Ultimate Life FlaskRecovers 920 Life over 3.00 Seconds Consumes 10 of 75 Charges on useRequires Level 60Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refill at Wells or by killing monsters.
Acquisition Drop level: 60Metadata Item class: Life Flask
The following unique items are derived from this base type.
Drop level
Drop enabled
Additional drop restrictions
Olroth's ResolveOlroth's Resolve Ultimate Life FlaskRecovers 920 Life over 3.00 Seconds Consumes 10 of 75 Charges on useRequires Level 60Instant Recovery (100–150)% increased Charges per use Excess Life Recovery added as Guard for 10 secondsOlroth the Gallant, tireless and true, he fights for me, he fights for you!Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refill at Wells or by killing monsters.