Exact chance of success also depends on the attacker's Accuracy.
Evasion is one of the three core defences that can be found on equipment. It is associated with dexterity and provides an entropy-based system of damage avoidance against attack projectiles and strikes. It does not protect against area of effect hits by default. Against monsters, evasion applies to all non-AoE skills.
Evading an attack prevents all damage from the attack and other hit-related effects. For projectiles, evasion prevents collision. Chance to evade/chance to hit is determined by a function of the defender's evasion rating against the attacker's accuracy rating. Chance to hit cannot go below 5%; likewise, chance to evade cannot exceed 95%.
The formula to calculate evasion chance is as follows:
Additionally, if the evasion check fails, leading to a hit, and that hit would deal a critical strike, the chance to evade is tested again independently. If this check is passed, the critical strike is downgraded to a non-critical strike.[2]
Accuracy drops off with distance from the attacker; this primarily affects projectile skills.
Evasion is not a random system. Instead, it uses a deterministic "entropy" system that ensures a hit will occur after a certain number of evades:
- If it is the first time an entity is attacked, or if the time since the last attempted hit exceeds 100 server ticks (3.33 seconds), randomize the entropy value from 0-99.
- Calculate the attacker's chance to hit against the defender's chance to evade, and add this integer to the entropy value.
- If the resulting entropy value is lower than 100, the hit counts as evade. When the value reaches 100 or greater, the check counts as a hit, and subtract 100 from the entropy value.
The secondary critical strike downgrade test does not affect the entropy value.
Example: A player is fighting three monsters, one (A) with a 70% chance to hit and two (B, C) with a 45% chance to hit.
- A attacks. The player's entropy value is a random number between 0-99, in this case 37.
- A's attack adds 70 to the counter, raising it to 107. This counts as a hit. 100 is then subtracted from entropy, leaving a value of 7.
- B attacks, adding 45 to entropy. Entropy value is now 52
- C attacks, adding 45 to entropy. Entropy value is now 97
- A attacks, adding 70 to entropy. Entropy value is now 167. This hits, 100 is subtracted from entropy, and the value becomes 67. It happens to be a critical strike, which means it has a 70% chance to do bonus damage, but this roll is independent and doesn't affect entropy.
- The player runs away for more than 3.33 seconds (100 ticks), so a new entropy value will be rolled on the next attack.
As a result, if a player has a 1 in N chance to be hit, then the player will be hit exactly once for every N consecutive attacks. This eliminates all possibilities of lucky and/or unlucky streaks. It is still based on chance because of the entropy's value randomization in the first step. Note that if multiple mobs are attacking one character, all of the mobs' attacks share the same entropy value. The chance to evade shown in the character stats window is based on the average accuracy of a monster at the player's level.
Other mechanics
When defending against monster hits, there is no distinction between attacks and spells and will apply to any projectiles or strike attacks from enemies. Area of effect skills cannot be evaded unless Acrobatics is taken.
When attacking monsters, their evasion only provides avoidance against projectile attacks and strikes, interacting with accuracy/chance to hit. Non-attack projectiles such as from spells do not consider evasion.
Bypassing evasion
- Effects that state Can't be Evaded or Always Hit (e.g. Resolute Technique,
Killing PalmKilling PalmAoE, Melee, Strike, Physical
Tier: 1
Level: 1
Cost: 12 Mana
Attack Speed: 90% of base
Attack Damage: 147% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 147%Dash to an enemy and Strike them down with an unarmed Attack, Culling enemies if their life is low enough. Each enemy killed by this strike grants a Power Charge. Enemies around you that can be culled will be highlighted. This skill always Strikes with your bare fist, even if you have a Quarterstaff equipped.(24) to (36) Added Attack Physical Damage
Culling Strike
Can't be Evaded
+7% to Critical Hit ChancePlace into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill.
Sockets are found in the Skills menu tab.) will raise the chance to hit to 100%, ignoring all accuracy and evasion stats of the attacker and defender respectively.
- Cannot Evade (e.g. Unwavering Stance) does the same, in reverse; all skills against the subject will hit regardless of accuracy.
Version history
Version | Changes |
0.1.0 |