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Version 0.1.0
- December 18, 2024 - Version 0.1.0e
- December 6, 2024 - Version 0.1.0
- Ablation
- Acceleration
- Aftershock
- Ambush
- Ammo Conservation
- Ancestral Urgency
- Arcane Surge
- Arcane Tempo
- Armour Explosion
- Astral Projection
- Auto Reload
- Behead
- Biting Frost
- Blind
- Bloodlust
- Bludgeon
- Break Endurance
- Break Posture
- Brutality
- Bullseye
- Burning Inscription
- Bursting Plague
- Cannibalism
- Capacitor
- Chain
- Chaos Infusion
- Chaos Mastery
- Chaotic Freeze
- Clarity
- Close Combat
- Cold Exposure
- Cold Infusion
- Cold Mastery
- Cold Penetration
- Combo Finisher
- Comorbidity
- Concentrated Effect
- Conduction
- Considered Casting
- Controlled Destruction
- Corpse Conservation
- Corrosion
- Corrupting Cry
- Coursing Current
- Crescendo
- Culling Strike
- Culmination
- Cursed Ground
- Danse Macabre
- Dazing Cry
- Deadly Poison
- Decaying Hex
- Deceleration
- Deep Cuts
- Deep Freeze
- Demolisher
- Despoiler
- Devastate
- Discombobulate
- Double Barrel
- Drain Ailments
- Electrocute
- Elemental Army
- Elemental Discharge
- Elemental Focus
- Encumbrance
- Energy Barrier
- Energy Retention
- Enraged Warcry
- Envenom
- Eternal Flame
- Excise
- Execrate
- Execute
- Expanse
- Exploit Weakness
- Extraction
- Fast Forward
- Feeding Frenzy
- Ferocity
- Fiery Death
- Fire Exposure
- Fire Infusion
- Fire Mastery
- Fire Penetration
- Fist of War
- Focused Curse
- Font of Blood
- Font of Mana
- Font of Rage
- Fork
- Fortress
- Fresh Clip
- Frost Nexus
- Frostfire
- Glaciation
- Glacier
- Heavy Swing
- Heft
- Heightened Curse
- Herbalism
- Hex Bloom
- Hinder
- Holy Descent
- Hourglass
- Ice Bite
- Icicle
- Ignition
- Immolate
- Impact Shockwave
- Impending Doom
- Impetus
- Inevitable Critical
- Infernal Legion
- Ingenuity
- Innervate
- Inspiration
- Intense Agony
- Ironwood
- Jagged Ground
- Lacerate
- Last Gasp
- Lasting Shock
- Leverage
- Life Bounty
- Life Drain
- Life Thief
- Lifetap
- Lightning Exposure
- Lightning Infusion
- Lightning Mastery
- Lightning Penetration
- Lockdown
- Long Fuse
- Longshot
- Magnified Effect
- Maim
- Mana Bounty
- Mana Flare
- Martial Tempo
- Meat Shield
- Minion Instability
- Minion Mastery
- Minion Pact
- Mobility
- Momentum
- Murderous Intent
- Neural Overload
- Nimble Reload
- Overabundance
- Overcharge
- Overpower
- Payload
- Perpetual Charge
- Persistence
- Physical Mastery
- Pierce
- Pin
- Potential
- Practiced Combo
- Precision
- Premeditation
- Primal Armament
- Profusion
- Rage
- Rageforged
- Raging Cry
- Ricochet
- Rising Tempest
- Ritualistic Curse
- Rupture
- Ruthless
- Sacrificial Lamb
- Scattershot
- Searing Flame
- Second Wind
- Shock Siphon
- Soul Drain
- Soul Thief
- Spell Cascade
- Spell Echo
- Splinter
- Stomping Ground
- Stormfire
- Strip Away
- Supercritical
- Swift Affliction
- Unbreakable
- Unleash
- Upheaval
- Vitality
- Wildfire
- Wildshards
- Wind Wave
- Window of Opportunity
- Withering Touch