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View table: skill
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Table structure:
- active_skill_name - String
- cast_time - Float
- description - Text
- html - Text
- item_class_id_restriction - List of String, delimiter: ,
- item_class_restriction - List of String, delimiter: ,
- max_level - Integer
- projectile_speed - Integer
- radius - Integer
- radius_description - Text
- radius_secondary - Integer
- radius_secondary_description - Text
- radius_tertiary - Integer
- radius_tertiary_description - Text
- skill_icon - Page
- skill_id - String
- skill_screenshot - Page
- stat_text - Text
This table has 427 rows altogether.
Page | active skill name | cast time | description | html | item class id restriction | item class restriction | max level | projectile speed | radius | radius description | radius secondary | radius secondary description | radius tertiary | radius tertiary description | skill icon | skill id | skill screenshot | stat text |
Ablation (edit) | Supports Offering Skills. Supported Skills Sacrifice a portion of your life on use, but deal much more damage and have more powerful Buffs in return. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemAblation | 30% increased effect of Offerings<br>Supported Skills Sacrifice 15% of Life on use<br>Supported Offering Skills deal 30% more Damage | |||||||||||||
Acceleration (edit) | Supports Projectile Skills, making those Projectiles travel faster. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemAcceleration | Supported Skills have 40% more Projectile Speed | |||||||||||||
Aftershock (support gem) (edit) | Supports Slams you use yourself, giving them a chance to create an Aftershock. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemAftershock | Supported Skills have 25% chance to cause an Aftershock | |||||||||||||
Alchemist's Boon (edit) | [Show] | 1 | Alchemist's Boon skill icon.png | Alchemist's Boon | ||||||||||||||
Ambush (edit) | Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making it more likely to Critically Hit enemies on full life. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemAmbush | Supported Skill has 100% more Critical Hit Chance against Enemies that are on Full Life | |||||||||||||
Ammo Conservation (edit) | Supported crossbow attacks have 25% chance to not consume a bolt | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemAmmoConservation | Supports Crossbow Ammunition Skills, granting a chance to not consume a Bolt when firing. | |||||||||||||
Ancestral Spirits (edit) | Each of your Totems will summon an Ancestral Spirit Minion to fight for you. If the Totem that summoned the Minion dies then the Ancestral Spirit will too. | [Show] | 20 | Ancestral Spirits skill icon.png | Ancestral Spirits | Modifiers to Totem Life also affects Minions from this Skill | ||||||||||||
Ancestral Urgency (edit) | Supports Skills which place Totems, causing those skills to place Totems much more quickly. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemAncentralUrgency | Supported Skills have 80% increased Totem Placement speed | |||||||||||||
Ancestral Warrior Totem (edit) | 1.0 | Raises a Totem that uses socketed Mace Skills. Cannot use Channelling Skills or Skills with Cooldowns. | [Show] | One Hand Mace • Two Hand Mace | One Hand Mace • Two Hand Mace | 13 | Ancestral Warrior Totem skill icon.png | Ancestral Warrior Totem | Totem duration is 8 seconds<br>Limit 1 Totem<br>Totem base attack time is 1 second<br>Totem uses its own weapon, dealing (6-141) to (9-212) base Physical damage | |||||||||
Arc (edit) | An arc of [[Lightning]] stretches from the caster to a targeted enemy and Chains on to other nearby enemies. | [Show] | 1 | Arc skill icon.png | Arc | Deals 47 to 267 Lightning Damage<br>Chains 4 times<br>10% more damage for each remaining Chain | ||||||||||||
Arcane Surge (support gem) (edit) | Gain Arcane Surge for 8 seconds after spending a total of 100% of your maximum mana on supported skills | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemArcaneSurge | Support spells you cast yourself, tracking the mana you spend to cast them. Spending enough mana grants a burst of mana regeneration and cast speed | |||||||||||||
