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Trial of the Sekhemas

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An example of a Trial Map.

The Trial of the Sekhemas is one of three Ascension Trials, first accessible in Act 2. It is a randomized gauntlet of rooms filled with monsters and traps that must be traversed before the player runs out of Honour. It is based on the Forbidden Sanctum from Path of Exile 1.


To gain access, the player must first defeat Balbala, the Traitor and obtain Balbala's Barya. This coin can be placed within the Relic Altar to begin the trial. Doing so will grant access to the entire first floor of the Trial. Higher level Djinn Baryas obtained later in the game provide access to additional floors and improved rewards, and are also tradeable. Each floor contains 8 rooms, with the 8th room being a boss. There are 4 floors in total.

The player can preview the layout and room connections of the current floor, as well as a limited number of columns of rooms ahead, including their layout, objectives, rewards, and afflictions.

Damage taken during the Trial of the Sekhemas will also damage your Honour, which cannot be recovered by normal means. Running out of Honour will fail the trial.

The exile may be supported or impeded by Boons and Afflictions, special buffs and debuffs that persist throughout the trial. Sacred Water may be traded with Balbala for boons and relics.

All of your progress, including Honour, Sacred Water, Boons, Afflictions, etc. are carried over between floors. A full Trial contains 4 floors, each containing 8 rooms. The 8th room of each floor always contains a Boss. Crashing during a Trial room will reset the room's progress, as long as the player did not fail the room due to honour loss. However, any changes to your honour during the room's progress will be retained. Sacred Water and rewards are locked in upon successful completion of a room. It is possible to return back into a completed room from the reward room to kill any remaining enemies or open chests.

Each Trial run is independent between characters on the same account.

Relic Altar

  • The Relic Altar is unlocked automatically when Balbala's Barya is brought into the starting area.
  • Each character has its own Relic Altar and uses separate Relics. However, the Relic Locker is shared between all of your characters in the same league.
  • Relics placed in the Relic Altar are locked in for the entire Trial run as soon as they are confirmed and cannot be added or removed in the middle of a run. The current run must be completed, failed, or forfeited to add or remove Relics.
  • The Relic Altar contains 18 inventory spaces, but 12 are initially locked and can be obtained by defeating specific floor bosses or opening specific types of key caches.
  • Unlocking the Ritual Altar for the first time will reward the player with a magic rarity Urn Relic.


Locked inventory spaces for the Relic Altar can be unlocked by completing various floors in the Trial.

Row Column Unlocking Requirement
1 1 Complete the Test of Cunning
1 2 Complete the Test of Strength
1 3 Complete the Test of Strength
1 4 Complete the Test of Will
2 1 Complete the Test of Will
2 5 Complete the Test of Cunning
3 1 Complete the Test of Cunning
3 5 Complete the Test of Time
4 2 Complete the Test of Time
4 3 Complete the Test of Strength
4 4 Complete the Test of Will
4 5 Complete the Test of Time



  • Honour is an additional stat player characters have while participating in the Trial.
  • The default maximum Honour is based on the sum of the player's default maximum life and energy shield upon starting the trial. Honour is maintained between rooms, and the player is ejected from the Trial if it hits 0, resetting all floors and rooms. Being ejected does not count as a death, nor does it remove experience.
    • If a player levels up within the Trial, causing the player to gain additional life, an equivalent amount of Honour and maximum Honour will also be increased.[1]
  • Honour is lost from hits from monsters or traps in the Trial. Closer proximity to monsters reduces the Honour lost on hit.[confirmation needed]
  • Minions and non-party allies do not cause Honour to be lost if hit.
  • A fixed amount of Honour can be restored in Fountain rooms.
  • Gaining additional Maximum Honour will also cause the character to gain current Honour of the same amount. Losing Maximum Honour will not further affect the current Honour.
  • Honour Resistance reduces the amount of Honour lost by the listed percentage.

Sacred Water

  • Sacred Water is a type of non-tradeable currency can be found in the Trial from chests or killed enemies. It appears as light blue droplets of water emitting a blue energy. Sacred Water is collected automatically when the player is near it.
  • Sacred Water can be traded to the merchant for a small amount of Honour recovery, various Boons, or relics.
  • Sacred Water is maintained between rooms and floors, and is reset when the Trial run ends.

