|description = Can be consumed with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
|description = Can be consumed with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of Delirium
Revision as of 23:13, 27 December 2024
Distilled ParanoiaStack Size: 10Players in Area are 12% Delirious 15% increased number of Rare MonstersCan be consumed with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of DeliriumRight click this item to open the Instilling window.
Acquisition Drop restricted Drop level: 1 Drops from Delirium monsters.Metadata Item class: Currency Item Metadata ID: Metadata/Items/Currency/DistilledEmotion4
Distilled GreedStack Size: 10Players in Area are 10% Delirious 8% increased Rarity of Items found in this AreaCan be consumed with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of DeliriumRight click this item to open the Instilling window.Distilled EnvyStack Size: 10Players in Area are 15% Delirious 30% increased Waystones found in AreaCan be consumed with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of DeliriumRight click this item to open the Instilling window.Distilled ParanoiaStack Size: 10Players in Area are 12% Delirious 15% increased number of Rare MonstersCan be consumed with other Distilled Emotions to Instil Amulets with Notable Passive Skills or Waystones with Layers of DeliriumRight click this item to open the Instilling window.