stance used by Vaal nobles
was as elegant as it was deadly.
PragmatismIn an endless war against darkness,
one must be ever vigilant.
File:Prism Guardian inventory icon.pngPrism GuardianWhen blood is paid, the weak think twice.
Redflare ConduitIn all things, control.
SnakebiteAs the serpent shuns thought,
It shuns fear.
It strikes with the speed of wrath
And the skill of compulsion.
Tetzlapokal's DesireA faith born of flesh.
The Rat CageThe truth lies inside every man, if you dig around.
Many a confession was found in the bowels of Axiom.
The Vertex"A queen should be seen, admired, but never touched."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
The Vile KnightComing soon
Voll's ProtectorAlthough a great leader during the war,
Voll proved disastrous in times of peace.
WindscreamThe mocking wind, a shielding spell,
The haunting screams, a maddening hell
Eye of ChayulaNever blinking, always watching.
Ligurium TalismanHealing the soul requires sacrifice.
Serpent's EggWhen Kabala the Serpent Queen was banished from Keth,
the Sekhemas took a single hostage as punishment.
Corona of the Red SunComing soon
Quatl's MoltAs the serpent wills.
Rise of the PhoenixMy bearer shall be guarded by flame,
for I am the phoenix, forever radiant in glory.
The SurrenderOur hearts cry out
but are silenced by our flesh
and so we give up our flesh.
Doryani's Prototype"This was the first step in some grand design,
lost to the ages, now ours to decipher."
- Dominus, High Templar
Greed's EmbraceSome would question if the risk was worth it.
The rest were already dead.
Quecholli"The finest prosperity grows from the direst
carnage. Such is the nature of progress."
- Doryani of the Vaal
AndvariusDanger is the price of wealth.
Atziri's DisdainThey screamed her name in adulation as they gave
their very lives. She looked on with impatience.
Coward's LegacyDeath is your most important duty.
Face it, or curse your bloodline for all eternity.
Perandus SealA pact with Prospero always comes at a price.
Sekhema's ResolveThough the Winter of the World shrouded the
Vastiri in ice, we remained, unchanged.
Sekhema's ResolveThough the summer of centuries burns the
Vastiri to dust, we remain, unchanged.
Sekhema's ResolveThough the rains refuse to return to a dry
Vastiri, we shall remain, unchanged.
The CovenantMy Soul is your Strength
My Price is your Blood
AssailumA moment of calm before the battle can end the war.
Keeper of the ArcThe priests of the Kalguur keep faith through numbers
and calculation, not unprovable promises.
Maligaro's VirtuosityMaligaro operated effortlessly,
with great speed and terrible consequences.
PerfidyThe Trickster God turned the very Day and Night against each other.
What hope have you?
File:The Deepest Tower inventory icon.pngThe Deepest TowerWhen blood is paid, the weak think twice.
The Three Dragons"The ice seared his naked feet
As the lightning stilled his heart,
But it was the flames upon his lover's face
That roused him to vengeance."
- From 'The Three Dragons' by Victario of Sarn
Mahuxotl's MachinationThe Banished Architect sought to employ the darkest secrets of the Vaal.
Queen of the ForestShedding away her regal past,
she forged a new destiny.
Sacrificing the ephemeral joys of man,
she embraced the eternal grasp of nature.
Seizing her one true wish,
she found peace at last.
Headhunter"A man's soul rules from a cavern of bone, learns and
judges through flesh-born windows. The heart is meat.
The head is where the Man is."
- Lavianga, Advisor to Kaom
Aerisvane's WingsThe strongest souls are forged through struggle and defeat.
BeetlebiteThey crawl and chitter and swarm
in the shadow of his presence.
Choir of the StormBut the fool did not bow.
The fool stood and questioned.
And the fool was unwritten.
Couture of CrimsonIt's often said of nobles that they live off their peasants... sometimes, it's truer than any suspect.
Glimpse of ChaosMan retains sanity and strives toward civilisation
only under the blessed veil of ignorance.
Hand of Wisdom and ActionShe thinks and we act.
She acts and we think.
Fragments of the whole that washes clean the skies.
StrugglescreamThere is no light at the end of this inner strife,
but the shadows eventually become home.
The PandemoniusA single moment sets in motion an eternal fall,
beneath which all are buried.
Xoph's BloodWe are his blood.
Through us he carries his burning message.
IngenuityExperiments with geomancy taught
the Maji more than they ever expected.
Blessed Bonds"We survived the endless winter.
We endure the long summer.
One day, spring will return the rains."
Myris UxorThe end always comes sooner than we think.
Zerphi's GenesisThe most horrifying ideas often begin with a simple innovation.
The Brass DomeThe turtle's shell one day becomes its tomb.
HateforgeThe first Karui born on the fringes of the Vaal empire developed a blood fever born of corruption.
Melting MaelstromWhat is life, but a dreamlike spiral of panic?
Olroth's ResolveOlroth the Gallant,
tireless and true,
he fights for me,
he fights for you!
Shavronne's SatchelBring mystery to life. Again and again.
TemporalisThe final element the tale-women
mastered was Time itself.
Ventor's GambleIn a blaze of glory,
An anomaly defying all odds
The "unkillable" beast met the divine
And Ventor met his latest trophy.
Ab AeternoHis enemy was for endurance forged. His own waned.
Alpha's HowlNature respects the strong
And paints the snow red
With the blood of the weak
Beyond ReachThe limit of our knowledge is a barrier
that protects us from ourselves.
Collapsing HorizonThe edges bend, the world flexes, the infinite spills into view.
Morior InvictusThe Unblinking Eye did not cower and wail.
They stood against the end.
OlrovasaraTrue heroes grow stronger in the face of adversity."
- Fourth Tenet of the Knights of the Sun
Sine AequoThe greatest warrior of his era fought with honour.
Kaom's HeartThe warrior who fears will fall.
The Burden of ShadowsNothingness is loathe to relinquish its grip.
Every moment is a struggle to exist.
Sacred FlameFire destroys, but fire also purifies.
Life always springs anew.
SvalinnThe priests found the Great Shield the night it fell to Middengard,
but it was the smiths who delved into the secrets it held.

Big def values

Biggest defense values
Type Armour Evasion Energy Shield
Body Armour