Passive skill tree

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The passive skill tree allows the player to use passive skill points to allocate passive skills. The passive skill tree is composed of travel nodes, small passive skills, notables, and keystones. Passive skill points are earned by levelling up and completing quests.
In total you can get up to 122 passive skill points.

Weapon specialisation

Your passive skill tree can change as you switch between weapon set 1 (red) and 2 (green), allowing you to take advantage of specific bonus on the tree. In case you want to stick with just one weapon set you can use the specialisation points as bonus points and invest them on anything but keystones. You can get weapon specialisation points through optional bosses and quests. You can earn your first weapon specialisation points through the Book of Specialisation, acquired from killing the optional boss The Crowbell in Act 1.

Passive tree variations

The passive skills near the starting areas for each class can have three variations based on the player's chosen class. For example, the pure intelligence starting area will grant increased spell damage for a Sorceress, but the same passives in that location grant increased minion damage for a Witch. If the player is neither of those two classes, the area will instead have a third variant which provides different stats.[1]

Attribute small passives

Small passive nodes travelling across the entire tree grant +5 to a chosen attribute (strength, dexterity, or intelligence). This choice can be changed freely for half the gold cost to respec a passive point. The passive does not need to be respecced to be changed.