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Falling Thunder: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Item |rarity_id = normal |name = Sunder |class_id = Active Skill Gem |size_x = 1 |size_y = 1 |drop_level = 12 |tags = gem, default |metadata_id = Metadata/Items/Gems/SkillGemSunder |help_text...")
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|rarity_id                              = normal
|rarity_id                              = normal
|name                                    = Sunder
|name                                    = Falling Thunder
|class_id                                = Active Skill Gem
|class_id                                = Active Skill Gem
|size_x                                  = 1
|size_x                                  = 1
|size_y                                  = 1
|size_y                                  = 1
|drop_level                              = 12
|drop_level                              = 1
|tags                                    = gem, default
|tags                                    = gem, default
|metadata_id                            = Metadata/Items/Gems/SkillGemSunder
|metadata_id                            =  
|help_text                              = Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
|help_text                              = Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.<br>Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
|strength_percent                        = 100
|dexterity_percent                      = 50
|gem_tags                                = Attack, AoE, Slam, Melee
|intelligence_percent                    = 50
|gem_description                        = Slams the ground, creating a slow wave of churning terrain that damages enemies in a sequence of areas in front of you. A number of enemies hit by the wave will release a shockwave, damaging other enemies around them. Using the skill again will stop the previous wave. Requires a Mace, Sceptre, Axe, Staff or Unarmed.
|gem_tags                                = Attack, AoE, Slam, Projectile, Lightning
|active_skill_name                      = Sunder
|gem_description                        = Infuse a Quarterstaff with electrical energies, then Slam the ground to deal damage in a large area in front of you. Consumes your [[power charge]]s to fire Lightning Projectiles forwards from the impact.
|item_class_id_restriction              = One Hand Mace, Sceptre, Staff, Two Hand Mace, One Hand Axe, Two Hand Axe, Unarmed, Warstaff
|active_skill_name                      =  
|skill_id                                = Sunder
|skill_icon                              = Falling Thunder
|item_class_id_restriction              = Warstaff
|skill_id                                = Falling Thunder
|cast_time                              = 1.0
|cast_time                              = 1.0
|required_level                          = 12
|required_level                          = 1
|quality_type1_weight                    = 1
|quality_type1_stat_text                = Wave gains +(0.005-0.1) metres to radius with each Area in the Sequence
|quality_type1_breakpoints              = 20.0
|quality_type1_stat1_id                  = sunder_wave_radius_+_per_step
|quality_type1_stat1_value              = 50
|static_cost_types                      = Mana
|static_cost_types                      = Mana
|static_attack_speed_multiplier          = 75
|static_attack_speed_multiplier          = 60
|static_stat1_id                        = base_sunder_wave_delay_ms
|stat_text                              = Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage<br>Cone length is 4 metres<br><br><big>{{c|gem|Projectile}}</big><br/>Projectiles Pierce all Targets<br>Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage<br>25% more Damage per [[power charge]] Consumed<br>100% more Damage if a [[power charge]] was Consumed<br>Fires 3 Projectiles per [[power charge]] Consumed
|static_stat1_value                      = 400
|static_stat2_id                        = console_skill_dont_chase
|static_stat2_value                      = 1
|static_stat3_id                        = is_area_damage
|static_stat3_value                      = 1
|static_stat4_id                        = shockwave_slam_explosion_damage_+%_final
|static_stat4_value                      = -40
|static_stat5_id                        = sunder_shockwave_limit_per_cascade
|static_stat5_value                      = 5
|static_stat6_id                        = sunder_wave_max_steps
|static_stat6_value                      = 5
|static_stat7_id                        = sunder_wave_min_steps
|static_stat7_value                      = 2
|static_stat8_id                        = sunder_wave_radius_+_per_step
|static_stat8_value                      = 2
|stat_text                              = (0-19)% more Area of Effect<br>Shockwaves deal 40% less Damage<br>Wave causes Shockwaves from up to 5 Enemies in each Area<br>Wave has (0-25)% reduced delay between Areas<br>Wave Damages 5 Areas<br>Wave cannot stop before Damaging 2 Areas<br>Wave gains +0.2 metres to radius with each Area in the Sequence
|level1                                  = True
|level1                                  = True
|level1_level_requirement                = 12
|level1_level_requirement                = 1
|level1_cost_amounts                    = 8
|level1_cost_amounts                    = 11
|level1_damage_effectiveness            = 273.8
|level1_damage_effectiveness            = 140
|level1_damage_multiplier                = 273.8
|level1_damage_multiplier                = 140
|level2                                  = True
|level2_level_requirement                = 15
|level20_level_requirement              = 90
|level2_cost_amounts                    = 9
|level20_cost_amounts                    = 100
|level2_damage_effectiveness            = 286
|level20_damage_effectiveness            = 437
|level2_damage_multiplier                = 286
|level20_damage_multiplier              = 437
|level2_stat_text                        = 1% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 1% reduced delay between Areas
|level2_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|quality_type1_weight                   = 1
|level2_stat1_value                      = 1
|quality_type1_stat_text                = (0–10)% Chance to not remove Charges on use
|level2_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|quality_type1_breakpoints               = 2
|level2_stat2_value                      = -1
|quality_type1_stat1_id                  =  
|level3                                  = True
|quality_type1_stat1_value               =  
|level3_level_requirement                = 19
|level3_cost_amounts                    = 9
|gem_tier                                = 1
|level3_damage_effectiveness            = 299.5
|release_version                        = 0.1.0
|level3_damage_multiplier                = 299.5
|level3_stat_text                        = 2% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 3% reduced delay between Areas
|level3_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level3_stat1_value                      = 2
|level3_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level3_stat2_value                      = -3
