{{c|mod|Only affects Passives in (Very Small-Massive) Ring}}: This modifier rolls as a range of 1-8:
* 1: Very Small
* 2: Small
* 3: Medium-Small
* 4: Medium
* 5: Medium-Large
* 6: Large
* 7: Large-Very Large
* 8: Massive
If [[corrupted]] to 9, the ring size modifier will visually disappear.
{{Item acquisition}}
{{Item acquisition}}
Revision as of 15:48, 28 December 2024
Controlled Metamorphosis DiamondLimited to: 1 Radius: VariableOnly affects Passives in (Very Small-Massive) Ring Passives in Radius can be Allocated without being connected to your tree (-20--5)% to all Elemental Resistances (-23--3)% to Chaos ResistanceOur world was dying, but we chose to survive. We broke free from the chains within.Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.