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Precursor tablet

From Path of Exile 2 Wiki
Revision as of 20:54, 22 November 2024 by Bloonpauper (talk | contribs)
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Precursor Tablets are items that can be placed within Precursor Towers and consumed to add additional map mechanic encounters to maps within the range of the tower in the Atlas. A given mechanic will drop tablets for itself, making Atlas content self-sustaining. Tablets can be normal or magic, but not rare, and be crafted with currency.

Breach Precursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range contain Breaches65
Delirium Precursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range contain Mirrors of Delirium65
Expedition Precursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range contain Expedition Encounters65
Overseer Precursor TabletUp to (3-7) Maps in Range contain Bosses65
Precursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range are Irradiated65
Ritual Precursor Tablet(5-10) Maps in Range contain Ritual Altars65