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Regal Shard

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Regal ShardStack Size: 10A stack of 10 shards becomes a Regal Orb
Drop level: 5
Can also be obtained from disenchanting rare items.
Item class: Currency Item
Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Currency/CurrencyUpgradeMagicToRareShard

A Regal Shard is a currency item. It can be combined with other shards to form an Regal Orb.

Item acquisition

Regal Shard can drop anywhere. Can also be obtained from disenchanting rare items.

Usage in recipes

Regal Shard is used in the following recipes:

Regal Orb10Regal ShardM

Rare items disenchant for 1 Regal Shard by default. Items with 6 or more explicit modifiers disenchant for 2 Regal Shards.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Disenchanting Rare Items with 6 Modifiers now provides 2 Regal Shards (previously 1). The value displayed will still show as 1 until a later patch.
  • Introduced to the game.