|level4                                  = True
|level4_level_requirement                = 23
|level4_cost_amounts                    = 9
|level4_damage_effectiveness            = 313.5
|level4_damage_multiplier                = 313.5
|level4_stat_text                        = 3% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 4% reduced delay between Areas
|level4_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level4_stat1_value                      = 3
|level4_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level4_stat2_value                      = -4
|level5                                  = True
|level5_level_requirement                = 27
|level5_cost_amounts                    = 10
|level5_damage_effectiveness            = 328.1
|level5_damage_multiplier                = 328.1
|level5_stat_text                        = 4% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 5% reduced delay between Areas
|level5_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level5_stat1_value                      = 4
|level5_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level5_stat2_value                      = -5
|level6                                  = True
|level6_level_requirement                = 31
|level6_cost_amounts                    = 10
|level6_damage_effectiveness            = 343.4
|level6_damage_multiplier                = 343.4
|level6_stat_text                        = 5% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 7% reduced delay between Areas
|level6_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level6_stat1_value                      = 5
|level6_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level6_stat2_value                      = -7
|level7                                  = True
|level7_level_requirement                = 35
|level7_cost_amounts                    = 10
|level7_damage_effectiveness            = 359.4
|level7_damage_multiplier                = 359.4
|level7_stat_text                        = 6% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 8% reduced delay between Areas
|level7_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level7_stat1_value                      = 6
|level7_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level7_stat2_value                      = -8
|level8                                  = True
|level8_level_requirement                = 38
|level8_cost_amounts                    = 11
|level8_damage_effectiveness            = 375.5
|level8_damage_multiplier                = 375.5
|level8_stat_text                        = 7% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 9% reduced delay between Areas
|level8_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level8_stat1_value                      = 7
|level8_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level8_stat2_value                      = -9
|level9                                  = True
|level9_level_requirement                = 41
|level9_cost_amounts                    = 11
|level9_damage_effectiveness            = 392.1
|level9_damage_multiplier                = 392.1
|level9_stat_text                        = 8% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 11% reduced delay between Areas
|level9_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level9_stat1_value                      = 8
|level9_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level9_stat2_value                      = -11
|level10                                = True
|level10_level_requirement              = 44
|level10_cost_amounts                    = 11
|level10_damage_effectiveness            = 409.7
|level10_damage_multiplier              = 409.7
|level10_stat_text                      = 9% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 12% reduced delay between Areas
|level10_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level10_stat1_value                    = 9
|level10_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level10_stat2_value                    = -12
|level11                                = True
|level11_level_requirement              = 47
|level11_cost_amounts                    = 11
|level11_damage_effectiveness            = 428
|level11_damage_multiplier              = 428
|level11_stat_text                      = 10% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 13% reduced delay between Areas
|level11_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level11_stat1_value                    = 10
|level11_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level11_stat2_value                    = -13
|level12                                = True
|level12_level_requirement              = 50
|level12_cost_amounts                    = 12
|level12_damage_effectiveness            = 447.1
|level12_damage_multiplier              = 447.1
|level12_stat_text                      = 11% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 14% reduced delay between Areas
|level12_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level12_stat1_value                    = 11
|level12_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level12_stat2_value                    = -14
|level13                                = True
|level13_level_requirement              = 53
|level13_cost_amounts                    = 12
|level13_damage_effectiveness            = 467
|level13_damage_multiplier              = 467
|level13_stat_text                      = 12% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 16% reduced delay between Areas
|level13_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level13_stat1_value                    = 12
|level13_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level13_stat2_value                    = -16
|level14                                = True
|level14_level_requirement              = 56
|level14_cost_amounts                    = 12
|level14_damage_effectiveness            = 487.7
|level14_damage_multiplier              = 487.7
|level14_stat_text                      = 13% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 17% reduced delay between Areas
|level14_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level14_stat1_value                    = 13
|level14_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level14_stat2_value                    = -17
|level15                                = True
|level15_level_requirement              = 59
|level15_cost_amounts                    = 12
|level15_damage_effectiveness            = 509.5
|level15_damage_multiplier              = 509.5
|level15_stat_text                      = 14% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 18% reduced delay between Areas
|level15_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level15_stat1_value                    = 14
|level15_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level15_stat2_value                    = -18
|level16                                = True
|level16_level_requirement              = 62
|level16_cost_amounts                    = 13
|level16_damage_effectiveness            = 532.2
|level16_damage_multiplier              = 532.2
|level16_stat_text                      = 15% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 20% reduced delay between Areas