Arcane Tempo (edit) | Supports Spells, causing them to cast faster. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemArcaneTempo | Supported Skills have 25% more Cast Speed | |||||||||||||
Archmage (edit) | Archmage | While active, causes your Non-Channelling Spells to cost additional mana and deal extra Lightning damage, both based on your maximum Mana.. | [Show] | 1 | Archmage skill icon.png | Archmage | Non-Channelling Spells Gain 5% of Damage as extra Lightning damage for each 100 maximum Mana you have<br>Non-Channelling Spells cost an additional 5.35% of your maximum Mana | |||||||||||
Arctic Armour (edit) | Conjures an icy barrier that gains stages over time. While the barrier has stages, [[Melee]] [[Attacks]] that hit you will remove a stage to cause a burst of ice that deals [[Cold]] [[Spell]] damage to the attacker. | [Show] | 40 | Arctic Armour skill icon.png | Arctic Armour | Deals (7–184) to (10–276) Cold Damage per Stage<br>Gains a Stage every (1.25-0.73) seconds, up to a maximum of (2–5) Stages | ||||||||||||
Armour Breaker (edit) | Armour Breaker | Attack with a forceful blow, knocking enemies back and weakening their [[Armour]]. | [Show] | One Hand Mace • Two Hand Mace | One Hand Mace • Two Hand Mace | 40 | Armour Breaker skill icon.png | Armour Breaker | Hits Break (4-5123) Armour<br>+2 to Melee Strike Range<br>Knock Enemies Back on Hit<br>40% more attack speed while Dual Wielding | |||||||||
Armour Explosion (edit) | Supports Attacks, causing them to trigger a Fiery explosion when they Fully Break an enemy's Armour. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemArmourExplosion | Supported Skills trigger an Explosion when they Fully Break an enemy's Armour | |||||||||||||
Armour Piercing Rounds (edit) | Armour Piercing Rounds | Loads your Crossbow with a clip of bolts that can be fired rapidly and Break enemy Armour. Using this skill again reloads the clip. | [Show] | Crossbow | Crossbow | 40 | Armour Piercing Rounds skill icon.png | ArmourPiercingRounds | [Show] | |||||||||
Artillery Ballista (edit) | 1.0 | [Show] | Crossbow | Crossbow | 1 | Artillery Ballista skill icon.png | Artillery Ballista | |||||||||||
Astral Projection (edit) | Supports Nova Skills, causing those Skills to take place at the targeted location when used instead of around you. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemAstralProjection | Supported Skills Cast at the targeted location instead of around you<br>Supported Skills have 35% less Area of Effect | |||||||||||||
Attrition (edit) | [Show] | 1 | Attrition skill icon.png | Attrition | ||||||||||||||
Auto Reload (edit) | Supports Crossbow Ammunition Skills, causing them to automatically reload when they Heavy Stun an enemy. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemAutoReload | Supported Skills reloads automatically on Heavy Stunning an enemy | |||||||||||||
Ball Lightning (edit) | Fires a slow-moving [[Projectile]] that repeatedly shoots bolts of [[Lightning]] at nearby enemies. | [Show] | 1 | Ball Lightning skill icon.png | Ball Lightning | Deals 2 to 29 Lightning Damage<br>Hits enemies in range every 0.2 seconds<br>750% more chance to Shock<br>Fires Beams at targets within 1.8 metres | ||||||||||||
Barrage (edit) | 1.0 | [Show] | Bow | Bow | 1 | Barrage skill icon.png | Barrage | |||||||||||
Barrier Invocation (edit) | [Show] | 1 | Barrier Invocation skill icon.png | Barrier Invocation | ||||||||||||||
Battershout (edit) | Supports [[Warcry]] Skills. Supported Skills trigger [[Physical]] Damage explosions on Enemies within their range who have [[Fully Broken Armour]] but cannot themselves [[Break Armour]]. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemBattershout | [Show] | |||||||||||||
Behead (edit) | Supports Strike skills, causing them to steal Modifiers from Rare monsters they kill. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemBehead | Killing Blows from Supported Strike Skills against Rare monsters grant one of their Modifiers for 20 seconds | |||||||||||||
Berserk (edit) | [Show] | 1 | Berserk skill icon.png | Berserk | ||||||||||||||
Bidding (edit) | Supports Minion Skills. Supported Minions deal significantly more damage with their Command Skills. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemBidding | Supported Minions' Command Skills deal 30% more Damage | |||||||||||||
