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Salvage Bench
A Salvage Bench is a crafting bench that allows you to destroy equipment items for quality currency (Armourer's Scraps,
Blacksmith's Whetstones,
Arcanist's Etcher) and
Artificer's Shards.
The Salvage Bench is unlocked after completing the quest Finding the Forge by handing in Smithing Tools to Renly in Act 1. Doing so will unlock the bench in towns and hideouts.
Most equipment that can have quality and/or rune sockets can be salvaged for currency. Gems and jewellery cannot be salvaged, even if they have quality.
- Martial weapons give
Blacksmith's Whetstones
- wands, staves, and sceptres give
Arcanist's Etchers
- armour and off-hand items give
Armourer's Scraps
- Flasks and charms give
Glassblower's Baubles
When salvaging an item, you receive the following:
- 1x quality currency for every 5% quality, with a chance for an additional 1x quality currency for additional quality between each 5% breakpoint.
- 1x
Artificer's Shard per socket
Any items socketed into a rune socket will be destroyed when salvaging.