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Quest navbox

This is the sandbox page for User:Mefisto1029 (diff).

Documentation[create] [purge]

Treacherous Ground

Treacherous Ground
Treacherous Ground quest icon.png
Required Yes
Start Talk to Renly‎
Objective Kill The Devourer
Completion Talk to Renly‎
Boss The Devourer
The Devourer

Treacherous Ground is a quest in act 1.


File:Quest Notification.png Search Clearfell to find the Mud Burrow entrance

Find the Mud Burrow and slay the Devourer.

File:Quest Notification.png Find the Devourer and slay it

Find and kill the Devourer.

File:Quest Notification.png Kill the Devourer

Kill the Devourer.

File:Quest Notification.png Talk to the Renly‎

You have killed the Devourer. Talk to Renly‎ for your reward.


Renly‎ offers you an Uncut Skill Gem.

File:Quest Notification.png Quest complete

Quest Complete – You have slain the Devourer and have received a reward from Renly‎.

Quest rewards

Template:Quest reward

Vendor rewards

Template:Quest reward

Secrets in The Dark

Secrets in The Dark
Secrets in The Dark quest icon.png
Required Yes
Start Talk to Una
Objective ?
Completion Talk to Una
Key Item  Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Roseus Glyph"
Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Roseus Guard"
Runed Skull CapRuned Skull CapThe rune emblazoned on the crest means
'freedom' or 'for a worthy cause.'

Secrets in The Dark is a quest in act 1.


File:Quest Notification.png Travel through Clearfell to the Old Forest

Travel through Clearfell to the Old Forest

File:Quest Notification.png Search the Old Forest for evidence of the Count's activities

Find the tree with The Hooded One

File:Quest Notification.png Summon Una and ask her about the entity in the Tree

File:Quest Notification.png Find the entrance to the Red Vale in the Old Forest

File:Quest Notification.png Search the Red Vale for Obelisks of Rust containing Runes of Power

File:Quest Notification.png Investigate the Obelisks of Rust

File:Quest Notification.png Defeat the monsters guarding the Rune of Power

File:Quest Notification.png Collect all 3 Runes of Power

File:Quest Notification.png Bring the Runes to Renly for forging

File:Quest Notification.png Travel to The Old Forest

File:Quest Notification.png Stab the Rune Spikes into the Tree of Souls

File:Quest Notification.png Speak to Una about what you have just witnessed

File:Quest Notification.png Return to the Clearfell Encampment and speak to Una


Una becomes available as disenchanter.[confirmation needed]

File:Quest Notification.png Quest complete

Quest Complete – You have slain the Devourer and have received a reward from Una.

Quest rewards

Template:Quest reward

Vendor rewards

Template:Quest reward

The Mysterious Shade

The Mysterious Shade
The Mysterious Shade quest icon.png
Required Yes
Start Enter the The Grim Tangle
Objective ?
Completion Talk to ?
Boss ?

The Mysterious Shade is a quest in act 1.


File:Quest Notification.png The roots are impassable for now

Quest rewards

Template:Quest reward

Vendor rewards

Template:Quest reward