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Quest item

From Path of Exile 2 Wiki
Revision as of 20:45, 29 November 2024 by Blvcksvnbot (talk | contribs) (→‎Version history: add version hx 0.1.0)
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Quest item is an item class for items related to quests; they may be required to progress the quest or a reward for completing a quest or objective, such as killing a specific unique enemy.

Quest items cannot be traded or placed in a stash. They can be dropped on the ground; if they lose the item by changing instances the player may be required to return to the item's source, monster, or NPC to obtain it again.

List of quest items

ItemFlavour text
Asinia's Memorial Key PieceThe Cruelty of the Eternals...
Balbala's Barya"Why are you standing there gawking at me?
We must go to the Trial of the Sekhemas!"
Blue MushroomA curious find...
Chimeral Inscribed UltimatumMortals spend their lives wondering which fate shall be theirs. Chaos takes amusement in knowing the answer: all of them.
Corpse-snake VenomBeware the bite of those serpents that call a human corpse home.
Nature has given them the means to acquire a new dwelling.
Count Lachlann's RingThe Rune of Authority is said to dim one lunar cycle after a Count's soul is laid to rest.
Draven's Memorial Key Piece... shall never be forgotten.
Elegant Idol...prized for their rarity...
Exceptional Idol...and exquisite craftsmanship.
Exquisite IdolBrilliant idols of immense value...
Final LetterExtremely personal words of love, honour,
and hopelessness scrawled by a shaking hand...
It appears to have been carefully written to
avoid revealing who it was intended for.
Gembloom SkullCorruption often causes crystals to grow in strange places...
Gemcrust SkullThe mind springs forth eternal.
Gemrot SkullThe skull of a stolen child, carefully cultivated by the Bog Witch...
Glorious Idol...rewarding any bold enough to seek it.
Golden IdolGolden Treasure lies forgotten...
Grand the depths of an ancient ruin...
Green MushroomA curious find...
Head of the Winter WolfIt howled alone on the eve of the first snow. Now, it snarls forever, heralding the cold.
Ignagduk's Ghastly SpearThe skulls of stolen children adorn carved wood.
Kabala Clan RelicBy the terms of the Third Pact, the Constrictor Queen
was banished from Keth, but given the eastern sands.
Large Soul CoreHeat emanates from the facets,
living warmth encased in crystal.
Mastodon TusksAge-old ivory from a forgotten era.
Medium Soul CoreSomewhere, a distant scream echoes.
Red MushroomA curious find...
Runed GirdleThe Rune on the buckle means
'unity' or 'safety from harm.'
Runed GuardThe Rune at the base of the blade
means 'to strike true' or 'truth.'
Runed Skull CapThe rune emblazoned on the crest means
'freedom' or 'for a worthy cause.'
Runed SpikesTogether, the runes are an oath of peacful
passage and a request for freedom in
pursuit of and important cause.
Sacrificial DaggerDeath is both a mercy and a curse.
Sacrificial HeartA soul still clings to fading shreds of life.
Small Soul CoreAncient facets remain warm to the touch.
Smithing ToolsForgework tools belong to Renly and his son.
Sun Clan RelicBy the terms of the Third Pact, the Sun Clan
agreed to never again attack the Maraketh.
Temple Door IdolThis idol seems strangely shaped, as if made specifically to fit into something.
The Essence of WaterThe last few drops from veins dry as sand.
The Flame CoreIt burns with the heat of rage and murderous intent,
a single soul imprisoned eternally for his crimes.
The Flame RubyIt burns with the primordial heat of a long-ago Wraeclast.
The Hammer of KamasaThe smith may not remember higher
pursuits, but the hammer does.
The Horn of the VastiriWhen Orbala drew in a mighty breath and sounded the Horn, every tent in the whole of the Plains blew wildly open.
Una's LuteThis grelwood heirloom hums softly with latent emotion, imbued by centuries of songs passed from mother to daughter.
Venom Draught of ClarityThe smell is bad enough to make a veteran warrior faint.
Venom Draught of StoneThe smell is bad enough to make a veteran warrior faint.
Venom Draught of the LostThe smell is bad enough to make a veteran warrior faint.
Venom Draught of the MarshesThe smell is bad enough to make a veteran warrior faint.
Venom Draught of the SkyThe smell is bad enough to make a veteran warrior faint.
Venom Draught of the VeilThe smell is bad enough to make a veteran warrior faint.

Uncut gems

Certain quests may provide a quest item version of an uncut gem as a reward.

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Books are quest items that grant the player special bonuses when used. Books can be obtained through quests or vendor recipes.

Books of Skill

Books of Skill typically grant one passive skill point. Certain Books of Skill may grant two. A Book of Skill can be obtained from the following quests (all grant one passive skill point except where otherwise noted):

Books of Regrets

Books of Regrets grant two passive respec points. A Book of Regrets can be obtained from the following quests:

Books of Specialisation

Books of Specialisation grant two weapon set passive skill points. A Book of Specialisation can be obtained from the following quests:

Permanent character boosts

Certain quest items obtained after killing specific unique monsters in the Acts provide permanent increases to stats for the character such as attributes, resistances, or spirit when used.

ItemDescriptionFlavour textDrop monsters
Candlemass' EssenceGrants 8% increased maximum LifeA sense of gratefulness and peace radiates with warmth.
Candlemass' EssenceGrants +20 to Maximum LifeA sense of gratefulness and peace radiates with warmth.
Gembloom SkullGrants +30 to Maximum SpiritCorruption often causes crystals to grow in strange places...
Gemcrust SkullGrants +40 to Maximum SpiritThe mind springs forth eternal.
Gemrot SkullGrants +30 to Maximum SpiritThe skull of a stolen child, carefully cultivated by the Bog Witch...
Head of the Winter WolfGrants +10% to Cold ResistanceIt howled alone on the eve of the first snow. Now, it snarls forever, heralding the cold.
The Flame CoreGrants +10% to Fire ResistanceIt burns with the heat of rage and murderous intent,
a single soul imprisoned eternally for his crimes.
Venom Draught of ClarityGrants 25% increased Mana Regeneration RateThe smell is bad enough to make a veteran warrior faint.
Venom Draught of StoneGrants 25% increased Stun ThresholdThe smell is bad enough to make a veteran warrior faint.
Venom Draught of the LostGrants +10% to Chaos ResistanceThe smell is bad enough to make a veteran warrior faint.
Venom Draught of the MarshesGrants 15% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on YouThe smell is bad enough to make a veteran warrior faint.
Venom Draught of the SkyGrants +5 to all AttributesThe smell is bad enough to make a veteran warrior faint.
Venom Draught of the VeilGrants 30% increased Elemental Ailment ThresholdThe smell is bad enough to make a veteran warrior faint.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.