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From Path of Exile 2 Wiki
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This subpage provides documentation for Template:Item.

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This template uses the following modules:


Semantic Mediawiki version of the item template.


This template should be used for all items on the wiki and it will take of setting semantic properties, creating an infobox as well as setting categories.

It is meant for usage on permanent pages, do not use it on user pages.

Currently the template is safe to use for the following item types:

  • jewellery
  • armours
  • weapons
  • skill gems

Base parameters

Parameter Value Required PyPoE
Property Description
class str Yes Yes Has item class A valid item class
rarity str Yes Yes Has rarity rarity of the item, one of:
  • Normal
  • Magic
  • Rare
  • Unique
name str Yes Yes Has name Name of the item
name_list str No No Has names

Has lowercase names

List of aliases for this item; this should be used carefully and only for legacy versions of the item (i.e. Caustic Arrow vs Poison Arrow).

The current item name is always added to this list automatically

size_x int No Yes Has inventory width x-size in inventory units, i.e. the width
size_y int No Yes Has inventory height y-size in inventory units, i.e. the height
drop_enabled bool No
Is drop enabled Whether the item is drop enabled; this defaults to true.

Specify false for legacy items that do not drop anymore.

drop_level int No Yes Has drop level At which level the item starts dropping at (may differ from required_level)
required_level int No Yes Has level requirement Which level is required to use the item (may differ from drop_level)
required_dexterity int No Yes Has base dexterity requirement The dexterity requirement of the item if any
required_intelligence int No Yes Has base intelligence requirement The intelligence requirement of the item if any
required_strength int No Yes Has base strength requirement The strength requirement of the item if any
flavour_text str No Yes Has flavour text Flavour text if any (i.e. for unique items, vaal fragments, divination cards, etc)
help_text str No Yes Has help text Help text if any

For some item classes such as gems a default string is inserted if this value is missing.

tags list[str] No Yes Has tags List of internal tags
metadata_id str No Yes Has metadata id Internal metadata id of the item
release_version str No No Has release version

Has release date

The version number of when this item was released. The version must a be a valid version number and there must be a version page or the template will return an error.

The release date property is automatically added when the version is specified - it holds the date of when the version was released.

inventory_icon str No No Property:Has inventory icon This parameter only needs to be specified if the item name does not match the wiki page name.

When specified, the specified text will be used instead of the item name in front of the "inventory icon.png" suffix.

For example:

 name = Baller
 inventory_icon = Test item (cold and fire)
 -> File:Test item (cold and fire) inventory icon.png
alternate_art_inventory_icons list[str] No No Property:Has alternate inventory icons This parameter takes a comma-separated list of alternate art icon names, which each be inserted into the name of the item (or the provided override) and the "inventory icon.png" suffix.

The order of the item matters; if using the item link template, the items will can accessed in that order.

The list items should be named after where they were retrieved from (for example, which race season) and ordered by the date they were added.


 name = Test item
 alternate_art_inventory_icons = race season 1, emberwake
 -> File:Test item race season 1 inventory icon.png, File:Test item 1 emberwake inventory icon.png

Base item

Items with a rarity above normal (i.e. magic/rare/unique) can have a base item set.

When a base item is set, most of the attributes will be copied over to the item and only attributes that differ from the base item need to be set, due to that the base item **must** exist.

There should only be one of the following base item parameters be set; if possible consider using a base item that is guaranteed to be unique.

Note that regardless of which setting was used, all properties will be populated.

Parameter Value PyPoE
Unique Property Property on the base item Description
base_item str No No Has base item Has name Base item name
base_item_id str No Yes Has base item metadata id Has metadata id Base item metadata id.
base_item_page str No Yes Has base item wiki page Base item wiki page.

Setting mods

Mods can be set on any item type.

Generally there are two ways of doing this:

  1. setting the mod id
  2. setting the mod text

The order of the mods does matter - it's how the mod's stats will appear on the item.

Mod id and mod text can mixed up.

All mods will be added to Property:Has mod ids, regardless of where they come from.

Replace the <i> with the order of the mod starting at 1.