|level16_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level16_stat1_value                    = 15
|level16_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level16_stat2_value                    = -20
|level17                                = True
|level17_level_requirement              = 64
|level17_cost_amounts                    = 13
|level17_damage_effectiveness            = 554.8
|level17_damage_multiplier              = 554.8
|level17_stat_text                      = 16% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 21% reduced delay between Areas
|level17_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level17_stat1_value                    = 16
|level17_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level17_stat2_value                    = -21
|level18                                = True
|level18_level_requirement              = 66
|level18_cost_amounts                    = 13
|level18_damage_effectiveness            = 578.5
|level18_damage_multiplier              = 578.5
|level18_stat_text                      = 17% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 22% reduced delay between Areas
|level18_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level18_stat1_value                    = 17
|level18_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level18_stat2_value                    = -22
|level19                                = True
|level19_level_requirement              = 68
|level19_cost_amounts                    = 13
|level19_damage_effectiveness            = 603.2
|level19_damage_multiplier              = 603.2
|level19_stat_text                      = 18% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 24% reduced delay between Areas
|level19_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level19_stat1_value                    = 18
|level19_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level19_stat2_value                    = -24
|level20                                = True
|level20_level_requirement              = 70
|level20_cost_amounts                    = 13
|level20_damage_effectiveness            = 629
|level20_damage_multiplier              = 629
|level20_stat_text                      = 19% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 25% reduced delay between Areas
|level20_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level20_stat1_value                    = 19
|level20_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level20_stat2_value                    = -25
|level21                                = True
|level21_level_requirement              = 72
|level21_cost_amounts                    = 14
|level21_damage_effectiveness            = 655.8
|level21_damage_multiplier              = 655.8
|level21_stat_text                      = 20% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 26% reduced delay between Areas
|level21_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level21_stat1_value                    = 20
|level21_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level21_stat2_value                    = -26
|level22                                = True
|level22_level_requirement              = 74
|level22_cost_amounts                    = 14
|level22_damage_effectiveness            = 683.9
|level22_damage_multiplier              = 683.9
|level22_stat_text                      = 21% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 28% reduced delay between Areas
|level22_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level22_stat1_value                    = 21
|level22_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level22_stat2_value                    = -28
|level23                                = True
|level23_level_requirement              = 76
|level23_cost_amounts                    = 14
|level23_damage_effectiveness            = 713
|level23_damage_multiplier              = 713
|level23_stat_text                      = 22% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 29% reduced delay between Areas
|level23_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level23_stat1_value                    = 22
|level23_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level23_stat2_value                    = -29
|level24                                = True
|level24_level_requirement              = 78
|level24_cost_amounts                    = 14
|level24_damage_effectiveness            = 743.4
|level24_damage_multiplier              = 743.4
|level24_stat_text                      = 23% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 30% reduced delay between Areas
|level24_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level24_stat1_value                    = 23
|level24_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level24_stat2_value                    = -30
|level25                                = True
|level25_level_requirement              = 80
|level25_cost_amounts                   = 14
|level25_damage_effectiveness            = 775.1
|level25_damage_multiplier              = 775.1
|level25_stat_text                      = 24% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 32% reduced delay between Areas
|level25_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level25_stat1_value                    = 24
|level25_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level25_stat2_value                    = -32
|level26                                = True
|level26_level_requirement               = 82
|level26_cost_amounts                    = 14
|level26_damage_effectiveness            = 808.1
|level26_damage_multiplier               = 808.1
|level26_stat_text                      = 25% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 33% reduced delay between Areas
|level26_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level26_stat1_value                    = 25
|level26_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level26_stat2_value                    = -33
|level27                                = True
|level27_level_requirement              = 84
|level27_cost_amounts                    = 15
|level27_damage_effectiveness            = 842.6
|level27_damage_multiplier              = 842.6
|level27_stat_text                      = 26% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 34% reduced delay between Areas
|level27_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level27_stat1_value                    = 26
|level27_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level27_stat2_value                    = -34
|level28                                = True
|level28_level_requirement              = 86
|level28_cost_amounts                    = 15
|level28_damage_effectiveness            = 878.5
|level28_damage_multiplier              = 878.5
|level28_stat_text                      = 27% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 36% reduced delay between Areas
|level28_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level28_stat1_value                    = 27
|level28_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level28_stat2_value                    = -36
|level29                                = True
|level29_level_requirement              = 88
