UnearthMinion, AoE, Physical, Duration Level: (1-20) Cost: (8-87) Mana Critical Strike Chance: 15.00%Raises spikes of bone from the earth in front of you, damaging enemies. The bones of Corpses in the area are ripped out and reassembled into short-lived Bone Construct Minions that fight for you.Deals (4–107) to (6–160) Physical Damage Limit (8–20) Bone Constructs Cone length is 6 metres Bone Construct duration is 12 seconds
Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality: Bone Construct duration is (0-4) secondsSkills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Acquisition Drop restricted It can be obtained by engraving an Uncut Skill Gem.Metadata Item class: Skill Gem Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Gem/SkillGemUnearth
Unearth is an AoEminionspellskill that deals damage in a cone area in front of the player. Killing enemies or hitting corpses with Unearth causes Bone Constructs to spawn, fighting alongside the player for a duration of time.