Mod parameters

Parameter Value Required PyPoE
Property Description
implicit str No Yes Has implicit mod ids Id of the implicit mod at index i
implicit_text str No Yes Text of the implicit mod at index i
explicit str No Yes Has explicit mod ids Id of the explicit mod at index i
explicit_text str No Yes Text of the explicit mod at index i

Notes about mod id

The mod id must correspond to an existing mod id. please note the mod id may be different from the page itself, look on the particular mod page for the id itself (also see Template:Mod)

The template will calculate adjustments to the base values of the item based on the mods. Make sure that any values on the item itself are set to the **base value** (before applying the stats) and not the final values.

If a base item is supplied for the item, any implicit mods will be copied over. Explicit mods will not be copied.

Notes about mod text

Generally using mod text should be avoided, since it doesn't handle any automated updating of the values. The case where it should be used if there is no appropriate mod on the wiki yet (for example, for upcoming unique items!)

Parameters available to groups of item classes

Parameters that apply to various groups of item classes.


Eligible item classes:

Life Flasks, Mana Flasks, Hybrid Flasks, Utility Flasks, Critical Utility Flasks

Parameter Value Required Description
flask_duration int No How long the flask lasts
charges_max int No Maximum number of charges the flask holds
charges_per_use int No Charges consumed when the flask is used


Eligible item classes:

'Claws', 'Daggers', 'Wands', 'One Hand Swords', 'Thrusting One Hand Swords', 'One Hand Axes', 'One Hand Maces', 'Bows', 'Staves', 'Two Hand Swords', 'Two Hand Axes', 'Two Hand Maces', 'Sceptres'

Parameter Value Required Description
critical_strike_chance int No Base critical strike chance of the weapon
attack_speed int No Base attack speed of the weapon
damage_min int No Minimum base physical damage of the weapon
damage_max int No Maximum base physical damage of the weapon
range int No Range in game units of the weapon


Eligible item classes:

'Gloves', 'Boots', 'Body Armours', 'Helmets', 'Shields'

Parameter Value Required Description
armour int No Armour of the armour
energy_shield int No Energy Shield of the armour
evasion int No Evasion Rating of the armour


Eligible item classes:

'Active Skill Gems', 'Support Skill Gems'

They also inherit all parameters from the Skill template.

Parameter Value Required Property Description
gem_tags list[str] No Has gem tags

Has gem tags difference

List of gem tags.

The gem tags will be matched against a list of verified tags. Any tags that are not present on the gem will be added to Property:Has gem tags difference.

dexterity_percent int No Has dexterity percentage Dexterity portion of the gem stat distribution.

For pure gems, this is usually 100 for the primary attribute and 0 for the other attribute. For hybrid gems, this is usually 60 for the primary attribute, 40 for the secondary attribute, and 0 for the remaining attribute.

strength_percent int No Has strength percentage Strength portion of the gem stat distribution.
intelligence_percent int No Has intelligence percentage Intelligence portion of the gem stat distribution.

With all arguments supplied, these properties will also be set:

Property Description
Has primary attribute Will be set to the primary attribute (highest percentage)


Eligible item classes:

'Currency', 'Stackable Currency', 'Hideout Doodads', 'Microtransactions', 'Divination Card'

Parameter Value Required Description
stack_size int No Maximum stack size of the item

Parameters specific to a single item class

Parameters specific to item classes

Class Parameter Value Required PyPoE
Life Flasks

Hybrid Flasks

flask_life int No Yes How much Life the flask recovers
Mana Flasks

Hybrid Flasks

flask_mana int No Yes How much Mana the flask recovers
Shields block int No Yes The base chance to block on shields
Amulets is_talisman bool No Yes Whether the amulet is a talisman (defaults to no)

Hideout Doodads

Parameter Value Required PyPoE
is_master_doodad bool No Yes Whether this doodad is a doodad that can be bought from a master
master str No Yes Name of the forsaken master who sells this doodad
master_level_requirement int No Yes Which master level the forsaken master sell the doodad at
master_favour_cost int No Yes How master favour the doodad costs
variation_count int No Yes Number of available variations for this doodad

See also