Leftover Sacred Water can be converted into Keys at the Keth Forge in the cache reward room after a floor boss. 500 for a Silver Key.


Completing a room may reward the player with a Bronze Key, Silver Key, or Gold Key. Bronze and Silver Keys can be infrequently obtained from defeating monsters or opening chests and other loot containers in Trial areas.

Keys can also be obtained by converting Sacred Water in the Keth Forge in the cache reward room after a floor boss.

These can be used to open their respective caches at the end of the trial for various items and rewards.


  • Major boons are grouped in a symbol with a very thick and bright yellow-bordered boon symbol, while all minor boons are grouped in a plain yellow-bordered boon symbol. Boons are shown when hovering the according symbol.
  • Boons grant various benefits to your Trial run and can help recover or mitigate damage to your Honour, increase your Sacred Water and rewards, debuff monsters, or provide other helpful buffs.
Boon Type Image Boon Name Description Merchant cost
Major Boon Earned Honour Restore 9 of your Honour on room completion
Major Boon Sekhema's Cloak Upon reaching 0 Life, revive once with Full Honour
Minor Boon Adrenaline Vial Restore 30% of your Honour on entering a Boss Room
Minor Boon Honoured Challenger 50% increased Honour restored
Minor Boon Viscous Ichor Monsters have 20% reduced Action Speed 320
Minor Boon Orbala Statuette You have 25% more Maximum Life
Minor Boon Flooding Rivers 50% more Sacred Water found 420
Minor Boon Hare Foot 60% increased Movement Speed
Minor Boon Fountain of Youth Restore 40 of your Honour when you venerate a Maraketh Shrine
Minor Boon Silver Chalice The next Minor Boon you gain is converted into a random Major Boon


  • Major afflictions are grouped in a symbol with a very thick and bright purple-bordered boon symbol, while all minor afflictions are grouped in a plain purple-bordered affliction symbol. Afflictions are shown when hovering according symbol.
  • Afflictions grant various downsides to your Trial run and can reduce or prevent Honour recovery, spawn additional traps, buff monsters, affect your Sacred Water generation, or hide rooms or rewards on the Trial Map.
Affliction Type Icon Affliction Name Description
Minor Affliction Blunt Sword You and your Minions deal 40% less Damage
Minor Affliction Dishonoured Tattoo 100% increased Damage Taken while on Low Life
Minor Affliction Hungry Fangs Monsters remove 3% of your Life, Mana, and Energy Shield on Hit
Minor Affliction Sharpened Arrowhead You have no Armour
Minor Affliction Spiked Shell Monsters have 50% increased Maximum Life
Minor Affliction Spiked Exit Take 25 Physical Damage upon Room Completion
Minor Affliction Trade Tariff 50% increased Merchant prices


Players may sometimes be able to take on a Pledge to Kochai the Inscrutable at a Shrine, allowing the player to pick one of three Pledges which provide significant upsides and downsides.

Accursed Pact outcomes
Icon Upside Downside
Gain a specific Minor Boon Lose 25% Maximum Honour
Gain a random Major Boon Lose 50% Maximum Honour
Gain 2 random Minor Boons Lose 50% Maximum Honour
Gain a specific Minor Boon Gain a specific Minor Affliction
Lose a specific Minor Boon Lose a specific Minor Affliction
Gain a specific Minor Boon Gain a random Minor Affliction
Lose a specific Minor Affliction Gain a random Minor Affliction
Gain a random Minor Boon Gain a random Minor Affliction
Lose a random Minor Affliction Lose a random Minor Boon
Gain 3 random Minor Boons Gain a specific Major Affliction
Lose 3 random Minor Afflictions Gain a random Major Affliction
Gain a random Major Boon Lose 3 random Minor Boons


  • Spike Trap: Several large spikes will shoot out of the ground periodically.
  • Flamethrower Trap: A four-way flamethrower spins around in a circle. Some ruined walls may provide paths to avoid them.