|level29_cost_amounts                    = 15
|level29_damage_effectiveness            = 915.9
|level29_damage_multiplier              = 915.9
|level29_stat_text                      = 28% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 37% reduced delay between Areas
|level29_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level29_stat1_value                    = 28
|level29_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level29_stat2_value                    = -37
|level30                                = True
|level30_level_requirement              = 90
|level30_cost_amounts                    = 15
|level30_damage_effectiveness            = 954.9
|level30_damage_multiplier              = 954.9
|level30_stat_text                      = 29% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 38% reduced delay between Areas
|level30_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level30_stat1_value                    = 29
|level30_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level30_stat2_value                    = -38
|level31                                = True
|level31_level_requirement              = 91
|level31_cost_amounts                    = 15
|level31_damage_effectiveness            = 1013.5
|level31_damage_multiplier              = 1013.5
|level31_stat_text                      = 29% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 39% reduced delay between Areas
|level31_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level31_stat1_value                    = 29
|level31_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level31_stat2_value                    = -39
|level32                                = True
|level32_level_requirement              = 92
|level32_cost_amounts                    = 15
|level32_damage_effectiveness            = 1035
|level32_damage_multiplier              = 1035
|level32_stat_text                      = 30% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 39% reduced delay between Areas
|level32_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level32_stat1_value                    = 30
|level32_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level32_stat2_value                    = -39
|level33                                = True
|level33_level_requirement              = 93
|level33_cost_amounts                    = 15
|level33_damage_effectiveness            = 1057
|level33_damage_multiplier              = 1057
|level33_stat_text                      = 30% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 40% reduced delay between Areas
|level33_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level33_stat1_value                    = 30
|level33_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level33_stat2_value                    = -40
|level34                                = True
|level34_level_requirement              = 94
|level34_cost_amounts                    = 15
|level34_damage_effectiveness            = 1079.5
|level34_damage_multiplier              = 1079.5
|level34_stat_text                      = 31% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 41% reduced delay between Areas
|level34_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level34_stat1_value                    = 31
|level34_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level34_stat2_value                    = -41
|level35                                = True
|level35_level_requirement              = 95
|level35_cost_amounts                    = 16
|level35_damage_effectiveness            = 1102.4
|level35_damage_multiplier              = 1102.4
|level35_stat_text                      = 31% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 41% reduced delay between Areas
|level35_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level35_stat1_value                    = 31
|level35_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level35_stat2_value                    = -41
|level36                                = True
|level36_level_requirement              = 96
|level36_cost_amounts                    = 16
|level36_damage_effectiveness            = 1125.9
|level36_damage_multiplier              = 1125.9
|level36_stat_text                      = 32% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 42% reduced delay between Areas
|level36_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level36_stat1_value                    = 32
|level36_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level36_stat2_value                    = -42
|level37                                = True
|level37_level_requirement              = 97
|level37_cost_amounts                    = 16
|level37_damage_effectiveness            = 1149.8
|level37_damage_multiplier              = 1149.8
|level37_stat_text                      = 32% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 43% reduced delay between Areas
|level37_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level37_stat1_value                    = 32
|level37_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level37_stat2_value                    = -43
|level38                                = True
|level38_level_requirement              = 98
|level38_cost_amounts                    = 16
|level38_damage_effectiveness            = 1174.1
|level38_damage_multiplier              = 1174.1
|level38_stat_text                      = 33% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 43% reduced delay between Areas
|level38_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level38_stat1_value                    = 33
|level38_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level38_stat2_value                    = -43
|level39                                = True
|level39_level_requirement              = 99
|level39_cost_amounts                    = 16
|level39_damage_effectiveness            = 1199.1
|level39_damage_multiplier              = 1199.1
|level39_stat_text                      = 33% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 44% reduced delay between Areas
|level39_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level39_stat1_value                    = 33
|level39_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level39_stat2_value                    = -44
|level40                                = True
|level40_level_requirement              = 100
|level40_cost_amounts                    = 16
|level40_damage_effectiveness            = 1224.6
|level40_damage_multiplier              = 1224.6
|level40_stat_text                      = 34% more Area of Effect<br>Wave has 45% reduced delay between Areas
|level40_stat1_id                        = active_skill_area_of_effect_+%_final
|level40_stat1_value                    = 34
|level40_stat2_id                        = sunder_wave_delay_+%
|level40_stat2_value                    = -45
|inventory_icon                          = Falling Thunder
|release_version                        =
'''Falling Thunder''' is an [[attack]] [[skill]]
'''Falling Thunder''' is a [[quarterstaff]] [[slam]] [[skill]]. The user strikes the ground, dealing [[lightning]] damage in a cone in front of them. If the user has [[power charge]]s, they will be consumed to launch lightning [[projectile]]s forward on impact.

