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A flask is a item which are used to recover life and mana. Each use of a flask requires a certain amount of flask charges to be expended. Modifiers on flasks can adjust how it gains or uses its flask charges or add additional effects when used.


There are two types of flasks: life flasks and mana flasks. When used, they will recover life or mana, respectively, over time. A player can have only one life flask and one mana flask equipped at a time.

Flask charges are gained by killing monsters, using the Well, or activating a checkpoint. The amount and chance of gaining a flask charge on kill is based on the monster's rarity. There are modifiers which modify the amount of charges gained or used. Some modifiers will cause the flask to gain charges passively over time. Unequipping a flask will remove all charges on the flask.

Flasks can only be normal, magic or unique. There are no rare flasks.

List of life flasks

ItemRequired levelLifeDurationUsageCapacity
Lesser Life Flask1503.001060
Medium Life Flask4905.001065
Greater Life Flask101504.001070
Grand Life Flask162605.001075
Giant Life Flask233404.001075
Colossal Life Flask304504.001075
Gargantuan Life Flask407105.001075
Transcendent Life Flask508404.001075
Ultimate Life Flask609203.001075

List of mana flasks

ItemRequired levelManaDurationUsageCapacity
Lesser Mana Flask1502.001060
Medium Mana Flask4703.001065
Greater Mana Flask10902.501070
Grand Mana Flask161102.501075
Giant Mana Flask231653.501075
Colossal Mana Flask301652.501075
Gargantuan Mana Flask401852.001075
Transcendent Mana Flask502853.501075
Ultimate Mana Flask603103.001075

List of unique life flasks

ItemRequired levelDurationUsageCapacityBuff effectsStats
Olroth's Resolve603.001075Instant Recovery
(100–150)% increased Charges per use
Excess Life Recovery added as Guard for 10 seconds

List of unique mana flasks

ItemRequired levelDurationUsageCapacityBuff effectsStats
Melting Maelstrom603.001075Effect is not removed when Unreserved Mana is Filled
(200–250)% increased Duration
Every 3 seconds during Effect, deal 50% of Mana spent in those seconds as Chaos Damage to Enemies within 3 metres
Recover all Mana when Used
Deals 25% of current Mana as Chaos Damage to you when Effect ends

See also