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Lost when you take damage of any Type.

If your Life falls to 0, you die.

Life (also named Health or Hit Points) is the main health source of a character or monster and it decreases when receiving damage; when it reaches 0% the entity dies.
For characters it means that it must be resurrected in town or checkpoint, for monster it means complete death and it can be only revived by other monsters, or by player as minion.
Players can recover life by using life flask, gaining life regeneration from passive skills and equipment, or leeching life from enemies. Life is also fully restored upon entering a town or hideout.


Base stats

Life starts at 28 for level 1 characters, before factoring additional life from levels or strength.

Characters gain +12 maximum Life per Player Level, +2 maximum Life per Strength.

Low life

The player is considered to be on low life if they are at 35% of maximum life or lower.

Full life

The player is considered to be on full life if they are at 100% of maximum life or higher through overflow, unless life is being reserved. Life leech and life recharge effects are typically removed when the player reaches or are at full life.

Related unique items

Unique items related to low life

ItemBase itemItem classRequired levelStats
One Hand Sword
Physical Damage: 6-9
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.55
Adds (4-6) to (7-10) Physical Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
Gain 3 Life per Enemy Killed
100% increased Attack Damage when on Low Life
As battle calms, blood turns to rust.
ShortswordOne Hand Sword1Adds (4-6) to (7-10) Physical Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
Gain 3 Life per Enemy Killed
100% increased Attack Damage when on Low Life
The Barrow DwellerThe Barrow Dweller
Rogue Armour
Armour: 53
Evasion: 43
Requires Level 11, 14 Str, 14 Dex(60-100)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(-20--10)% to Fire Resistance
+50% to Cold Resistance
Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are on Low Life
50% chance to Avoid Death from Hits
In the mists they dwell,
forever hungry,
forever cold.
Rogue ArmourBody Armour11(60-100)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(-20--10)% to Fire Resistance
+50% to Cold Resistance
Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you are on Low Life
50% chance to Avoid Death from Hits
Birthright BuckleBirthright Buckle
Wide Belt
Requires Level 14(20-30)% increased Flask Charges Gained
Charm Slots: 1
+(100-150) to Armour
(10–15)% reduced Flask Charges used
(20–30)% increased Flask Charges gained
Life Flasks used while on Low Life apply Recovery Instantly
Mana Flasks used while on Low Mana apply Recovery Instantly
Some families have peculiar gifts...
Wide BeltBelt14(20-30)% increased Flask Charges Gained
Charm Slots: 1+(100-150) to Armour
(10–15)% reduced Flask Charges used
(20–30)% increased Flask Charges gained
Life Flasks used while on Low Life apply Recovery Instantly
Mana Flasks used while on Low Mana apply Recovery Instantly
Serpent's LessonSerpent's Lesson
Tonal Focus
Energy Shield: 25
Requires Level 22, 42 Int+(60-100) to Maximum Life
+(60-100) to Maximum Mana
You count as on Low Life while at 35% of maximum Mana or below
You count as on Low Mana while at 35% of maximum Life or below
Sinuous, entwined... inextricable.
Tonal FocusFocus22+(60-100) to Maximum Life
+(60-100) to Maximum Mana
You count as on Low Life while at 35% of maximum Mana or below
You count as on Low Mana while at 35% of maximum Life or below
Silk Slippers
Energy Shield: 34Requires Level 27, 47 Int(10-20)% increased Movement Speed
+(30-50) to maximum Energy Shield
+(10-20) to Strength
+(10-20) to Dexterity
+(10-20) to Intelligence
50% increased Rarity of Items found when on Low Life
Wonders abound at death's door.
Silk SlippersBoots27(10-20)% increased Movement Speed
+(30-50) to maximum Energy Shield
+(10-20) to Strength
+(10-20) to Dexterity
+(10-20) to Intelligence
50% increased Rarity of Items found when on Low Life
Rise of the PhoenixRise of the Phoenix
Omen Crest Shield
Chance to Block: 25%
Armour: 50
Energy Shield: 19
Requires Level 36, 37 Str, 37 IntGrants Skill: Raise Shield+5% to Maximum Fire Resistance
+(20-25)% to Fire Resistance
+25% to Fire Resistance while on Low Life
Regenerate 3% of Life per second
Regenerate 3% of Life per second while on Low Life
My bearer shall be guarded by flame,
for I am the phoenix, forever radiant in glory.
Omen Crest ShieldShield36Grants Skill: Raise Shield+5% to Maximum Fire Resistance
+(20-25)% to Fire Resistance
+25% to Fire Resistance while on Low Life
Regenerate 3% of Life per second
Regenerate 3% of Life per second while on Low Life
Coward's LegacyCoward's Legacy
Mail Belt
Requires Level 40(10–15)% reduced Flask Charges used
Charm Slots: 1
(-20--10) to Strength
+(20–30) to Dexterity
(30–40)% increased Life and Mana Recovery from Flasks
You count as on Low Life while at 75% of maximum Life or below
Death is your most important duty.
Face it, or curse your bloodline for all eternity.
Mail BeltBelt40(10–15)% reduced Flask Charges used
Charm Slots: 1(-20--10) to Strength
+(20–30) to Dexterity
(30–40)% increased Life and Mana Recovery from Flasks
You count as on Low Life while at 75% of maximum Life or below
The Deepest TowerFile:The Deepest Tower inventory icon.pngThe Deepest Tower
Spiritbone Crown
Armour: 97
Energy Shield: 35
Requires Level 45, 46 Str, 46 Int(112)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(89) to maximum Life
+(21)% to Chaos Resistances
Enemies in your Presence count as being on Low Life
When blood is paid, the weak think twice.
File:The Deepest Tower inventory icon.png
Spiritbone CrownHelmet45(112)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(89) to maximum Life
+(21)% to Chaos Resistances
Enemies in your Presence count as being on Low Life

Unique items related to full life

ItemBase itemItem classRequired levelStats
Quilted Vest
Evasion: 44Requires 10 Dex+(50-70) to Evasion Rating
+(20-30) to Dexterity
10% increased Movement Speed when on Full Life
100% increased Evasion Rating when on Full Life
To catch an animal, think like an animal.
Quilted VestBody Armour1+(50-70) to Evasion Rating
+(20-30) to Dexterity
10% increased Movement Speed when on Full Life
100% increased Evasion Rating when on Full Life
Winter's BiteWinter's Bite
Glass Shank
Physical Damage: 3-10
Critical Strike Chance: 15.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.55
No Physical Damage
Adds (8-10) to (15-18) Cold Damage
Freezes Enemies that are on Full Life
Nothing stabs colder than pure hatred.
Glass ShankDagger1No Physical Damage
Adds (8-10) to (15-18) Cold Damage
Freezes Enemies that are on Full Life
The Black DoubtThe Black Doubt
Hexer's Robe
Energy Shield: 44
Movement Speed: -3%
Requires Level 11, 24 Int(60-100)% increased Energy Shield
+(10-30) to Intelligence
+(10-20)% to Cold Resistance
Damage over Time bypasses Energy Shield
While not on Full Life, Sacrifice 10% of Mana per Second to Recover that much Life
Suspicion is a sinister shadow slithering in the soul.
Hexer's RobeBody Armour11(60-100)% increased Energy Shield
+(10-30) to Intelligence
+(10-20)% to Cold Resistance
Damage over Time bypasses Energy Shield
While not on Full Life, Sacrifice 10% of Mana per Second to Recover that much Life

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.