Shackles of the Wretched Aged CuffsArmour: 22 Energy Shield: 9Requires Level 16, 15 Str, 15 Int(30-50)% increased Armour and Energy Shield You cannot be Chilled for 6 seconds after being Chilled You cannot be Frozen for 6 seconds after being Frozen You cannot be Ignited for 6 seconds after being Ignited You cannot be Shocked for 6 seconds after being Shocked Curses you inflict are reflected back to youCaptivity breeds creativity.
Modifiers to curse effect, such as Heightened Curse apply to the reflected curse. Only curses with a duration can be reflected - curses applied by Blasphemy and Cursed Ground will not be reflected. Doom blast from Impending Doom is not triggered when the reflected curse expires.
Item acquisition
Shackles of the Wretched can drop anywhere. It can be chanced.