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Quest navbox

This is the sandbox page for User:Mefisto1029 (diff).

Documentation[create] [purge]

Treacherous Ground

Treacherous Ground
Treacherous Ground quest icon.png
Required Yes
Start Talk to Renly‎
Objective Kill The Devourer
Completion Talk to Renly‎
Boss The Devourer
The Devourer

Treacherous Ground is a quest in act 1.


File:Quest Notification.png Search Clearfell to find the Mud Burrow entrance

File:Quest Notification.png Find the Devourer and slay it

File:Quest Notification.png Kill the Devourer

File:Quest Notification.png Talk to the Renly‎


Seperated its head from its body, did you? That's incredible! You're the first person to truly score a decisive victory against the hordes.

We can breathe a bit easier now, perhaps even go out and gather food. This won't cover our debt to you, not nearly, but take it as thanks.

Renly‎ offers an Uncut Skill Gem.

File:Quest Notification.png Quest complete

Quest Complete – You have slain the Devourer and have received a reward from Renly‎.

Secrets in The Dark

Secrets in The Dark
Secrets in The Dark quest icon.png
Required Yes
Start Talk to Una
Objective ?
Completion Talk to Una
Key Item  Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Roseus Glyph"
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Roseus Guard"
Runed Skull Cap

Secrets in The Dark is a quest in act 1.


File:Quest Notification.png Travel through Clearfell to the Old Forest

File:Quest Notification.png Search the Old Forest for evidence of the Count's activities

File:Quest Notification.png Summon Una and ask her about the entity in the Tree

File:Quest Notification.png Find the entrance to the Red Vale in the Old Forest

File:Quest Notification.png Search the Red Vale for Obelisks of Rust containing Runes of Power

File:Quest Notification.png Investigate the Obelisks of Rust

File:Quest Notification.png Defeat the monsters guarding the Rune of Power

File:Quest Notification.png Collect all 3 Runes of Power

File:Quest Notification.png Bring the Runes to Renly for forging

File:Quest Notification.png Travel to The Old Forest

File:Quest Notification.png Stab the Rune Spikes into the Tree of Souls

File:Quest Notification.png Speak to Una about what you have just witnessed

File:Quest Notification.png Return to the Clearfell Encampment and speak to Una

Una becomes available as disenchanter.[confirmation needed]

File:Quest Notification.png Quest complete

Quest Complete – You have slain the Devourer and have received a reward from Una.

Quest rewards

Template:Quest reward

Vendor rewards

Template:Quest reward

The Mysterious Shade

The Mysterious Shade
The Mysterious Shade quest icon.png
Required Yes
Start Enter the The Grim Tangle
Objective ?
Completion Talk to ?
Boss ?

The Mysterious Shade is a quest in act 1.


File:Quest Notification.png The roots are impassable for now

File:Quest Notification.png Travel to The Grim Tangle

File:Quest Notification.png Speak to Una about the roots

File:Quest Notification.png Continue through the Grim Tangle

File:Quest Notification.png Search for the Count's grave past the Memorial Gate

File:Quest Notification.png Bring Count Lachlann's Ring to Una

File:Quest Notification.png xxx

File:Quest Notification.png xxx

Quest rewards

Template:Quest reward

Vendor rewards

Template:Quest reward

Sorrow Among Stones

Sorrow Among Stones
Sorrow Among Stones quest icon.png
Required Yes
Start Talk to Lachlann, Ezomyte Rebel
Objective Kill Lachlann of Endless Lament
Completion Kill Lachlann of Endless Lament
Boss Lachlann of Endless Lament
Lachlann of Endless Lament

Sorrow Among Stones is a quest in act 1.


File:Quest Notification.png Search the Graveyard the Tomb and the Mausoleum

File:Quest Notification.png Enter the Mausoleum

File:Quest Notification.png Search the Mausoleum for Draven and his Consort

File:Quest Notification.png Destroy Praetor Draven

File:Quest Notification.png Pick up Draven's Memorial Key Piece

File:Quest Notification.png Return to the Graveyard and search for the Tomb

File:Quest Notification.png Enter the Tomb in search of Asinia

File:Quest Notification.png Search for Asinia in the Tomb

File:Quest Notification.png Destroy Asinia, Praetor Consort

File:Quest Notification.png Pick up Asinia's Memorial Key Piece

File:Quest Notification.png Return to the Graveyard and open the Memorial Gate

File:Quest Notification.png Follow Lachlann

File:Quest Notification.png Put Lachlann to rest

Quest rewards

Template:Quest reward

Vendor rewards

Template:Quest reward

The Trail of Corruption

The Trail of Corruption
The Trail of Corruption quest icon.png
Required Yes
Start Enter The Hunting Grounds
Objective ?
Completion ?
Boss ?

The Trail of Corruption is a quest in act 1.


File:Quest Notification.png Find the entrance to the Village

File:Quest Notification.png xxx

Quest rewards

Template:Quest reward

Vendor rewards

Template:Quest reward