The following support gems are recommendations by GGG as listed in-game, and do not necessarily reflect optimal combinations or the views of the wiki.
Gem tier
Support gems
Lightning InfusionLightning InfusionAttack, Lightning Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Cold Damage but deal less Fire and Lightning DamageSupported Attacks Gain 25% of Damage as extra Lightning Damage Supported Attacks deal 50% less Cold and Fire DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Perpetual ChargePerpetual ChargeTier: 1 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%Supports skills that consume Power, Frenzy or Endurance Charges on use, giving them a chance not to remove each Charge while still gaining the benefits of consuming them.Supported Skills have 35% chance to not remove Charges but still count as consuming themPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
InnervateInnervateAttack, Lightning, Duration Tier: 1 Level: 1Supports Attacks you use yourself. Killing a Shocked enemy with supported skills infuses all of your Attacks with Lightning damage for a short time.Attacks gain 35% of Damage as Lightning Damage for 3 seconds on killing a Shocked enemy with Supported SkillsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Inevitable CriticalInevitable CriticalCritical Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill you use yourself that Hits enemies, causing it to accumulate Critical Hit chance over time.Supported Skills gain 25% increased Critical Hit Chance each second, up to 100%. This Critical Hit Chance is lost whenever a skill supported by Inevitable Critical Critically HitsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Coursing CurrentCoursing CurrentAoE, Lightning Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to also Shock nearby enemies when you Shock an enemy.Shocking Hits from Supported Skills have a 50% chance to also Shock enemies in a 2.5 metre radiusPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Primal ArmamentPrimal ArmamentAttack Tier: 2 Level: 1 Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%Supports Attacks that use a weapon, causing them to deal more weapon Elemental damage.Supported Skills deal 25% more Weapon Elemental DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Elemental FocusElemental FocusTier: 3 Level: 1Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal more Elemental Damage but be unable to inflict Elemental Ailments.Supported Skills deal 25% more Elemental Damage Supported Skills cannot inflict Elemental AilmentsPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
RageforgedRageforgedTier: 3 Level: 1Supports any damaging skill that you use or trigger yourself, causing it to consume Rage to deal more damage. If you don't have enough Rage to consume, the damage bonus will not apply.Supported Skills consume 10 Rage if possible to deal 35% more DamagePlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
CulminationCulminationAttack, Melee Tier: 3 Level: 1Supports Melee Attack Skills. Supported Skills gain Combo when you successfully Strike Enemies with other Melee Attacks. Supported Skills reset their Combo on use, dealing more Damage the higher Combo you had on use. Cannot support skills which already gain Combo. Cannot Support Skills used by Minions.Supported Skills can gain Combo Supported Skills lose all Combo on use Supported Skills lose Combo if you generate no Combo for 3 seconds Supported Skills deal 2% more Damage per ComboPlace into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Item acquisition
Falling Thunder has restrictions on where or how it can drop.