Bind Spectre (edit) | Captures the spirit of a defeated monster, allowing you to summon it as a Minion. | [Show] | 1 | Bind Spectre skill icon.png | Bind Spectre | |||||||||||||
Biting Frost (edit) | Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing them to deal more damage to Frozen enemies but consume their Freeze. Cannot support skills that Consume Freeze. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemBitingFrost | Supported Skills cannot cause Freeze buildup<br>Supported Skills Consume Freeze on enemies to deal 50% more Damage | |||||||||||||
Blasphemy (edit) | [Show] | 1 | Blasphemy skill icon.png | Blasphemy | ||||||||||||||
Bleeding Concoction (edit) | Consume charges from your Mana Flask to throw a bottle that explodes, dealing unarmed Physical attack damage in an area. Bleeding inflicted by this skill has more effect. | [Show] | 20 | Bleeding Concoction skill icon.png | Bleeding Concoction | (11-311) to (21-577) Added Attack Physical Damage<br>+5% to Critical Hit Chance<br>Causes Bleeding<br>Consumes 3 Charges from your Mana Flask<br>100% more Magnitude of Bleeding inflicted<br>Explosion radius is 1.5 metres | ||||||||||||
Blind (support gem) (edit) | Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing them to Blind on Hit. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemBlind | Supported Skills have 100% chance to Blind enemies on Hit | |||||||||||||
Blink (edit) | [Show] | 1 | Blink skill icon.png | Blink | ||||||||||||||
Bloodlust (edit) | Supports Melee Attacks, causing them to deal more damage against Bleeding enemies, but preventing them from inflicting Bleeding. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemBloodlust | Supported Skills deal 30% more Melee Physical Damage against Bleeding enemies<br>Supported Attacks cannot cause Bleeding | |||||||||||||
Bludgeon (edit) | Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to Knock Back enemies. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemBludgeon | Supported Skills Knock Enemies Back on Hit. | |||||||||||||
Bone Blast (edit) | Bone Blast | 0.75 | Conjures a circle of ritual inscriptions that last for a short duration. When the duration ends, spikes of bone erupt from enemies in the area, damaging them and potentially causing [[Bleeding]]. | [Show] | Wand | Wand | 20 | Bone Blast skill icon.png | Bone Blast | Deals (5–192) to (8–287) [[Physical]] Damage<br>20% chance to inflict [[Bleeding]] on [[Hit]]<br>Ritual radius is 1 metre<br>Ritual duration is 1 second | ||||||||
Bone Cage (edit) | Raises a ring of bone spikes around you. The spikes are destroyed when enemies touch them, damaging and [[Pin]]ning those enemies. | [Show] | 1 | Bone Cage skill icon.png | Bone Cage | Deals 123 to 184 Physical Damage<br>Hits are Pinning<br>Pins Enemies as though dealing +50% more Damage<br>Cage radius is 1.8 metres<br>Explosion Radius is 1 metre<br>Cage duration is 1.6 seconds. | ||||||||||||
Bone Offering (edit) | Impales a Skeleton on a bone spike to shield your Minions while the spike remains. The shield absorbs all damage from the next Hit each Minion takes, then explodes.<br><br>The bone spike is itself a Minion, and shields itself. If it dies, shields on your other Minions disappear. | [Show] | 1 | Bone Offering skill icon.png | Bone Offering | Limit 1 Bone Offering Spike<br>Spike duration is 5 seconds | ||||||||||||
Boneshatter (edit) | Boneshatter | 1.0 | Attacks enemies with a melee [[Strike]]. The [[Strike]] will cause a [[Heavy Stun]] on enemies that are [[Primed for Stun]]. Upon causing a [[Heavy Stun]] it will also create a Shockwave, dealing a large amount of damage in an area. | [Show] | One Hand Mace • Two Hand Mace | One Hand Mace • Two Hand Mace | 40 | Boneshatter skill icon.png | Boneshatter | [Show] | ||||||||
Bonestorm (edit) | Bonestorm | 0.75 | Channel to conjure a swarm of bone spikes in the air, then release to fire them at enemies and explode. Shrapnel lodges in enemies hit, each causing the next attack against that enemy to deal additional damage. Consumes your Power Charges to cause much larger explosions. | [Show] | 1 | Bonestorm skill icon.png | Bonestorm | Deals X to X Physical Damage<br>Debuffed enemies take X to X additional physical damage from next Attack<br>Can fire up to 20 Projectiles<br>Debuff duration is 10 seconds | ||||||||||
