Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun

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Kaazuli, High Priest of the Sun
Location(s) The Ziggurat
Quest(s) Legacy of the Vaal
Damage Fire
Resistance(s) Fire, Cold

Kaazuli, High Priest of the Sun is a unique monster located in The Ziggurat.


  • Firebolt: Fires a single fire projectile
  • Laser: Fires a red laser beam in front across the ground
  • Sun Orb: Fires a single slow-moving fire projectile
  • Blazing Salvo: Charges up several small fire orbs in the air before rapidly firing them at the ground, tracking the player
  • Wormhole: Creates a slow-moving black hole that rotates around the arena, dealing fire damage and slowing action speed. Creates up to two which will persist until the boss is killed.
  • Dash Combo: Quickly moves towards the player before exploding, dealing fire damage. Uses twice in a row then cannot act for a short duration.
    • When <10% of life remaining, it can use Dash Combo repeatedly without interruption.
  • Scorching Ray: Channels a large beam of fire, turning slowly to track the player

At 50%/10% life:

  • Bullet Hell: Rises up into the air, creating several Sun Orbs that cross the arena. Crosses perpendicularly in two directions at 50% life, crosses in three directions at 10% life.

The arena will periodically also create Sun Orbs that explode at the edges of the arena.


Version history

Version Changes