Trial objectives

Each room contains one of the following trial objectives:

  • Chalice Trial - Defeat the Rare Monsters: The player must defeat all of the rare monsters in the room to fill the blood chalice. Clearing 50% of the rare monsters will cause an indicator to appear, pointing towards remaining rare monsters.
  • Escape Trial - Disable the Crystals: The player must disable all of the Death Crystals in the room. Any Crystals still active when the timer expires will deal damage. Clicking a Crystal adds time to the timer and indicates the direction of the next Crystal.
  • Ritual Trial - Defeat the Ritual Casters: Defeat the Ritual Casters to close the portals spawning endless monsters.
  • Gauntlet Trial - Find the Exit: Find the exit, avoiding traps and monsters. Players will need to pull coloured levers to unlock paths.
  • Hourglass Trial - Survive: Survive until the timer expires. Killing rare monsters reduces the timer.

Room Reward Types

Note: All room types other than boss rooms can become Afflicted. Afflicted rooms are indicated by a purple border and cause the character to gain an Affliction on entry.

Sacred Water Fountain

Contains a fountain containing Sacred Water; comes in 2 types: Regular or Large.


  • Honour Tabina: Players can spend 5 Sacred Water to recover 25% of your Honour before increases.
  • Honour Balbala: Players can spend 5 Sacred Water to recover 20% of Honour and gain a random Boon.
  • Honour Ahkeli: Spend 5 Sacred Water to Restore ~25% of your Honour before increases, gain a random Minor Affliction.


Pledge to Kochai: Players can spend 5 Sacred Water to select one of three random Pledges.


Merchant rooms contain the NPC Balbala, the Released who sells you Boons or relics in exchange for Sacred Water. Boons cost have individual prices, while relics cost 300, 400, or 500 Sacred Water based on their size.


Each room in the Sanctum contains a number of normal and rare enemies. All rare enemies must be killed before being able to complete the room.

Floor Bosses

Sanctum Bosses
Boss Name Boss Room Description
Rattlecage, the Earthbreaker Collapsing Cavern ???
Hadi of the Flaming River
Rafiq of the Frozen Spring
??? ???
??? ??? ???
Zarokh, the Eternal ??? ???



Main page: Ascendancy class

Completing a floor in the Trial at certain level thresholds will allow players to unlock their Ascendancy class and ascendancy passive skill points. The room also contains a Keth Forge to convert leftover Sacred Water into keys, and Balbala appears as a merchant to sell Relics.

The first ascendancy and the first set of points (2) can be obtained with the quest item Balbala's Barya. To obtain subsequent ascendency points with this ascendancy method you must complete more floors on the Trial of the Sekhemas with a random drop key. The number of floor available is determined by the area level of the Djinn Baryas used.

Area level Available trial
< 45 1
45 - 59 2
60 - 74 3
> 74 4

Key caches

After defeating each floor boss, players can enter a vault with several reward caches. These vary from Bronze, Silver, and Gold, and can be opened by spending one of the respective keys. These are the following types of caches:

  • Warrior's Cache: Contains weapons
  • Mage's Cache: Contains caster weapons and foci
  • Helmet Cache: Contains helmets
  • Body Armour Cache: Contains body armours
  • Shield Cache: Contains shields
  • Jewellery Cache: Contains jewellery
  • Royal Cache: Contains jewels
  • Arcanist's Cache: Contains currency
  • Hoarder's Cache: Contains random items
  • Mysterious Cache:

Bronze Caches typically drop three items, Silver Caches drop multiple items, and Gold Caches drop even more items.

Time-Lost Jewels

Time-Lost Jewels are jewel base types that can be found in randomly throughout the trial from monsters or chests. These jewels roll modifiers that affect passive nodes within its radius.


Main page: Relic

Relics are a type of item that is exclusive to the Trial of the Sekhemas. They can be placed in the Relic Altar to provide buffs various beneficial stats that can make the run easier or more rewarding.

  • Relics can be found within the Trial of the Sekhemas from monsters or purchased for Sacred Water.
  • They can be stored in a special separate stash called the Relic Locker, which can also be placed as a hideout decoration.
  • To equip a relic, they must be placed in the Relic Altar on a 5x4 grid with two of the corner slots blocked off. Additional grid slots can be unlocked as you progress, up to a total of 18 slots.
  • Relics are craftable. Magic relics can have up to two modifiers. They cannot become rare.
  • The pool of modifiers relics can roll depends on the total number of inventory slots it takes up, ranging from 2/3/4 or small/medium/large respectively.

Party mechanics

  • The Trial of the Sekhema's choices are made by the area's instance owner.
  • All party members share Honour.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.