Bow Shot (edit) | [Show] | Bow | Bow | 1 | Bow Shot skill icon.png | Bow Shot | ||||||||||||
Break Endurance (edit) | Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to gain an Endurance Charge when it Fully Breaks an enemy's Armour. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemBreakEndurance | 20% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when Supported Skills Fully Break enemy Armour | |||||||||||||
Break Posture (edit) | Supports Attacks, causing them to Daze Enemies when they fully Break Armour. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemBreakPosture | Supported Skills Apply Daze when fully Breaking Armour<br>Daze lasts for 6 seconds | |||||||||||||
Brutality (edit) | Supports any skill that deals damage, boosting its Physical damage at the expense of all other Damage Types. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemBrutality | Supported Skills deal 35% more Physical Damage<br>Supported Skills deal no Chaos Damage<br>Supported Skills deal no Elemental Damage. | |||||||||||||
Bullseye (edit) | Supports Attacks, causing them to gain Accuracy. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemBullseye | Supported Skills have 50% more Accuracy Rating | |||||||||||||
Burning Inscription (edit) | Supports any skill which creates Runic Inscriptions when Cast, causing those Runic Inscriptions to trigger Burning Inscription when they expire. Burning Inscriptions is a Spell which creates Ignited Ground based off of your Maximum Mana. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemBurningInscription | ||||||||||||||
Bursting Plague (edit) | Supports skills that can Poison enemies, causing Poisoned enemies to gain Plague over time and explode in a Plague Burst on death. Cannot support the skills of Minions. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemBurstingPlague | Poison from Supported Skills also adds 200% of Damage per Second to Enemy as Plague, up to a maximum of 10% of Enemy's maximum Life | |||||||||||||
Cannibalism (edit) | Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to recover Life on kill while the Skill is active. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemCannibalism | 4% of Life recovered on Kill while a Supported Skill is active | |||||||||||||
Capacitor (edit) | Supports Invocation Skills which Trigger other Skills. Supported Skills have significantly higher Maximum Energy. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemCapacitor | Supported Meta Gems have 80% increased Maximum Energy | |||||||||||||
Cast on Block (edit) | While active, gains [[Energy]] when you [[Block]] and triggers socketed [[Spell]]s on reaching maximum [[Energy]]. | [Show] | Shield | Shield | 20 | Cast on Block skill icon.png | Cast on Block | Gains 250 [[Energy]] when you [[Block]]<br>(0-57)% increased [[Energy]] gained<br>Triggers all Socketed [[Spell]]s and loses all [[Energy]] on reaching maximum [[Energy]] | ||||||||||
Cast on Critical (edit) | [Show] | 1 | Cast on Critical skill icon.png | Cast on Critical | ||||||||||||||
Cast on Dodge (edit) | [Show] | 1 | Cast on Dodge skill icon.png | Cast on Dodge | ||||||||||||||
Cast on Freeze (edit) | [Show] | 1 | Cast on Freeze skill icon.png | Cast on Freeze | ||||||||||||||
Cast on Ignite (edit) | [Show] | 1 | Cast on Ignite skill icon.png | Cast on Ignite | ||||||||||||||
Cast on Minion Death (edit) | While active, gains Energy when one of your Minions is Killed, and triggers socketed Spells upon reaching maximum Energy. Cannot socket Spells which create Minions. | [Show] | 20 | Cast on Minion Death skill icon.png | Cast on Minion Death | Supported Skills gain (0–38)% increased Energy<br>Gains 50 base Energy when a Minion is Killed, modified by the Minion's Power<br>Triggers all Socketed Spells and loses all Energy on reaching maximum Energy | ||||||||||||
Cast on Shock (edit) | [Show] | 1 | Cast on Shock skill icon.png | Cast on Shock | ||||||||||||||
