The following unique items are derived from this base type.
Drop level
Drop enabled
Additional drop restrictions
Horns of ByndenHorns of Bynden Rusted GreathelmArmour: 29+20 to Armour (5-15)% increased Rarity of Items found +(20-30) to Strength Gain 1 Rage on Melee Hit Every Rage also grants 1% increased ArmourThe Younger Brother waded into Battle, shrugging off Blows.
Wings of CaelynWings of Caelyn Rusted GreathelmArmour: 29+20 to Armour (5-15)% increased Rarity of Items found +(20-30) to Dexterity Gain 1 Rage on Melee Hit Every Rage also grants 1% increased Stun ThresholdThe older brother rtetained calm in the midst of fury.