Defiance of Destiny Jade AmuletRequires Level 8+(10-15) to Dexterity(6-10)% increased maximum Life +(10-20) to Strength (25-40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate Recover 10% of Missing Life before being Hit by an EnemyThe respect of Karui warriors is hard to earn, but lasts a lifetime... and beyond.Choir of the Storm Jade AmuletRequires Level 52Grants Skill: Level (18-20) Greater Lightning Bolt +(10-15) to Dexterity+(20-30)% to Lightning Resistance Critical Hits Ignore Enemy Monster Lightning Resistance Trigger Greater Lightning Bolt Skill on Critical HitBut the fool did not bow. The fool stood and questioned. And the fool was unwritten.Surefooted Sigil Jade AmuletRequires Level 8+(10-15) to Dexterity+(40-60) to maximum Life +(5-15) to Dexterity +1 Metre to Dodge Roll distance 50% increased Evasion Rating if you've Dodge Rolled RecentlyNatural grace is born, not earned.