Chain (support gem) (edit) | Supports Projectile Skills and any other skills that Chain, causing them to Chain additional times. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemChain | Supported Skills chain +1 times<br>Supported Skills Chain 100% more times<br>Supported Skills deal 50% less Damage with Hits | |||||||||||||
Chaos Bolt (edit) | Chaos Bolt | 0.75 | Fires a burst of [[Chaos]] energy at the target. | [Show] | Wand | Wand | 20 | Chaos Bolt skill icon.png | Chaos Bolt | Deals (5–183) to (10–339) [[Chaos]] Damage | ||||||||
Chaos Infusion (edit) | Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Chaos Damage but deal less Damage of other Types. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemChaosInfusion | Supported Attacks Gain 25% of Damage as extra Chaos Damage<br>Supported Attacks deal 50% less non-Chaos Damage | |||||||||||||
Chaos Mastery (edit) | Supports Chaos skills, granting them an additional level. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemChaosMastery | +1 to Level of Supported Chaos Skills | |||||||||||||
Chaotic Freeze (edit) | Supports Spells that deal non-Ailment Chaos damage over time. Enemies taking damage over time from Debuffs caused by supported skills will suffer Freeze build up from Chaos damage Hits from any source. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemChaoticFreeze | Chaos damage Contributes to Freeze buildup for Hits against targets taking damage over time from Supported Skills | |||||||||||||
Charge Infusion (edit) | [Show] | 1 | Charge Infusion skill icon.png | Charge Infusion | ||||||||||||||
Charged Staff (edit) | 0.75 | Consume all [[power charge]]s to infuse your Quarterstaff with electricity, adding Lightning damage and a Lightning shockwave to your Quarterstaff Attacks. Reusing this skill while the Buff is active adds to the Buff's duration and damage. | [Show] | Warstaff | Quarterstaff | 1 | Charged Staff skill icon.png | Charged Staff | [Show] | |||||||||
Clarity (edit) | Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain increased Mana Regeneration while the Skill is active. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemClarity | 30% Increased Mana Regeneration Rate while a Supported Skill is active | |||||||||||||
Close Combat (edit) | Supports Attacks, causing them to deal more damage to enemies based on how close they are to you. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemCloseCombat | Supported Skills deal 25% more Attack Damage to enemies within 1 metre of you, scaling down to no bonus at 3.5 metres or further | |||||||||||||
Cluster Grenade (edit) | 1.0 | [Show] | Crossbow | Crossbow | 1 | Cluster Grenade skill icon.png | Cluster Grenade | |||||||||||
Cold Exposure (edit) | Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to inflict Cold Exposure when it Critically Hits an enemy. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemColdExposure | Supported Skills inflict Cold Exposure for 8 seconds on Critical Hit with Cold Damage | |||||||||||||
Cold Infusion (edit) | Supports Attacks, causing them to Gain Cold Damage but deal less Fire and Lightning Damage | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemColdInfusion | Supported Attacks Gain 25% of Damage as extra Cold Damage<br>Supported Attacks deal 50% less Fire and Lightning Damage | |||||||||||||
Cold Mastery (edit) | Supports Cold skills, granting them an additional level. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemColdMastery | +1 to Level of Supported Cold Skills | |||||||||||||
Cold Penetration (edit) | Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making those Hits Penetrate enemy Cold resistance. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemColdPenetration | Supported Skills Penetrate 30% Cold Resistance | |||||||||||||
Cold Snap (edit) | [Show] | [Show] | 1 | Cold Snap skill icon.png | Cold Snap | Deals 357 to 535 Cold Damage<br>Explosion radius is 0.7 metres | ||||||||||||
Combat Frenzy (edit) | [Show] | 1 | Combat Frenzy skill icon.png | Combat frenzy | ||||||||||||||
Combo Finisher (edit) | Supports Melee Attacks you use yourself. Supported Skills cannot be used until enough Combo has been built up, but deal massively more damage. Cannot support skills which already Combo, or Triggered Skills. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemComboFinisher | Supported Skills lose Combo if you<br>generate no Combo for 8 seconds<br>Supported Skills deal 40% more Damage<br>Supported Skills require 5 Combo to use | |||||||||||||
