Gas ArrowAoE, Projectile, Fire, Chaos, Duration Level: 1 Cost: 9 Mana Attack Damage: 80% of baseFires a noxious arrow at the ground, creating a cloud of flammable poisonous gas at the end of its flight. The cloud will detonate if hit by a Detonator skill or if an Ignited enemy touches it, creating a fiery explosion.Poison Cloud Does not Hit, but Poisons enemies as though Hitting them Gains 50% more Area of Effect per second, up to a maximum of 200% Impact radius is 1.8 metres
Explosion Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage Impact radius is 1.8 metres
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Impact radius is (0–0.4) metresPlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. Sockets are found in the Skill Gem panel.