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This subpage provides documentation for Template:Pullquote.
The following parameters are available:
Parameter | Description |
text |
same as unnamed parameter {{{1}}} , can be used when there are = symbols inside of a quote
cite |
same as unnamed parameter {{{2}}} , can be used when there are = symbols inside of a quote
align |
defines the style template; can be none , center , left , or right ; defaults to none
Basic usage
{{quote|What would you do if you knew what lay at the end of your path? If you could glimpse your future? If you could change it? For a small gift of silver, you can. Together we will change the stars. Together we will rewrite your prophecy.|Navali, Hatungo of the Karui}}
What would you do if you knew what lay at the end of your path? If you could glimpse your future? If you could change it? For a small gift of silver, you can. Together we will change the stars. Together we will rewrite your prophecy.
Navali, Hatungo of the Karui
{{quote|align=center|Give a man a fish, and you can feed him for a day.<br>But give a fish a man, and you can feed it for a month.|{{il|Song of the Sirens}}}}
Give a man a fish, and you can feed him for a day.
But give a fish a man, and you can feed it for a month.flavour text on Module Error: No results found for item using search term "item_name = Song of the Sirens"
{{quote|align=left|Wielders of the axe and sword often find themselves beset by multiple foes. Expecting this, a trained armsman will employ the deadly Cleave. With a single practiced stroke, a Cleave sweeps sideways to inflict grievous harm to anyone standing nearby, lopping off heads and limbs with ease. As a player gains skill with Cleave, they strike harder, and hit more enemies with each swing of their blade.|Description on the official Path of Exile website<ref>link</ref>}}
Wielders of the axe and sword often find themselves beset by multiple foes. Expecting this, a trained armsman will employ the deadly Cleave. With a single practiced stroke, a Cleave sweeps sideways to inflict grievous harm to anyone standing nearby, lopping off heads and limbs with ease. As a player gains skill with Cleave, they strike harder, and hit more enemies with each swing of their blade.
Description on the official Path of Exile website[1]
Proin dapibus, mi porttitor pharetra ultrices, tellus orci dictum tortor, sed lacinia orci magna nec metus. Morbi tincidunt tellus sit amet odio sagittis convallis. Vestibulum eget fringilla ex, eu cursus justo. Etiam ac arcu orci. Fusce finibus lectus placerat tortor ultricies, eu vehicula purus commodo. Suspendisse lacus tortor, rhoncus eleifend odio at, tincidunt ornare sapien. Pellentesque interdum odio erat, euismod commodo nisl finibus ac. Pellentesque lectus velit, iaculis eget est vitae, consequat semper purus. Aliquam vulputate ornare odio sed mattis. Pellentesque commodo lacus et lectus tincidunt dapibus et porttitor enim. Duis lacinia lectus diam, non malesuada justo hendrerit at. Phasellus condimentum, orci sed mollis varius, urna sapien maximus lacus, ac tempor nunc mauris ut nisl. Phasellus sed eleifend enim. Duis mattis enim vel ante fringilla, id imperdiet leo finibus. Maecenas gravida ultricies erat ut ultrices.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut eget dolor laoreet, molestie nisl nec, scelerisque lacus. Integer lacus quam, semper ut ligula a, elementum ultrices arcu. Pellentesque pulvinar interdum posuere. Sed dignissim ligula at lectus tempus, in bibendum tortor molestie. In tempus suscipit interdum. Integer iaculis ipsum eu dolor scelerisque gravida. Suspendisse suscipit, massa vitae placerat dictum, neque mauris porttitor mauris, at bibendum elit felis at ex. Cras ex elit, ultrices vitae felis nec, pretium suscipit turpis. Aenean orci erat, lobortis vitae tortor et, luctus porttitor erat.
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