Stone Charm
Stone CharmLasts 2.50 Seconds
Consumes 40 of 80 Charges on use
Cannot be StunnedRequires Level 27Used when you become StunnedUsed automatically when condition is met. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refill at Wells or by killing monsters.File:Stone Charm inventory icon.png
Consumes 40 of 80 Charges on use
Cannot be StunnedRequires Level 27Used when you become StunnedUsed automatically when condition is met. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refill at Wells or by killing monsters.File:Stone Charm inventory icon.png
Drop level: 27Metadata
Item class: Utility Flask
Drop level: 27Metadata
Item class: Utility Flask
Stone Charm is a charm base type.
Main page: List of modifiers for charms
Unique versions
The following unique items are derived from this base type.
- There are no unique versions of this item.
Item acquisition
Stone Charm can drop anywhere.
Version history
Version | Changes |
Unknown |