Chimeral Inscribed UltimatumArea Level: 40 Number of Trials: 4Mortals spend their lives wondering which fate shall be theirs. Chaos takes amusement in knowing the answer: all of them.Take this item to the Temple of Chaos to participate in a Trial of Chaos.
Chimeral Inscribed Ultimatum is a quest item version of an Inscribed UltimatumInscribed UltimatumArea Level: # Number of Trials: #Mortals spend thier lives wondering which fate shall be thiers. Chaos takes amusement in knowking the answer: all of them.Take this item to The Trail of Chaos to participate in a Trial of Chaos. that can be used to gain entry to the Trial of Chaos.
Item acquisition
Chimeral Inscribed Ultimatum has restrictions on where or how it can drop.