Comet (edit) | 1.0 | Calls down a mass of ice from the sky, dealing high damage at the targeted location. Targeting close to you will cause you to jump back as you cast. | [Show] | 20 | Comet skill icon.png | Comet | Deals (37–1009) to (56–1514) Cold Damage<br>+1 second to Total Cast Time | |||||||||||
Commiserate (edit) | Supports Skills you use yourself which can cause Damaging Hits. Supported Skills inflict more powerful Ailments if you are afflicted with those Ailments at the time of use, while also removing from you any Ailment that they inflict. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemCommiserate | Ailments inflicted by Supported Skills have 30% increased Magnitude if you are afflicted with that Ailment when inflicting it<br>When inflicting an Ailment with Supported Skill, remove that Ailment from yourself | |||||||||||||
Comorbidity (edit) | Supports any skill that Hits enemies, allowing it to inflict an extra Poison on enemies but shortening the duration of those Poisons. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemComorbidity | Targets can be affected by +1 Poisons from Supported Skills at the same time<br>Supported skills have 30% less Poison Duration | |||||||||||||
Concentrated Effect (edit) | Supports any skill with an area of effect, causing that area to be smaller but any area damage it deals to be higher. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemConcentratedEffect | Supported Skills deal 40% more Area Damage<br>Supported Skills have 50% less Area of Effect | |||||||||||||
Concoct (edit) | Supports Skills you use yourself which Damage enemies with Hits. Supported Skills consume a percentage of your maximum Life Flask charges, inflicting more powerful Bleeding based on Life Flash charges consumed. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemConcoct | Supported Skills consume 20% of your maximum Life Flask charges on use<br>Supported Skills have 2% more Magnitude of Bleeding they inflict per Life Flask charge consumed | |||||||||||||
Conduction (edit) | Supports any skill that Hits enemies, making it more likely to Shock | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemConduction | Supported Skills have 100% more chance to Shock | |||||||||||||
Conductivity (edit) | [[Curse]]s all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their [[Lightning Resistance]]. | [Show] | 1 | Conductivity skill icon.png | Conductivity | Curse apples after 1.0 second delay<br>Curse radius is 1.9 metres<br>Curse duration is 7 seconds<br>Cursed enemies have -34% to Lightning Resistance | ||||||||||||
Considered Casting (edit) | Supports Spell skills that Hit enemies and you cast yourself, boosting Damage at the cost of Cast Speed. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemConsideredCasting | Supported Spell Skills have 15% less Cast Speed<br>Supported Skills deal 40% more Damage with Spell Hits | |||||||||||||
Contagion (edit) | Contagion | 1.0 | [Show] | [Show] | 1 | Contagion skill icon.png | Contagion | Deals 1.8 Base Chaos Damage per second<br>Modifiers to Spell Damage apply to Debuff's Damage over Time<br>Debuff deals 100% more damage for each time it has spread, up to 300%<br>Spread radius is 1.7 metres<br>Debuff duration is 5 seconds | ||||||||||
Controlled Destruction (edit) | Supports Spells that Hit enemies, boosting their damage but preventing them from dealing Critical Hits. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemControlledDestruction | Supported Skills deal 30% more damage with Hits and Ailments<br>Supported Skills cannot deal Critical Hits | |||||||||||||
Corpse Conservation (edit) | Supports skills that consume Corpses, giving them a chance to take effect without destroying the Corpse. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemCorpseConservation | Corpses consumed by Supported Skills have 25% chance to not be destroyed | |||||||||||||
