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Una is an NPC that lives in the Clearfell Encampment in Act 1.


Introduction (Warrior)

You're alive! I know you and I nver met in the village, but Renly hasn't stopped worrying about you sice he arrived here. This is the first bit of good news we've had!

Welcome to the camp of the lost. I am Una.


Welcome to the camp of the lost. I am Una. This may sound strange, but I recently had a dream about a pagan arriving here... perhaps you are here for a reason...




The Devourer

The Old Forest


Secrets in the Dark

All this began the night Count took his most loyal men into the Old Forest. That's when his growing madnes began.

Something happend out there... please. I beg of you, use your strenght for all our sakes. Travel into the woods. There must be some clue. Find out what you can.

I fear that our land's sickness will only deepen unless somethins is done.

Version history

Version Changes
  • Introduced to the game.