Forbidden Gaze Chain TiaraEnergy Shield: 44Requires Level 26, 49 Int(60-100)% increased Energy Shield +(3-5)% to Maximum Cold Resistance +(30-50)% to Cold Resistance 25% reduced Light RadiusKeep your heart as ice, lest your passions stir.Sandstorm Visage Chain TiaraEnergy Shield: 44Requires Level 26, 49 Int+(80-120) to maximum Energy Shield +(20-30) to Dexterity Enemies in your Presence are Blinded Enemies in your Presence gain Critical Weakness every secondA fell wind brings death.The Changing Seasons Seal RelicZarokh, the Eternal drops Sandstorm Visage Cannot restore Honour This item is destroyed when applied to a TrialAll rejoiced when Solerai and Lundara shattered the grey sky, but with the cold banished, sandier climes began to creep in...Place this item on the Relic Altar at the start of the Trial of the Sekhemas