Corrosion (edit) | Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing Poison it applies to also Break enemy Armour. Cannot support skills that Consume Fully Broken Armour. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemCorrosion | Poison applied by supported Skills also Breaks Armour equal to 80% of Poison Damage dealt | |||||||||||||
Corrupting Cry (edit) | Supports Warcries causing them to inflict Corrupted Blood on enemies in their area of effect. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemCorruptingCry | Supported Warcries have 30% less area of effect<br>Corrupted Blood deals 25% of your Strength as Physical Damage per second<br>Corrupted Blood duration is 5 seconds<br>Supported Warcries inflict Corrupted Blood | |||||||||||||
Coursing Current (edit) | Supports any skill that Hits enemies, giving it a chance to also Shock nearby enemies when you Shock an enemy. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemCoursingCurrent | Shocking Hits from Supported Skills have a 50% chance to also Shock enemies in a 2.5 metre radius | |||||||||||||
Crescendo (edit) | Final strike of supported skills can be performed twice in succession | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemCrescendo | Supports Strikes that perform a [[Final Strike]] at the end of a combination of attacks, allowing you to use the Final Strike twice in succession. | |||||||||||||
Crossbow Shot (edit) | Crossbow Shot | Fires a bolt from your crossbow. | [Show] | Crossbow | Crossbow | 1 | Crossbow Shot skill icon.png | Crossbow Shot | ||||||||||
Culling Strike (support gem) (edit) | Supports Attack Skills, causing them to Cull Rare and Unique Enemies on Hit. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemCullingStrike | Supported Skills have Culling Strike against Rare or Unique Enemies | |||||||||||||
Culmination (edit) | [Show] | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemCulmination | Supported Skills can gain Combo<br>Supported Skills lose all Combo on use<br>Supported Skills lose Combo if you<br>generate no Combo for 3 seconds<br>Supported Skills deal 2% more Damage per Combo | |||||||||||||
Cursed Ground (edit) | Supports Curse Skills. Supported Curse Skills no longer have an activation delay, instead creating areas which Curse Enemies so long as they are within them. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemCursedGround | Supported Skills create Cursed Ground<br>Enemies on the Cursed Ground from a Supported Skill are Cursed while within it<br>Maximum 1 area of Cursed Ground | |||||||||||||
Danse Macabre (edit) | Supports Offering Skills. Supported Skills have increased Buff effect and deal more damage, but will target an additional skeletal Minion when cast. If there is not an additional skeletal Minion to target, no damage or Buff effect will be granted. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemDanseMacabre | Supported Offering Skills have 30% increased Buff effect<br>Supported Offering Skills target an additional skeletal Minion<br>Support Effects are only applied if an additional skeletal Minion is targeted<br>Supported Offering Skills deal 30% more Damage | |||||||||||||
Dark Effigy (edit) | Dark Effigy | 1.0 | [Show] | [Show] | 9 | Dark Effigy skill icon.png | Dark Effigy | [Show] | ||||||||||
Dazing Cry (edit) | Supports Warcries, causing them to Daze Enemies on use. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemDazingCry | Supported Skills Daze Enemies<br>Daze lasts for 4 seconds | |||||||||||||
Deadly Poison (edit) | Supports any skill that Hits enemies, causing it to deal less damage but inflict more potent Poison | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemDeadly Poison | Supported Skills deal 25% less Damage with Hits<br>75% more Magnitude of Poison inflicted with Supported Skills | |||||||||||||
Decaying Hex (edit) | Supports Curse Skills. Cursed enemies' bodies decay, taking Chaos damage over time. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemDecayingHex | Supported Skills inflict Decay, dealing 60% of Intelligence as Chaos damage per second for 8 seconds | |||||||||||||
Deceleration (edit) | Supports Projectile Skills, making those Projectiles travel more slowly. | [Show] | 1 | SupportGemADeceleration | Supported Skills have 30% less Projectile Speed | |||||||||||||
Decompose (edit) | Decompose | [Show] | 1 | Decompose skill icon.png | Decompose |