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Finn is an NPC that lives in the Clearfell Encampment in Act 1. He can be summoned for advice when encountering rituals in Hunting Grounds and Freythorn.
As a vendor, he sells items with random rarity. The rarity will be revealed only after the transaction is completed.
Introduction (Monk)
Have we met? Ah, no we haven't. Hard to tell monks apart. You lot let me stay in your enclave one winter. I was ah... unfairly asked to leave, under suspicion of thievery. Wasn't me, thought. I'm well known as an honourable man around 'ere. Ask anybody!
The name's Finn, and I shall be your humble provider of useful and diverse objects... that are most definitely not scrounged or stolen. If I don't got it, I can get it. You just let me know.
Introduction (Ranger)
Oi, it's you, the mysterious woman in the forest! We've never officially met, but you've certainly given me quite the fright a time or two.
I am Finn, and I shall be your humble provider of useful and diverse objects that are most definitely not scrounged or stolen. If I don't got it, I can get it. You just let me know.
Renly's alright. Only man in the village that didn't run me out of town whenever he saw me. Maybe it's because he didn't have a daughter to protect.
This is a wooden tomb, if you care to see it objectively. We're not quite dead yet, but the food supply is dwindling, and I've seen what hunger can make a man do. The monsters out there are not the ones that will get us in the end.
Survival (after Devourer)
You killed the Devourer in its own lair? That's mighty brave of you, hero. Now we at least won't starve to death! One less way to die, I guess.
As an esteemed member of no clan at all, I had the distinct honour of wandering through the lovely sights of all four seasons. Summer heat, winter chill, take your pick.
For company, it was my pleasure to sup with the outlaws, the deranged, and the unwanted. It's simply unthinkable that I never met a nice girl to settle down with, isn't it?
It won't be like this forever. I'm going to build my palace someday. Been planning it since I was small and found myself on my own. Imagine with me, if you will, a vast span of wood above you in the trees. That's the foundation you're looking at.
You ascend a tremendous spiral staircase around an ancient trunk, and find yourself approaching a treehouse worthy of the First Ones. Dozens of lavish bedrooms, two-two!-stocked kitchens, tall spires, a tower that looks out over all of Ogham, and half of Phaaryl for good measure.
Isn't it glorious? That's where I really live. This cold, damp, hungry world is just an illusion.
The Red Vale
Spirits in the trees be damned, you actually entered the Red Vale and survived? Every Ogham kid knows, "If you step one foot in there, you'll be skewered and eaten!" Well, those kids that are lucky enough to have a mother, that is.
Count Geonor
I was first to notice the mad Count's fist closing around this land. He kept rounding up people like me... for reasons that smelled like wolf droppings.
I'm a bit of a slippery fish though, so I dodged his nets. Then, his mercenaries started coming for people I actually liked, and that's when I knew something was up.
The village folk kept defending his actions. I don't know why they couldn't see it. Maybe they didn't want to see it.
The Hooded One
So, you found a shadow in the forest, and you brought it here. Good. Great. Superb.
Ominous Altars
I've a grand quest for you, hero. The kind that'll get you woven into legend. It's not at all a minor personal matter that you might ignore.
How do I explain this? Before this dreary place, you could say I was something of a, uh... wanderer. There's a clanless enclave known as The Freythorn that makes its home high in the trees near the Hunting Grounds.They helped me out a time or two over the years.
A little while back, a group of strangers arrived out of the deep woods. They made strange altars, and started whispering to the others about their 'religion'. That was when I decided to move on.
See, now I got to thinking. If Count Geonor and his men are mad enough to burn the village, then maybe the clanless are in trouble, too.
Will you pay them a visit? I used to be mildly fond of a fair few of them.
Version history
Version | Changes |
0.1.0 |