View table: skill

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Table structure:

  1. active_skill_name - String
  2. cast_time - Float
  3. description - Text
  4. html - Text
  5. item_class_id_restriction - List of String, delimiter: ,
  6. item_class_restriction - List of String, delimiter: ,
  7. max_level - Integer
  8. projectile_speed - Integer
  9. radius - Integer
  10. radius_description - Text
  11. radius_secondary - Integer
  12. radius_secondary_description - Text
  13. radius_tertiary - Integer
  14. radius_tertiary_description - Text
  15. skill_icon - Page
  16. skill_id - String
  17. skill_screenshot - Page
  18. stat_text - Text

This table has 2 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page active skill name cast time description html item class id restriction item class restriction max level projectile speed radius radius description radius secondary radius secondary description radius tertiary radius tertiary description skill icon skill id skill screenshot stat text
Falling Thunder (edit) 1.0 Infuse a Quarterstaff with electrical energies, then Slam the ground to deal damage in a large area in front of you. Consumes your Power Charges to fire Lightning Projectiles forwards from the impact. <span class="skill-box"><table class="wikitable skill-box-table"><tr><th>Skill Id</th><td class="tc -value">[[Falling Thunder|Falling Thunder]]</td></tr><tr><th>Cast Time</th><td class="tc -value">1.00 sec</td></tr><tr><th>Item Class<br>Restrictions</th><td class="tc -value">[[Quarterstaff]]</td></tr><tr><th>Level Req.</th><td class="tc -value">1</td></tr><tr><th>Cost</th><td class="tc -value">7 mana</td></tr><tr><th>Attack Speed</th><td class="tc -value">60% of base</td></tr><tr><th>Attack Damage</th><td class="tc -value">140% of base</td></tr><tr><th>Effectiveness of Added Damage</th><td class="tc -value">140%</td></tr><tr><td class="tc -gemdesc" colspan="2">Infuse a Quarterstaff with electrical energies, then Slam the ground to deal damage in a large area in front of you. Consumes your Power Charges to fire Lightning Projectiles forwards from the impact.</td></tr><tr><td class="tc -mod" colspan="2">Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage<br>Base impact radius is 4 metres<br>150% more Damage per Power Charge</td></tr></table></span> Quarterstaff Quarterstaff 1 Falling Thunder Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage<br>Base impact radius is 4 metres<br>150% more Damage per Power Charge
Skeletal Sniper (edit) 1.0 Summons long-ranged, Reviving Skeletal Snipers that can fire a gas arrow on command.<br>Rains an arrow down from above, creating a cloud of flammable poisonous gas where it lands. Any Burning effects or Detonator skills will explode the gas cloud, creating a fiery explosion. <span class="skill-box"><table class="wikitable skill-box-table"><tr><th>Skill Id</th><td class="tc -value">[[Skeletal Sniper|Skeletal Sniper]]</td></tr><tr><th>Cast Time</th><td class="tc -value">1.00 sec</td></tr><tr><th>Level Req.</th><td class="tc -value">(1-2)</td></tr><tr><th>Attack Speed</th><td class="tc -value">120% of base</td></tr><tr><th>Attack Damage</th><td class="tc -value">70% of base</td></tr><tr><th>Cooldown</th><td class="tc -value">8.00 sec</td></tr><tr><td class="tc -gemdesc" colspan="2">Summons long-ranged, Reviving Skeletal Snipers that can fire a gas arrow on command.<br>Rains an arrow down from above, creating a cloud of flammable poisonous gas where it lands. Any Burning effects or Detonator skills will explode the gas cloud, creating a fiery explosion.</td></tr><tr><td class="tc -mod" colspan="2">Minions from this Skill have +(0-20)% to all Elemental Resistances<br>Impact Radius is 1.4 metres</td></tr></table></span> 2 Skeletal Sniper Minions from this Skill have +(0-20)% to all Elemental Resistances<br>Impact Radius is 1.4 metres