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Renly is an NPC that lives in the Clearfell Encampment in Act 1. He is the Warrior's adoptive father.

As a vendor, he sells martial weapons and armours.


Introduction (Warrior)

Where've you been, lad? I've been worried sick! I looked for you everywhere, but when I couldn't find you...

Well, it's a good thing you managed to escape the Count's 'justice', let just say that. It seems the First Ones have graced us with fortune.

We could sorely use your strenght in these dark times.


Renly's the name. You're skilled with the violence, if what you did out there is the riverbanks in any sign. Another refugee from the Count's 'justice,' I take it.

Well have no fear. This place is somewhat of a hideaway for many of us now, and we could sorely use your skills in these dark times.

I'll smith for you what I can, if you're willing to bend your violence toward our defence.


Well this place was never meant to house this many people, especially not the sick and injured, but there's nowhere else to go.

The monsters creeping out of the forest keep us locked within these wooden walls, and the Count's tyranny has made outlaws of everyone here, so nobody is coming to save us.

I don't have the heart to tell the others that I don't see a way to survive this. I put on a brave face, but it's the truth.


This part of Phaaryl has been a fair home for many an Ezomyte generation. The clans didn't always get along, but we had to settle our feuds when the Eternals laid their savage boot upon us.

We weren't able to take part in the Bloody Flowers Rebellion, but we had our share of conflict with them here. Their ruins run over top of ours, fighting a silent war in stone.

The Miller

It's a shame what happened to old Branoc. He was a kind man in life, but I can't say I'll miss the creature he became.

He tried to batter his way in for five full days once he rose again. We thought we were done for, but then you came along... and I'm glad you did.

Fatherhood (Warrior)

I know I'm not your father, lad, but I've tried hard to raise you the best I can. I don't know how the Karui might have taught you, but I imagine you'd still be the man you are today.

You've always had a strong will. That's what truly makes you an Ezomyte, no matter where you were born.


Bad enough I have all these folks to protect. I've been worried sick about my son ever since the Count's men arrested him.

I was hoping you might have seen him when you were in their custody. He's a big lad, and you can't miss him, because, well... he's not from around here.

I found him washed up on the riverbanks when he was just a child, a Karui foundling, perhaps lost by some raiding party. Nobody ever came for him, though.

Every day here in Clearfell, I keep my eyes on the river, hoping he'll miraculously wash up on its lonely sands just one more time...

The Grelwood

That place used to be a kind and warm wood. I even played there when I was young.

It's a dark well now, with no way out for most. I'd go with you, but I've got people to protect here.


I've had a few things go missing around the forge when Finn was nearby, but I can't begrudge the lad. His father refused to acknowledge him, so he was left clanless at an early age.

Underneath that boastful exterior, there's just-well, I'm sure it's obvious, even to strangers. His mother was a kind and honest woman. Shame he doesn't take after her.

Twisted Animals

A curse has befallen this land. That's what Una feels. That's what I say, too. The beasts of Ogham have been friendly to men until a shadow started oozing out of the Manor.

These rabid and misshapen animals are not to blame. They've been driven mad by something we can't see, only feel in our bones. Last time I felt something like this, I was a much younger man...

The Devourer

There's a beast of particular dark power stalking us out in the Felling. It moves unseen under the dirt, and attacks without warning. We can't leave the walls to find food, and I've been unable to corner and slay the beast myself.

Now if you could channel your violence against this 'Devourer,' as Finn calls it, we'd be indebted to you.

The Devourer (complete)

Ahh, finally! Took down the Devourer, did you? That's incredible! This is the first real success we've had against the darkness. We can breathe a bit easier now, perhaps even go out and gather food.

This won't cover our debt to you, not nearly, but take it as thanks.

Secrets in the Dark

Here are your spikes but... be cautious. They stayed warm after the forging no matter how many times I quenched them.

I would ask what you need these for, but I'm putting my trust in you.

The Hooded One

This 'Hooded One' is here on your honour. Don't take this as a threat, but it's your head if he turns out to be as evil as he looks.

Cemetery of the Eternals

Tread as heavily as you like, The Eternals stomped their graves all over ours, when they had a conqueror's foothold here. Now if those graves have turned up and released their dead, take our vengeance on them.

Some even say, when the night is darkest, our ancestors still fight theirs among the tombs. I don't doubt it. A true Ezomyte never surrenders their land, not even in death.

The Village

The thought of our village on fire... oh, my heart feels heavy. We'll get back there someday. Reclaim our lands, rebuild. Mark my words.

Part of me is angry I wasn't there to defend the place, but I know I was needed by these good folks far more. I can't imagine what would have happened if they'd been out here defenseless.

Una's Music

The girl's a shining light in a time of darkness. If it weren't for her music, I - well, I don't know what I'd do.

Every time I listen to her songs, I know I have to try harder to defend this place, any fear and excuses be damned.

Count Geonor

The Count's name will not be remembered in our songs. Hah! Good riddance.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.

See also