==Skill functions and interactions==
==Skill functions and interactions==
Line 445: Line 49:

==Gem level progression==
==Gem level progression==
{{Skill progression
{{Skill progression}}
==Recommended support gems==
{{Recommended support gems
|t1_1 = {{il|Innervate}}
|t1_2 = {{il|Lightning Infusion}}
|t1_3 = {{il|Perpetual Charge}}
|t2_1 = {{il|Coursing Current}}
|t2_2 = {{il|Inevitable Critical}}
|t2_3 = {{il|Primal Armament}}
|t3_1 = {{il|Culmination}}
|t3_2 = {{il|Elemental Focus}}
|t3_3 = {{il|Rageforged}}

{{Item acquisition}}
{{Item acquisition}}
{{Skill enchantment modifier list}}

{{Alternate skill effect list}}
{{Alternate skill effect list}}
Line 456: Line 70:
==Version history==
==Version history==
{{Version history table header}}
{{Version history table header}}
{{Version history table row|0.1.0|
* Introduced to the game.
{{Version history table end}}
{{Version history table end}}

{{Navbox Skills}}
{{Navbox Skills}}

Latest revision as of 03:35, 19 January 2025

Falling ThunderAttack, AoE, Slam, Projectile, Lightning
Tier: 1
Level: 1
Cost: 11 Mana
Attack Speed: 60% of base
Attack Damage: 140% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 140%
Infuse a Quarterstaff with electrical energies, then Slam the ground to deal damage in a large area in front of you. Consumes your power charges to fire Lightning Projectiles forwards from the impact.Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
Cone length is 4 metres

Projectiles Pierce all Targets
Converts 100% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
25% more Damage per power charge Consumed
100% more Damage if a power charge was Consumed
Fires 3 Projectiles per power charge Consumed

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
(0–10)% Chance to not remove Charges on use
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.
Drop restricted
It can be obtained by engraving an Uncut Skill Gem.
Item class: Skill Gem

Falling Thunder is a quarterstaff slam skill. The user strikes the ground, dealing lightning damage in a cone in front of them. If the user has power charges, they will be consumed to launch lightning projectiles forward on impact.

Skill functions and interactions

Gem level progression

LevelRequired LevelMana

Recommended support gems

The following support gems are recommendations by GGG as listed in-game, and do not necessarily reflect optimal combinations or the views of the wiki.

Support gems
I Innervate Lightning Infusion Perpetual Charge
II Coursing Current Inevitable Critical Primal Armament
III Culmination Elemental Focus Rageforged

Item acquisition

Falling Thunder has restrictions on where or how it can drop.

It can be obtained by engraving an Uncut Skill Gem.

Alternate skill effects

Falling Thunder has the following alternate skill effects:


Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.