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This is the configuration file for Module:Cargo. This file can be edited to allow easy translation/porting of the module to other wikis.

--                        Configuration for Module:Cargo

local cfg = {}

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- i18n
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

cfg.i18n = {}

cfg.i18n.module = 'Module'

cfg.i18n.tooltips = {
    store_rows = 'Attempted to store rows %s to %s (%s total) in table "%s"',

cfg.i18n.errors = {
    -- cargo.store_from_lua
    store_from_lua_invalid_table = 'The table specified "%s" is invalid and does not exist in the data',
    store_from_lua_missing_arguments = 'Module and table arguments are required',

    -- store_mapped_args
    missing_key_in_fields = 'Key "%s" not found in the fields mapping of table "%s"',
    table_object_as_default = 'Warning: table object as default value on key "%s" in mapping of table "%s"',
    missing_key_in_order = 'Fields mapping of table "%s" has the following extra keys that are not handled by order:\n%s',
    handler_returned_nil = 'Handler for "%s.fields.%s" returned nil for argument "%s". Check whether the value is correct for the given field type "%s".',
    argument_required = 'Argument "%s" is required',

    -- cargo.array_query
    duplicate_ids = 'Found duplicates for field "%s":\n %s',
    missing_ids = 'Missing results for "%s" field with values: \n%s',

    -- cargo.table_query
    no_results = 'No results found for the given query.',
    no_join = 'No table join set in data.tables[%s].join',
    missing_unique_field_in_result_row = 'Unique identifier field "%s" was not found in result set - field is either missing or empty. Current row data: <br>%s',

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Constants
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

cfg.limit = 5000

return cfg