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Gems are a type of item that either grants a skill (skill gem) or modifies a skill (support gem) when placed into a gem socket.

There are currently 166 different skill gems and 198 support gems in the game, for a total of 376.

Skill gems

Skill gems can be socketed in the skill panel to gain an active skill which can be assigned on the player's keybinds. Up to 9 skill gems can be bound simultaneously by default; items or passive skills may also grant additional skills.

Characters need to meet the skill gem's level and attribute requirements to be able to use it. Level and attribute requirements increase as a skill gem is leveled up.

When creating a skill gem using an Uncut Skill Gem, it will be engraved at a gem level matching that of the uncut gem. Skill gems can be levelled up further using an Uncut Skill Gem up to its maximum level, typically Level 20.

Spirit gems

Spirit gems, or persistent buff skill gems, are special skill gems which can only be created using an Uncut Spirit Gem. They can be socketed to gain access to skills that grant persistent buffs, trigger other skills, or to summon permanent minions. These gems have require the reservation of spirit in order to gain their effect.

Spirit gems can be supported by support gems, but this will often increase the reservation based on the support gem's cost multiplier. Other support gems may incur a flat spirit reservation instead which does not scale.

Similar to skill gems, characters need to meet the spirit gem's level and attribute requirements and sometimes weapon requirements to be able to use them.

Skills granted by spirit gems can be activated in the skill panel by right-clicking the desired spirit gem. They may also have a skill component which can be used directly.

Support gems

Support gems can be socketed into individual skills; these modify the effects of the supported skill. Each gem is limited to two support slots at start, with up to three additional supports available via the use of Jeweller's Orbs. Skills granted by items and Ascendancy skills can also have sockets; their number of sockets is based on the item's item level or your character level, respectively.

Only one copy of a support gem can be socketed across all your skills. The Gemling Legionnaire's Gem Studded passive or Solus Ipse allows you to have a second copy of a support gem socketed on different skills.

The total number of support gems of each color are limited by the corresponding stat totals of the character, with 5 points of the stat allowing one support of that color.

  • Strength - Red
  • Dexterity - Green
  • Intelligence - Blue

For example, a character with 20 Strength, 40 Dexterity and 30 Intelligence would be able to use a total of 4 red, 8 green and 6 blue support gems.


Main page: Gemcutting

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.